When is the last time Democrats & progressives were right about something, anything?

Democrats are right about immigration
You can't be right about immigration if you support violating your own nation's sovereignty and take orders from a foreign nation that has strict policies for their own borders.

Taking orders? Such propaganda
You don't take immigration orders from Mexico and their propaganda channels?

Oh........yea right
Tell us about Mexico paying for the wall
How right were Republicans on that one?
All the chatter, this desire and that. All the finger pointing and projection, with 24/7 propaganda.

When is the last time they were right about anything?
Apparently they were right about protectionist tariffs. Because look how many so-called Republicans support them now.

Apparently they were right about government bailouts, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with them now.

Apparently they were right about stimulus spending, because look how many so-called Republicans support it now.

Apparently they were right about running up trillion dollar deficits, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.

Apparently they were right about appeasing Russian KGB thugs, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.
Wrong on all counts.

No Republicans are for tariffs, we want the trade deficits to be reduced or go away and tariffs are the tool in which that can happen

That is EXACTLY the argument Democrats have been making for decades. Well done!

No Republicans are for bailouts, we are for helping industries hurt by tariffs from other countries.

Exactly the argument made by Democrats. Well done!

If no Republicans are for bailouts, how come they voted to bail out the farmers hurt by Trump's tariffs?


No support for stimulus spending

Horseshit. The praise for Trump's 1.5 trillion dollar deficit bill never ends! Trumpies brag and brag about how it stimulated the economy!

Deficits are temporary


Oh, man. That is one of the sickest, most delusional posts ever made on this forum. And that is not easy to do!

Peace with Russia is the logical conclusion.
Spoken like an old time Democratic appeaser.
No moron.

Democrats want tariffs to cripple competing companies in other countries to prop up their own pet projects while we simply want to correct a trade imbalance and then get rid of the tariffs long term.
Straw man. Total horseshit.

From the 2004 Democratic platform:

Exports sustain about 1 in 5 American factory jobs. Open markets spur innovation, speed the growth of new industries, and make our businesses more competitive. We will make it a priority to knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade so other nation’s markets are as open as our own. We will stand up for American workers & consumers by building on Pres. Clinton’s progress in including enforceable, internationally recognized labor & environmental standards in trade agreements.

We will aggressively enforce our trade agreements with a real plan that includes a complete review of all existing agreements; immediate investigation into China's workers' rights abuses and currency manipulation; increased funding for efforts to protect workers' rights and stop child labor abuse; new reforms to protect the innovations of high-tech companies; and vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws. We will use all the tools we have to create new opportunities for American workers, farmers, and businesses, and break down barriers in key export markets, like the Japanese auto market and the Chinese high-technology market. We will effectively enforce our trade laws protecting against dumping, illegal subsidies, and import surges that threaten American jobs. New trade agreements must protect internationally recognized workers' rights and environmental standards as vigorously as they now protect commercial concerns.

Democratic Platform for America
Democrats were right that the invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea

Nearly every Republican voted for it
And more than half of the Dems
Sorry...but once again incorrect
Most Dems opposed

It doesn't bother you that Democrat leadership declared war on Iraq? How come? Answer, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

NOBODY ever declared war on Iraq - NOBODY.
We weren't fighting Iraq, moron.

tell that to your intellectual idiot DUMBASS DUDE
Democrats are right about immigration
You can't be right about immigration if you support violating your own nation's sovereignty and take orders from a foreign nation that has strict policies for their own borders.

Taking orders? Such propaganda
You don't take immigration orders from Mexico and their propaganda channels?

Oh........yea right
Tell us about Mexico paying for the wall
How right were Republicans on that one?
Mexico is giving us more and more money every day, idiot.

That can go to the wall or anything else we wish.
When Did The GOP Become The Anti-Free Trade Party? | Investor's Business Daily

Here’s what the GOP’s 2012 party platform had to say about free trade: “It means more American jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living. Every $1 billion in additional U.S. exports means another 5,000 jobs here at home. The Free Trade Agreements negotiated with friendly democracies since President Reagan’s trailblazing pact with Israel in 1985 facilitated the creation of nearly ten million jobs supported by our exports.”

The platform went on to say that the Obama administration’s “slowness in completing agreements begun by its predecessor and its failure to pursue any new trade agreements with friendly nations” was “deplorable” and promises that a Republican president “will complete negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership.”

You’d be hard pressed to find many in the Republican base who would agree with that statement today. In fact, exit polls of several primary states show that Republicans are more hostile to free trade than Democrats.
All the chatter, this desire and that. All the finger pointing and projection, with 24/7 propaganda.

When is the last time they were right about anything?
Apparently they were right about protectionist tariffs. Because look how many so-called Republicans support them now.

Apparently they were right about government bailouts, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with them now.

Apparently they were right about stimulus spending, because look how many so-called Republicans support it now.

Apparently they were right about running up trillion dollar deficits, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.

Apparently they were right about appeasing Russian KGB thugs, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.
Wrong on all counts.

No Republicans are for tariffs, we want the trade deficits to be reduced or go away and tariffs are the tool in which that can happen

That is EXACTLY the argument Democrats have been making for decades. Well done!

No Republicans are for bailouts, we are for helping industries hurt by tariffs from other countries.

Exactly the argument made by Democrats. Well done!

If no Republicans are for bailouts, how come they voted to bail out the farmers hurt by Trump's tariffs?


No support for stimulus spending

Horseshit. The praise for Trump's 1.5 trillion dollar deficit bill never ends! Trumpies brag and brag about how it stimulated the economy!

Deficits are temporary


Oh, man. That is one of the sickest, most delusional posts ever made on this forum. And that is not easy to do!

Peace with Russia is the logical conclusion.
Spoken like an old time Democratic appeaser.
No moron.

Democrats want tariffs to cripple competing companies in other countries to prop up their own pet projects while we simply want to correct a trade imbalance and then get rid of the tariffs long term.
Straw man. Total horseshit.

From the 2004 Democratic platform:

Exports sustain about 1 in 5 American factory jobs. Open markets spur innovation, speed the growth of new industries, and make our businesses more competitive. We will make it a priority to knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade so other nation’s markets are as open as our own. We will stand up for American workers & consumers by building on Pres. Clinton’s progress in including enforceable, internationally recognized labor & environmental standards in trade agreements.

We will aggressively enforce our trade agreements with a real plan that includes a complete review of all existing agreements; immediate investigation into China's workers' rights abuses and currency manipulation; increased funding for efforts to protect workers' rights and stop child labor abuse; new reforms to protect the innovations of high-tech companies; and vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws. We will use all the tools we have to create new opportunities for American workers, farmers, and businesses, and break down barriers in key export markets, like the Japanese auto market and the Chinese high-technology market. We will effectively enforce our trade laws protecting against dumping, illegal subsidies, and import surges that threaten American jobs. New trade agreements must protect internationally recognized workers' rights and environmental standards as vigorously as they now protect commercial concerns.

Democratic Platform for America
Liththizer has said Jina tariffs are for the long term.
Democrats are right about immigration

Yes, Democrats are right about immigration. Illegal immigration has always been their número uno agenda. Not to mention about the Gun issue. It's no wonder why the Democrats are so full of themselves.
All the chatter, this desire and that. All the finger pointing and projection, with 24/7 propaganda.

When is the last time they were right about anything?
Apparently they were right about protectionist tariffs. Because look how many so-called Republicans support them now.

Apparently they were right about government bailouts, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with them now.

Apparently they were right about stimulus spending, because look how many so-called Republicans support it now.

Apparently they were right about running up trillion dollar deficits, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.

Apparently they were right about appeasing Russian KGB thugs, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.
Wrong on all counts.

No Republicans are for tariffs, we want the trade deficits to be reduced or go away and tariffs are the tool in which that can happen

That is EXACTLY the argument Democrats have been making for decades. Well done!

No Republicans are for bailouts, we are for helping industries hurt by tariffs from other countries.

Exactly the argument made by Democrats. Well done!

If no Republicans are for bailouts, how come they voted to bail out the farmers hurt by Trump's tariffs?


No support for stimulus spending

Horseshit. The praise for Trump's 1.5 trillion dollar deficit bill never ends! Trumpies brag and brag about how it stimulated the economy!

Deficits are temporary


Oh, man. That is one of the sickest, most delusional posts ever made on this forum. And that is not easy to do!

Peace with Russia is the logical conclusion.
Spoken like an old time Democratic appeaser.
No moron.

Democrats want tariffs to cripple competing companies in other countries to prop up their own pet projects while we simply want to correct a trade imbalance and then get rid of the tariffs long term.
Straw man. Total horseshit.

From the 2004 Democratic platform:

Exports sustain about 1 in 5 American factory jobs. Open markets spur innovation, speed the growth of new industries, and make our businesses more competitive. We will make it a priority to knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade so other nation’s markets are as open as our own. We will stand up for American workers & consumers by building on Pres. Clinton’s progress in including enforceable, internationally recognized labor & environmental standards in trade agreements.

We will aggressively enforce our trade agreements with a real plan that includes a complete review of all existing agreements; immediate investigation into China's workers' rights abuses and currency manipulation; increased funding for efforts to protect workers' rights and stop child labor abuse; new reforms to protect the innovations of high-tech companies; and vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws. We will use all the tools we have to create new opportunities for American workers, farmers, and businesses, and break down barriers in key export markets, like the Japanese auto market and the Chinese high-technology market. We will effectively enforce our trade laws protecting against dumping, illegal subsidies, and import surges that threaten American jobs. New trade agreements must protect internationally recognized workers' rights and environmental standards as vigorously as they now protect commercial concerns.

Democratic Platform for America
The 2004 platform is irrelevant.

What today's Democrats use tariffs for is exactly what I said.
Democrats are right about immigration
You can't be right about immigration if you support violating your own nation's sovereignty and take orders from a foreign nation that has strict policies for their own borders.

Taking orders? Such propaganda
You don't take immigration orders from Mexico and their propaganda channels?

Oh........yea right
Tell us about Mexico paying for the wall
How right were Republicans on that one?
Mexico is giving us more and more money every day, idiot.

That can go to the wall or anything else we wish.
Can you give a single example of what you are claiming?
Apparently they were right about protectionist tariffs. Because look how many so-called Republicans support them now.

Apparently they were right about government bailouts, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with them now.

Apparently they were right about stimulus spending, because look how many so-called Republicans support it now.

Apparently they were right about running up trillion dollar deficits, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.

Apparently they were right about appeasing Russian KGB thugs, because look how many so-called Republicans are okay with it now.
Wrong on all counts.

No Republicans are for tariffs, we want the trade deficits to be reduced or go away and tariffs are the tool in which that can happen

That is EXACTLY the argument Democrats have been making for decades. Well done!

No Republicans are for bailouts, we are for helping industries hurt by tariffs from other countries.

Exactly the argument made by Democrats. Well done!

If no Republicans are for bailouts, how come they voted to bail out the farmers hurt by Trump's tariffs?


No support for stimulus spending

Horseshit. The praise for Trump's 1.5 trillion dollar deficit bill never ends! Trumpies brag and brag about how it stimulated the economy!

Deficits are temporary


Oh, man. That is one of the sickest, most delusional posts ever made on this forum. And that is not easy to do!

Peace with Russia is the logical conclusion.
Spoken like an old time Democratic appeaser.
No moron.

Democrats want tariffs to cripple competing companies in other countries to prop up their own pet projects while we simply want to correct a trade imbalance and then get rid of the tariffs long term.
Straw man. Total horseshit.

From the 2004 Democratic platform:

Exports sustain about 1 in 5 American factory jobs. Open markets spur innovation, speed the growth of new industries, and make our businesses more competitive. We will make it a priority to knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade so other nation’s markets are as open as our own. We will stand up for American workers & consumers by building on Pres. Clinton’s progress in including enforceable, internationally recognized labor & environmental standards in trade agreements.

We will aggressively enforce our trade agreements with a real plan that includes a complete review of all existing agreements; immediate investigation into China's workers' rights abuses and currency manipulation; increased funding for efforts to protect workers' rights and stop child labor abuse; new reforms to protect the innovations of high-tech companies; and vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws. We will use all the tools we have to create new opportunities for American workers, farmers, and businesses, and break down barriers in key export markets, like the Japanese auto market and the Chinese high-technology market. We will effectively enforce our trade laws protecting against dumping, illegal subsidies, and import surges that threaten American jobs. New trade agreements must protect internationally recognized workers' rights and environmental standards as vigorously as they now protect commercial concerns.

Democratic Platform for America
The 2004 platform is irrelevant.

What today's Democrats use tariffs for is exactly what I said.
The 2004 platform is relevant. It proves what I said about Democrats and protectionism for decades.

So you clearly believe they were right since Trump and you pseudocons are no longer free traders and have become protectionists. Just like the Democrats.

Labor unions are backing Trump's protectionism. They love the guy.

I warned you fools Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat, but you didn't believe me.
Democrats are right about immigration
You can't be right about immigration if you support violating your own nation's sovereignty and take orders from a foreign nation that has strict policies for their own borders.

Taking orders? Such propaganda
You don't take immigration orders from Mexico and their propaganda channels?

Oh........yea right
Tell us about Mexico paying for the wall
How right were Republicans on that one?
Mexico is giving us more and more money every day, idiot.

That can go to the wall or anything else we wish.
They are?

Then why is Crooked Donnie asking Congress for the money?
Democrats are right about immigration

Yes, Democrats are right about immigration. Illegal immigration has always been their número uno agenda. Not to mention about the Gun issue. It's no wonder why the Democrats are so full of themselves.
Democrats are not afraid of Mexicans
We do not need walls
Of course you aren't.

You collude with Mexico every day to bring this country down.
Trump uses doomsday like fear to scare easily pliable dupes like you.
No, they didn’t.
28 said yes, 23 said no.
Democrats were right that the invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea

Nearly every Republican voted for it

Here are the Democratic Senators who voted YEA on October 2002.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

Wow... all that work and you neglected to point out that the majority of Democrats opposed the invasion

Why don’t you point out the Republicans who opposed it......you might find two
Let’s see

Foreign Policy
the Environment

- Healthcare continues to increase costs for Americans. Your side’s plan said the costs would go down and people could keep their doctor.

- Taxes your plans never deliver increased net revenue to the Treasury. Bush and Trump plans have done just that. Your plans simply seek to punish high annual income earners and business owners and do nothing when it comes to cutting spending.

- The Environment your plans are egregious that go beyond good environment to the point of compromising the econmy.

- Education what plans have you put forward that have result in increased literacy, math, and graduation rates?

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