Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

I know Republicans like the new Supreme Court because it's filled with a bunch of new people willing to legislate from the bench but besides them, does anyone trust this new Supreme Court? Taking money from millionaires and legislating over decisions that will effect their business' and our clean air? Do the Supreme Court Republicans, because that's what they are, know they work for all of us? Nope. He thinks we're a Christian Nation

No wonder they have record low approval ratings.

Oh yea and Roe V Wade.
They rule by law, of course you hate them smellybooboo
I forgot. Flying their flags upside down. Siding with Trump the liar that 2020 was stolen? What's going on here? Is the coup still under way just not completed yet? Like Hitler's first attempt failed and he had to spend a little time in jail then rose to power? Sound familar?
Again, they rule by water on the Wicked Witch to you.
alito admits in the interview that he will not compromise and that one side must win.

i think that we get the threat of christian nationalism, and how these traitors are hiding behind their first amendment interpretation the same way hamas hides behind gazan children.
Ruling by law...Christians...must drive you crazy rumpart.
Okay, let's say that those justices are legislating from the bench. Are you saying the republicans were wrong in saying that democrat judges were also legislating from the bench? Could it be possible that both sides are right? Let's say that the SC justices were "legislating" from the bench in the case of Roe v. Wade getting passed. So, if it was "legislated" from the bench, then there's no rule that says that a future set of justices can't "legislate" its reversal.

This proves that the republicans are the party of the rich? When you look at the top 10 richest Americans, only Elon Musk would side with republicans. I mean democrats only have Silicon Valley, Wall Street, lawyers, entertainers/athletes on their side.
Yes it's possible liberals were pushing their left wing interpretation of what is and isn't constitutional. Like gay marriage. But notice whenever Democrats are trying to change something it's to give someone a right not take one away. Right to marry who you want or right to abort.

We need 20 year limits on justices. They age out. Become out of touch. And corrupt. We also need new rules that they can be asked to leave if they take money from Harlan Crow or their wives are involved in the next insurrection.
They didn't act this way. Even Sandra Day on her way out warned us about this new right wing nuts not following stari decisis. Not that you would know what I'm talking about. In other words, don't fuck with things that have already been decided on. Like abortion.

Here's another thing you need to know. Even the lefty judges side with corporations over people 99% of the time. The Cons 100%.

And notice every once in a while the righty justices will give the left something for lets say, gay rights? Wonder why. Is it to appease us or not seem too far right, or is it to divide us with social wedge issues?
Why, are you gay too smelly???
yea they have low approval does biden and harris the whole useless inept incompetent congress......why do you vote for these people bobo?...
I believe the best party for the poor and middle class is the Democratic party.

Perhaps we need to find an honest version of Trump. George Clooney?
I believe the best party for the poor and middle class is the Democratic party.

Perhaps we need to find an honest version of Trump. George Clooney?
The best party for keeping the poor poor is the Democrat party.
The middle class needs less government so we can thrive, so a commie like Clooney is certainly not needed.
I forgot. Flying their flags upside down. Siding with Trump the liar that 2020 was stolen? What's going on here? Is the coup still under way just not completed yet? Like Hitler's first attempt failed and he had to spend a little time in jail then rose to power? Sound familar?
Are you married? Can you tell your wife what to do? Judge Alito's wife expressed HER opinion and all the Trump Haters like you falsely accuse Judge Alito of flying the flag upside down. Try being honest for a change.
The best party for keeping the poor poor is the Democrat party.
The middle class needs less government so we can thrive, so a commie like Clooney is certainly not needed.
Bullshit. Capitalism needs poor people. Look how you cry if we try to raise wages. And your corporations just raise the prices to recoup. Capitalism relies on poor people you fool. Democrats like Bill Clinton make a country with a big huge successful happy middle class. So anyone who's poor, is so because they choose to be. Or they are stuck due to their own decisions in life.

Liberal policies created the middle class not unregulated free market capitalism. Did you think otherwise?
Are you married? Can you tell your wife what to do? Judge Alito's wife expressed HER opinion and all the Trump Haters like you falsely accuse Judge Alito of flying the flag upside down. Try being honest for a change.
He's a nut job just like her. You'll excuse anything.
I know Republicans like the new Supreme Court because it's filled with a bunch of new people willing to legislate from the bench but besides them, does anyone trust this new Supreme Court? Taking money from millionaires and legislating over decisions that will effect their business' and our clean air? Do the Supreme Court Republicans, because that's what they are, know they work for all of us? Nope. He thinks we're a Christian Nation

No wonder they have record low approval ratings.

Oh yea and Roe V Wade.
More faith in this court than I've felt in awhile. More unanimous decisions than we've seen in awhile and that is very reassuring. They are following the Constitution faithfully. That is all you can expect of any court.
The number of seats on the Court must be increased, and Alito and Thomas and Kavanagh must be impeached and convicted and removed from the Bench.
They didn't act this way. Even Sandra Day on her way out warned us about this new right wing nuts not following stari decisis. Not that you would know what I'm talking about. In other words, don't fuck with things that have already been decided on. Like abortion.

Here's another thing you need to know. Even the lefty judges side with corporations over people 99% of the time. The Cons 100%.

And notice every once in a while the righty justices will give the left something for lets say, gay rights? Wonder why. Is it to appease us or not seem too far right, or is it to divide us with social wedge issues?

So they should not have overturned Plessey via Brown?

Stare decisis is just an elevated level of difficulty in overturning a previous decision, not a ban on doing so.

I can't wait to see your blathering once they overturn or at least limit Chevron deference.
More faith in this court than I've felt in awhile. More unanimous decisions than we've seen in awhile and that is very reassuring. They are following the Constitution faithfully. That is all you can expect of any court.
What did they unanimously agree on?
They are following your Interpretation of the constitution. Unlike the liberal justices Interpretation of what is and isn't constitutional.

Let's see if they decide a former president can't be charged with crimes.

You do know the Supremes would have helped Trump steal 2020 if it wer only one state right? They just couldn't help him because he lost 5. If it comes down to 1 state, they'll help him like they did Bush in 2000
The number of seats on the Court must be increased, and Alito and Thomas and Kavanagh must be impeached and convicted and removed from the Bench.
No we just need to make all the corrupt ones who've taken millions from millionaires and ask them to step down next year when Biden can name their replacements. They should be leaving in disgrace not shamelessly staying.
So they should not have overturned Plessey via Brown?

Stare decisis is just an elevated level of difficulty in overturning a previous decision, not a ban on doing so.

I can't wait to see your blathering once they overturn or at least limit Chevron deference.
Thomas is talking about overturning Plessy v. Ferguson, goofus.

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