When is the last time Democrats & progressives were right about something, anything?

It's fun watching pseuedocons trying out their prosthetic moral legs. :lol:
Democrats are right about immigration

Yes, Democrats are right about immigration. Illegal immigration has always been their número uno agenda. Not to mention about the Gun issue. It's no wonder why the Democrats are so full of themselves.
Democrats are not afraid of Mexicans
We do not need walls
Of course you aren't.

You collude with Mexico every day to bring this country down.
Trump has set up Mexicans as the biggest threat to our country

Meanwhile, we have 30,000 gun deaths a year and refuse to do anything about it
Let’s see

Foreign Policy
the Environment

- Healthcare continues to increase costs for Americans. Your side’s plan said the costs would go down and people could keep their doctor.

- Taxes your plans never deliver increased net revenue to the Treasury. Bush and Trump plans have done just that. Your plans simply seek to punish high annual income earners and business owners and do nothing when it comes to cutting spending.

- The Environment your plans are egregious that go beyond good environment to the point of compromising the econmy.

- Education what plans have you put forward that have result in increased literacy, math, and graduation rates?

Republicans have removed healthcare for millions and removed coverage for pre-existing conditions
Democrats are right about immigration

Yes, Democrats are right about immigration. Illegal immigration has always been their número uno agenda. Not to mention about the Gun issue. It's no wonder why the Democrats are so full of themselves.
Democrats are not afraid of Mexicans
We do not need walls
Of course you aren't.

You collude with Mexico every day to bring this country down.
Trump has set up Mexicans as the biggest threat to our country

Meanwhile, we have 30,000 gun deaths a year and refuse to do anything about it
Haven't you heard? Those 30,000 gun deaths are caused by negroes, the second greatest threat to our country.
Democrats were right that the invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea

Nearly every Republican voted for it

As did many Dems, including the exalted Hillary.
Wrong again, Skippy

Repeating a lie does not make it true
A majority of Dems said......NO
Nearly every Republican voted YES

Did I say a majority of Dems did? No. Just enough to get it passed because they wanted the war just as much as Republicans.

The Hussein promised to end wars and withdraw, yet nothing changed (as I predicted) and in fact Obama started several new wars against countries that never attacked us.
All the chatter, this desire and that. All the finger pointing and projection, with 24/7 propaganda.

When is the last time they were right about anything?
When they voted to declare war on Japan in 1941.
All the chatter, this desire and that. All the finger pointing and projection, with 24/7 propaganda.

When is the last time they were right about anything?
As democrats are the liberal party they can never be "right" but they are correct way more often than the reich is right.
Democrats were right that the invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea

Nearly every Republican voted for it

As did many Dems, including the exalted Hillary.
Wrong again, Skippy

Repeating a lie does not make it true
A majority of Dems said......NO
Nearly every Republican voted YES

Did I say a majority of Dems did? No. Just enough to get it passed because they wanted the war just as much as Republicans.

The Hussein promised to end wars and withdraw, yet nothing changed (as I predicted) and in fact Obama started several new wars against countries that never attacked us.
The Great Obama got us out of two unnecessary wars

Wars that he advised Bush to stay out of
Let’s see

Foreign Policy
the Environment

- Healthcare continues to increase costs for Americans. Your side’s plan said the costs would go down and people could keep their doctor.

- Taxes your plans never deliver increased net revenue to the Treasury. Bush and Trump plans have done just that. Your plans simply seek to punish high annual income earners and business owners and do nothing when it comes to cutting spending.

- The Environment your plans are egregious that go beyond good environment to the point of compromising the econmy.

- Education what plans have you put forward that have result in increased literacy, math, and graduation rates?

Republicans have removed healthcare for millions and removed coverage for pre-existing conditions

Please site the policies that did that. Further, while you are counting millions, try not to count those that chose not t have healthcare and the non citizens. In both cases, when were they turned away from an ER for healthcare? Democrat Healthcare passed due to the stupidity of those that supported it. Look it up.
Let’s see

Foreign Policy
the Environment

LOL, phony-E-baloney, we are talking about what you insisted what was true!

1. Duke Lacrosse?

2. Baltimore?

3. Twana Brawley?

4. Martin, and all your hoodies in congress, lol?

5. Bill Clinstone, and his rapes!

You people are the gang who can't not only shoot straight, but even have a hard time shooting yourselve's in the foot when you feel like doing it.

You are lost this midterm, hehehehehehehehehehe. And whatever you thought you had, is not only GONE, but probably reversed plus 2.

And we thank you and your fellow Marxists for utter incompetence, hahahahahahahahahaha!

You are now, absolutely, incompetent, proved irrelevant, and immaterial.

Enjoy your last 30 something days of relevance, hehehehehehehehehehehe!
Democrats were right that the invasion of Iraq was a terrible idea

Nearly every Republican voted for it

As did many Dems, including the exalted Hillary.
Wrong again, Skippy

Repeating a lie does not make it true
A majority of Dems said......NO
Nearly every Republican voted YES

Did I say a majority of Dems did? No. Just enough to get it passed because they wanted the war just as much as Republicans.

The Hussein promised to end wars and withdraw, yet nothing changed (as I predicted) and in fact Obama started several new wars against countries that never attacked us.
The Great Obama got us out of two unnecessary wars

Wars that he advised Bush to stay out of

Nice lie. He didn’t get us out of any wars, and started new wars against Libya, Syria, and he even called for regime change in Egypt.

And how about that Gitmo closing?
Let’s see

Healthcare WRONG Healthcare is falling apart.
Taxes? WRONG How is raising taxes ever right?
Foreign Policy VERY WRONG Sucking ass isn't a viable foreign policy.
the Environment WRONG WRONG WRONG when it simultaneously kills jobs and economy.
Education OH SO WRONG when kids are dumber than ever while having the most expensive education system in the world.

Wrongwinger strikes again.
And more than half of the Dems
Sorry...but once again incorrect
Most Dems opposed

It doesn't bother you that Democrat leadership declared war on Iraq? How come? Answer, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

NOBODY ever declared war on Iraq - NOBODY.
We weren't fighting Iraq, moron.

tell that to your intellectual idiot DUMBASS DUDE

WTF are you guys talking about, mass delusion? U.S. Declares War on Iraq
Sorry...but once again incorrect
Most Dems opposed

It doesn't bother you that Democrat leadership declared war on Iraq? How come? Answer, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

NOBODY ever declared war on Iraq - NOBODY.
We weren't fighting Iraq, moron.

tell that to your intellectual idiot DUMBASS DUDE

WTF are you guys talking about, mass delusion? U.S. Declares War on Iraq
Fighting the government of Iraq and fighting the country of Iraq are different things.
All the chatter, this desire and that. All the finger pointing and projection, with 24/7 propaganda.

When is the last time they were right about anything?

Honestly, Democrats are right that schools need less "standardized testing". NOT that schools need less accountability. Just that teaching to the test is counterproductive and humans can't be crunched down to tests like those. Not to mention a thousand other little issues....

Or to put it another way, "standardized tests" are incredibly bureaucratic, and Republicans usually understand that bureaucracy is crushing. But they LOVE them some computerized "bubble tests" for the little kiddies. Go figure.
It doesn't bother you that Democrat leadership declared war on Iraq? How come? Answer, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

NOBODY ever declared war on Iraq - NOBODY.
We weren't fighting Iraq, moron.

tell that to your intellectual idiot DUMBASS DUDE

WTF are you guys talking about, mass delusion? U.S. Declares War on Iraq
Fighting the government of Iraq and fighting the country of Iraq are different things.

Cool spin. I declare you the winner.

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