When It Comes to Removing Racist Symbols, Money—Not Morality—Talks


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Translation of Alabama`s Governor Robert Bentley words: I don’t think my state can afford the financial strain of being viewed as racist at this time.
Sure, Bentley said the killings in Charleston, S.C., that claimed nine lives also played a role in his decision, but his specific use of the words “budget” and “I have taxes to raise” clearly reflect his true motivations. Money and perception
When It Comes to Removing Racist Symbols Money Not Morality Talks Alternet

Another way to make noise and get money. In a capitalist system that has monetized everything and everyone, profitability has replaced morality as the force driving action.
And this still isn't going to change the poverty, desperation, physical violence, murder rate, food insecurity, apathy towards education, hopelessness, and multiple paths to imprisonment and ruination that disproportionately plague the poor, especially among urban and "African American" dense areas
Will Governor Bentley s tax plan help or hurt Alabama AL.com

Would Governor Bentley's tax proposal help or hurt Alabama?

Weeks ago, Governor Bentley unveiled a $700 million tax proposal. Since then, AL.com columnist Chuck Dean has emerged as a big champion of the governor's proposal - a stance which has gained him a lot of criticism from fellowcolumnist, Cameron Smith.

For weeks they've chided and criticized each over the tax plan.

Now they're finally squaring off in AL.combat. Let the chips fall where they may.

Read the opening arguments and join the conversation in the comments section and on social media, using the hashtag #ALcombat.

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