Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

That doesn't matter. In America, couples get benefits from marriage. To not give one couple the benefits you give another group of couples, just because they aren't boy and girl, is unconstitutional.
The only reason the Government wanted to allow queers to marry was so they could tax them different.
Mormons do NOT have multiple wife's liar.
Isn't that why Mitt Romney's dad left the country? So yes, at one time in America, mormons had two wives. And they were married. And no "christians" questioned it like they are now with gays.

Anyways, denying gays the right to marry is unconstitutional. That's already been settled.
Isn't that why Mitt Romney's dad left the country? So yes, at one time in America, mormons had two wives. And they were married. And no "christians" questioned it like they are now with gays.

Anyways, denying gays the right to marry is unconstitutional. That's already been settled.
IT has been out of the church since 1890, go peddle your lies elsewhere.
Isn't that why Mitt Romney's dad left the country? So yes, at one time in America, mormons had two wives. And they were married. And no "christians" questioned it like they are now with gays.

Anyways, denying gays the right to marry is unconstitutional. That's already been settled.
Actually, ever since the founding of the church until it stopped the practice with a Church commandment from God. the Government and private citizens hounded the Church over it liar.
IT has been out of the church since 1890, go peddle your lies elsewhere.

Just remember who you're defending. The Mormon story goes something like this. When Joseph Smith turned 18 he prayed asking God which Church should he join. Catholics, baptists, protestants, lutherans, presbytarians, etc???? God answered. He said don't join any of them. They have all lost their authority from god during the dark ages. Corrupt popes. The connection between your church and God has been lost.

So God did a do over. He visited Joseph Smith in 1820 and told him to start a new church. So Mormon's do not think you traditional Christians are going to heaven. You're following a false religion. Lies. That bible of yours has been heavily edited and altered by the Catholic Church, who is all pedophiles.
Just remember who you're defending. The Mormon story goes something like this. When Joseph Smith turned 18 he prayed asking God which Church should he join. Catholics, baptists, protestants, lutherans, presbytarians, etc???? God answered. He said don't join any of them. They have all lost their authority from god during the dark ages. Corrupt popes. The connection between your church and God has been lost.

So God did a do over. He visited Joseph Smith in 1820 and told him to start a new church. So Mormon's do not think you traditional Christians are going to heaven. You're following a false religion. Lies. That bible of yours has been heavily edited and altered by the Catholic Church, who is all pedophiles.
I am a member of the church and your spin and lies will get nowhere with me
I am a member of the church and your spin and lies will get nowhere with me
Am I wrong? Didn't God tell Joseph Smith the traditional Christian sects all lost their way? Their moral authority? Their connection to God?

During the Dark ages when Pope's were appointed because they were rich, not good. They were mean, evil, child molesters and to this day, homosexuals. The Catholic Church you can clearly see has lost it's connection to God.

So it was smart for Joseph Smith to make that up because we all believe that about Christianity. Great angle. Don't join one of those churches, start your own. Brilliant!

And Magic Underwear. You got yours on?
The same reality where women have penises and not prosecuting crime reduces crime?
Why are you less excepting of trannies than Donald Trump? He said Kaitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom he wants and get married at Mara Lago. Why are Trump's followers so upset and Trump's cool with it?
Why are you less excepting of trannies than Donald Trump? He said Kaitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom he wants and get married at Mara Lago. Why are Trump's followers so upset and Trump's cool with it?

At Trump's own property?

Different than forcing it on kids in schools and women in public spaces.
At Trump's own property?

Different than forcing it on kids in schools and women in public spaces.
His business' are public spaces you retard.

I thought the fear was an adult fake tranny was going to go into your daughters bathroom at Chic Fil A. Now you care what bathroom little trannies at your daughters school pee in? Moving the goal post are you?
It's all anyone needs. Who cares what you think of what they call it? Stop whining, nobody gives a shit.

Every insurrectionist should have to tatoo their forehead vergogna.

And I'm sorry Mr. Alito but what a bad attitude you have.

Alito, meanwhile, raised eyebrows for his response to Windor’s question about the polarized state of American politics. “One side or the other is going to win,” Alito said on the recording. “There are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised.”

Win what? What differences can't be compromised? I would love for Alito to tell us.

What a piece of shit

This is a verbal confirmation of his lack of impartiality when deciding these cases. If you say there’s fundamental things that can’t be compromised, what are those things?
Clearly. They aren't even subtle anymore. Something has to be done. Like, Clarence needs to give his seat to Merrick Garland. John Oliver is offering Clarence $1 million dollars a year for life to retire. What's he waiting for?

I think we can get Alito to retire too. His wife wants to fly her freak flags. Calls his job nonsense. Says she can't wait till he's done with that stupid job so she can make a flag. She said it's how she gets herself off. And her flag says VERGOGNA which is Italian for SHAME. LOL What a bitch huh?

We lived with a liberal court for 50 years, suck it up buckaroo and quit yer bitchin.

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