Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

Yeah, you leech off of your brother. You try and make it a brag, but underneath you are seething that he's rich....and you aren't.

What did he do right, that you didn't? He's younger than you correct?

I can see how that would bug you.

Well it does suck that I have to work another 9 years till 62 and he retired at 54.

He's one of the reason I rail against out of control CEO pay. He should have made $500K a year not a million. And the workers should have got the other half. I'm ONLY glad about it because it's him, my brother. And my nephews want for nothing. I'm constantly telling them how much better they have it than when we were kids. Am I jealous of them too? A little. But each generation should want the next to do better than them. Some fathers and uncles get jealous if their kids or brother does better than them. Not me. I've always expected him to do better than me. I'm just glad I'm not the typical 50 something year old.

BUT, you do make a good point. If I would have just went to Ford when I graduated, I would already be retired at age 47. WITH a 30 year pension. This is why I say America isn't as great as it used to be. I had to get a college degree, I'm upper middle class, and STILL I have to work till I'm 62. 65 if I don't want to pay for healthcare for a 63 year old man. Probably gonna be real expensive.

My dad got a 20 year pension at Ford. Between him and my medical biller mom, he too retired at 59 years old. God damn! Pretty good for a cook with not even a high school degree. He never made more than $12 hr. Together they amassed $800K in wealth.

I'm jealous of them. So should most Americans who now, today, only make $50K a year. Isn't that the median wage?

God you're wrong on so many levels.
alito admits in the interview that he will not compromise and that one side must win.

i think that we get the threat of christian nationalism, and how these traitors are hiding behind their first amendment interpretation the same way hamas hides behind gazan children.

Earlier this week the Supreme's ruled that it's okay for them to receive gifts from billionaires AFTER they have ruled on something, just not before.

ZERO confidence in this court.

This is why we should have elected Gore, Hillary and now Biden. Because the president picks replacements when these judges retire. Sounds like Alito will retire if Trump wins. Vergogna!

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