Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

Secular unions, marriage is Christian! Use the Bathroom that is in accordance with how you were born, male, or female.
There were about 1.2 million same-sex couple households in the United States in 2021, according to recently released Census Bureau data.

Roughly 710,000 of the same-sex couple households were married and about 500,000 were unmarried.

Married Married Married Married Married Married

Trump said Kaitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom SHE wants at his hotels and resorts.
There were about 1.2 million same-sex couple households in the United States in 2021, according to recently released Census Bureau data.

Roughly 710,000 of the same-sex couple households were married and about 500,000 were unmarried.

Married Married Married Married Married Married

Trump said Kaitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom SHE wants at his hotels and resorts.
This is a concerted effort to destroy the family by the Left.
This is a concerted effort to destroy the family by the Left.
Really you drama king?

the Census Bureau estimates that as of 2021, 711,129 of the nation's 61.3 million married-couple households, or 1.2%, involved same-sex married couples.

It's not their fault straight men don't want to have children. Pay them more. We took your advice. Not having children we can't afford.

Funny Republicans have FAITH in the Supreme Court but not the lower courts. When we see the SUPREME Court is taking money from billionaires. The high court isn't bound by the same ethics the lower judges are. Why is that? I won't have faith in them till they stop taking money from billionaires and flying their flags upside down like insurrectionists.
I know Republicans like the new Supreme Court because it's filled with a bunch of new people willing to legislate from the bench but besides them, does anyone trust this new Supreme Court? Taking money from millionaires and legislating over decisions that will effect their business' and our clean air? Do the Supreme Court Republicans, because that's what they are, know they work for all of us? Nope. He thinks we're a Christian Nation

No wonder they have record low approval ratings.

Oh yea and Roe V Wade.
No. The court is hopelessly compromised.
There were about 1.2 million same-sex couple households in the United States in 2021, according to recently released Census Bureau data.

Roughly 710,000 of the same-sex couple households were married and about 500,000 were unmarried.

Married Married Married Married Married Married

Trump said Kaitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom SHE wants at his hotels and resorts.
I covered this! Yep, they can call it anything they want, it isn't marriage in God's eyes and that is all that matters. the entire Gay marriage issue was a way for sexually deviant people to not feel guilty, it was a finger in the eye to a Holy God, but every one will have to answer to God!
Your low IQ, shit brained bigotry just doesn't carry any weight.
Why is it bigotry I do not care what they do just don't call it marriage that is a Christian institution. Pretty tired of all you leftist twats saying I have to accept anything you think up, because you know tolerance but then show no tolerance for anyone who thinks different, sit and spin asshat🖕
No. The court is hopelessly compromised.
Clearly. They aren't even subtle anymore. Something has to be done. Like, Clarence needs to give his seat to Merrick Garland. John Oliver is offering Clarence $1 million dollars a year for life to retire. What's he waiting for?

I think we can get Alito to retire too. His wife wants to fly her freak flags. Calls his job nonsense. Says she can't wait till he's done with that stupid job so she can make a flag. She said it's how she gets herself off. And her flag says VERGOGNA which is Italian for SHAME. LOL What a bitch huh?

Clearly. They aren't even subtle anymore. Something has to be done. Like, Clarence needs to give his seat to Merrick Garland. John Oliver is offering Clarence $1 million dollars a year for life to retire. What's he waiting for?

I think we can get Alito to retire too. His wife wants to fly her freak flags. Calls his job nonsense. Says she can't wait till he's done with that stupid job so she can make a flag. She said it's how she gets herself off. And her flag says VERGOGNA which is Italian for SHAME. LOL What a bitch huh?

ProgSpeak for "The court no longer has the ability to make shit up for our side, so WAAAAAAAAAA"

Trump was so mad that the Supreme Court didn't go along with his coup in 2020 but it wasn't close enough so like Pence, they didn't go along. If it was closer, like 2000, they most definitely would have went along.

And to that I say VERGOGNA!
Trump was so mad that the Supreme Court didn't go along with his coup in 2020 but it wasn't close enough so like Pence, they didn't go along. If it was closer, like 2000, they most definitely would have went along.

And to that I say VERGOGNA!


I covered this! Yep, they can call it anything they want, it isn't marriage in God's eyes and that is all that matters. the entire Gay marriage issue was a way for sexually deviant people to not feel guilty, it was a finger in the eye to a Holy God, but every one will have to answer to God!
God doesn't exist and we are not a Christian nation. Next question?

Atheists can marry too. And we say we are married and this is our wife/husband. Some of us don't get MARRIED in Church. We go to the court.

We don't have to be married in a Christian Church you know.

Muslims and Jews call it marriage too. Hell, Mormons say you can be married to more than one woman. Are you telling them to stop calling it marriage? What's your fixation on what gay's are doing. You sin too. All a gay has to do is believe in Jesus and BOOM, they get into heaven too. Doesn't matter what sins they do. Same with you.
Trump was so mad that the Supreme Court didn't go along with his coup in 2020 but it wasn't close enough so like Pence, they didn't go along. If it was closer, like 2000, they most definitely would have went along.

And to that I say VERGOGNA!
The SCOTUS had no Interest in a civil war.

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