Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

His business' are public spaces you retard.

I thought the fear was an adult fake tranny was going to go into your daughters bathroom at Chic Fil A. Now you care what bathroom little trannies at your daughters school pee in? Moving the goal post are you?

His call then.

It's always been about men with fetishes that you support wanting to invade women's spaces.
I know Republicans like the new Supreme Court because it's filled with a bunch of new people willing to legislate from the bench but besides them, does anyone trust this new Supreme Court? Taking money from millionaires and legislating over decisions that will effect their business' and our clean air? Do the Supreme Court Republicans, because that's what they are, know they work for all of us? Nope. He thinks we're a Christian Nation

No wonder they have record low approval ratings.

Oh yea and Roe V Wade.
Most Americans don't care about roe v Wade

So you're such a fking moron that all you can muster is to accuse strangers of supporting child.molestation?
It's the next logical domino to fall as far as sexual perversion goes. Since you and your ilk will never lift a finger to defend the ONLY CORRECT AND PROPER definitions of marriage, sexuality, and family; then it stands to reason Liberals WILL support pedophilia.
I see you agree!
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,

Spare me your childish, magical threats. You sound like a goddamn moron.
That depends on what your definition of equal is, as well as the constitutional definition of equal.

SSM is a new concept, one that if passed via legislative action by the States I am OK with.

Obergfell went too far, it should have just enforced full faith and credit.

I have a prediction. The new Supreme Court who you say are "strict constitutionalist's", will one day rule social security is unconstitutional.

I bet you will agree right now that social security is unconstitutional. Right?
I have a prediction. The new Supreme Court who you say are "strict constitutionalist's", will one day rule social security is unconstitutional.

I bet you will agree right now that social security is unconstitutional. Right?

It's not unconstitutional, as it really isn't a tax but a government program funded by those who put into it. The current ruling against removing the funding for the consumer protection authority shows even this court probably isn't going there.

Now if it was a good idea or not, considering it's about to implode, and how shitty it was run during the surpluses is a separate debate.
I have a prediction. The new Supreme Court who you say are "strict constitutionalist's", will one day rule social security is unconstitutional.

I bet you will agree right now that social security is unconstitutional. Right?
cool just give me back what I payed with say 10% interest we will call it a day!

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