When It Comes To Ukraine vs Russia -- It's Best To Back Russia

I fully understand what patriotism is. But it is NOT dying in some politicians false flag war. It is NOT sacrificing out kids in some place in which the USA has no strategic or moral issue. 58,000 good americans died in Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam "war". For what? But it did funnel billions of our tax dollars to the defense industry which returned millions to the politicians in the form of campaign contributions. You have no idea what real patriotism is. It is NOT dying to keep the corrupt country of Ukraine from rejoining Russia.
You have no idea. When good Americans see free people anywhere in the world falling under the yoke of oppression there stirs a conviction that something must be done. There's nothing ambiguous here. It's good vs evil and the right needs to quickly figure out where they stand.

"The Fox News host Tucker Carlson again questioned why the US would side with Ukraine as Russia appears poised to invade the country. "Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine?" Carlson asked on Monday night. He said that Ukraine was "strategically irrelevant to the United States. No rational person could defend a war with Russia over Ukraine...
After withstanding a domestic goon attack upon a free and fair election, America is, once again, assuming its leadership role in the defense of global democracy. The President's prescient pronouncement of a quarter century ago:

Twenty-five years ago, Joe Biden visited Warsaw, Poland, with a warning: Even though the Soviet Union had collapsed, some of NATO’s original members weren’t doing enough to ensure the alliance’s collective defense. “Now it is time for the people of Western Europe to invest in the security of their continent for the next century,” said Biden, then a U.S. senator.
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Standing united against the savage predations of a "savvy genius" has replaced deference to the thug and isolated, indifferent self-absorption.

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To be sure, Putin still has his tools:

The Ukraine invasion has found a significant pocket of support from prominent figures on the far right including white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who regularly gushes about Putin on his Telegram channel. The war is also a hot topic in QAnon chatrooms where Putin is often portrayed as a hero.
Conservative pundits have also voiced support for Russia. Candace Owens has pushed the Putin talking point that Russia created Ukraine. She also tweeted "Russian lives matter." She was retweeted by the Russian embassy in the U.S.
Putin has a long history of cultivating and providing material support to far-right leaders in Europe and the United States, according to Andrew Weiss, a Russia expert and vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...
"Some of these far-right cliques within the broader pro-Trump movement came to view Trump as an avatar, fighting against the ills of society they perceive," he said. "I think they view Putin, also, as an avatar standing up against similar forces."
Unfounded claims to gin up support for the war – the US is funding bioweapon labs in Ukraine or crisis actors are faking events in the war – have gained traction on social media throughout the conflict, according to Zignal Labs, a software company that tracks and analyzes trends in online narratives.
The far right has echoed many of these claims. On his Telegram channel, Joseph Jordan, a white nationalist podcaster who goes by the name Eric Striker, claimed a pregnant woman injured in the bombing of a Ukrainian maternity hospital was an Instagram celebrity. QAnon-affiliated Twitter and Telegram accounts also spread the pro-Kremlin conspiracy theory which was quickly debunked.
New conspiracies pop up daily. They are manufactured for a domestic audience in Russia and pro-Moscow Ukrainians but also push buttons in the US. The latest spreading on social media is an unfounded report from Russian state media outlet Sputnik that Hunter Biden and George Soros are funding biolabs in Ukraine.
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You have no idea. When good Americans see free people anywhere in the world falling under the yoke of oppression there stirs a conviction that something must be done. There's nothing ambiguous here. It's good vs evil and the right needs to quickly figure out where they stand.
your ignorance is obvious here. The people of Ukraine were/are not FREE. Ukraine is/was a very corrupt country where the rulers control everything and steal the money of the citizens or a regular basis. The US media is lying to you about this entire thing. We have no interest in whether Ukraine rejoins Russia, it was part of Russia for decades. A recent poll showed that 80% of Ukrainians want to rejoin Russia because they think it will be less corrupt than their current government. Remember, it was Ukraine that paid Hunter Biden 80K per month so sit on a gas company board and then fired the prosecutor who was investigating that bribery.
After withstanding a domestic goon attack upon a free and fair election, America is, once again, assuming its leadership role in the defense of global democracy. The President's prescient pronouncement of a quarter century ago:

Twenty-five years ago, Joe Biden visited Warsaw, Poland, with a warning: Even though the Soviet Union had collapsed, some of NATO’s original members weren’t doing enough to ensure the alliance’s collective defense. “Now it is time for the people of Western Europe to invest in the security of their continent for the next century,” said Biden, then a U.S. senator.
Standing united against the savage predations of a "savvy genius" has replaced deference to the thug and isolated, indifferent self-absorption.

To be sure, Putin still has his tools:

The Ukraine invasion has found a significant pocket of support from prominent figures on the far right including white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who regularly gushes about Putin on his Telegram channel. The war is also a hot topic in QAnon chatrooms where Putin is often portrayed as a hero.
Conservative pundits have also voiced support for Russia. Candace Owens has pushed the Putin talking point that Russia created Ukraine. She also tweeted "Russian lives matter." She was retweeted by the Russian embassy in the U.S.
Putin has a long history of cultivating and providing material support to far-right leaders in Europe and the United States, according to Andrew Weiss, a Russia expert and vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...
"Some of these far-right cliques within the broader pro-Trump movement came to view Trump as an avatar, fighting against the ills of society they perceive," he said. "I think they view Putin, also, as an avatar standing up against similar forces."
Unfounded claims to gin up support for the war – the US is funding bioweapon labs in Ukraine or crisis actors are faking events in the war – have gained traction on social media throughout the conflict, according to Zignal Labs, a software company that tracks and analyzes trends in online narratives.
The far right has echoed many of these claims. On his Telegram channel, Joseph Jordan, a white nationalist podcaster who goes by the name Eric Striker, claimed a pregnant woman injured in the bombing of a Ukrainian maternity hospital was an Instagram celebrity. QAnon-affiliated Twitter and Telegram accounts also spread the pro-Kremlin conspiracy theory which was quickly debunked.
New conspiracies pop up daily. They are manufactured for a domestic audience in Russia and pro-Moscow Ukrainians but also push buttons in the US. The latest spreading on social media is an unfounded report from Russian state media outlet Sputnik that Hunter Biden and George Soros are funding biolabs in Ukraine.
LOL, but it was Trump that finally got the NATO members to finally pay their fair share. Biden has always been a national joke, and is the worst president in my lifetime------------by far. Add senility and you have a complete goat rope.​
your ignorance is obvious here. The people of Ukraine were/are not FREE. Ukraine is/was a very corrupt country where the rulers control everything and steal the money of the citizens or a regular basis. The US media is lying to you about this entire thing. We have no interest in whether Ukraine rejoins Russia, it was part of Russia for decades. A recent poll showed that 80% of Ukrainians want to rejoin Russia because they think it will be less corrupt than their current government. Remember, it was Ukraine that paid Hunter Biden 80K per month so sit on a gas company board and then fired the prosecutor who was investigating that bribery.
It was a pretty crappy place until they finally overthrew the last Kremlin puppet. Since then they have been making significant progress towards cleaning up their act in order to align themselves with the West. It's been a great thing to watch unless you are Putin. They do not want to be slaves in a vassal state of Russia as has been the case in the past. They are also doing a tremendous job of protecting their own country. These are the real patriots. Learn from them.
There' no possible way to side with WEF, Soros and Kolomoisky and think you're on the Good Side
After withstanding a domestic goon attack upon a free and fair election, America is, once again, assuming its leadership role in the defense of global democracy. The President's prescient pronouncement of a quarter century ago:

Twenty-five years ago, Joe Biden visited Warsaw, Poland, with a warning: Even though the Soviet Union had collapsed, some of NATO’s original members weren’t doing enough to ensure the alliance’s collective defense. “Now it is time for the people of Western Europe to invest in the security of their continent for the next century,” said Biden, then a U.S. senator.
Standing united against the savage predations of a "savvy genius" has replaced deference to the thug and isolated, indifferent self-absorption.

To be sure, Putin still has his tools:

The Ukraine invasion has found a significant pocket of support from prominent figures on the far right including white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who regularly gushes about Putin on his Telegram channel. The war is also a hot topic in QAnon chatrooms where Putin is often portrayed as a hero.
Conservative pundits have also voiced support for Russia. Candace Owens has pushed the Putin talking point that Russia created Ukraine. She also tweeted "Russian lives matter." She was retweeted by the Russian embassy in the U.S.
Putin has a long history of cultivating and providing material support to far-right leaders in Europe and the United States, according to Andrew Weiss, a Russia expert and vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...
"Some of these far-right cliques within the broader pro-Trump movement came to view Trump as an avatar, fighting against the ills of society they perceive," he said. "I think they view Putin, also, as an avatar standing up against similar forces."
Unfounded claims to gin up support for the war – the US is funding bioweapon labs in Ukraine or crisis actors are faking events in the war – have gained traction on social media throughout the conflict, according to Zignal Labs, a software company that tracks and analyzes trends in online narratives.
The far right has echoed many of these claims. On his Telegram channel, Joseph Jordan, a white nationalist podcaster who goes by the name Eric Striker, claimed a pregnant woman injured in the bombing of a Ukrainian maternity hospital was an Instagram celebrity. QAnon-affiliated Twitter and Telegram accounts also spread the pro-Kremlin conspiracy theory which was quickly debunked.
New conspiracies pop up daily. They are manufactured for a domestic audience in Russia and pro-Moscow Ukrainians but also push buttons in the US. The latest spreading on social media is an unfounded report from Russian state media outlet Sputnik that Hunter Biden and George Soros are funding biolabs in Ukraine.

Your side supports real live Nazis
It was a pretty crappy place until they finally overthrew the last Kremlin puppet. Since then they have been making significant progress towards cleaning up their act in order to align themselves with the West. It's been a great thing to watch unless you are Putin. They do not want to be slaves in a vassal state of Russia as has been the case in the past. They are also doing a tremendous job of protecting their own country. These are the real patriots. Learn from them.
We who do not vote Prog seem to becoming slaves in our own nation and the West. Xi just put a blow to Australia and New Zealand with the deal with the Solomin Islands. A nice Navy Base close to Guadalcanal. Those corrupted sellouts of our nation may find escaping to Australia and new Zealand during the worse that can happen here a bit dicey.
Those weren`t Dems with the tiki torches and the Nazi salutes in Charlottesville and those weren`t Dems at the Capitol beating up cops, smearing crap on the walls and parading around with the confederate swastika. Those were Real Live Nazis.
Alinsky 101 in the USA

"The students told Alinsky that they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. “That’s the wrong approach”, he rejoined–“not very relevant” and besides, causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school [Not very likely-DH] He told them, instead, to go hear the speech dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards, reading ‘The K.K.K. supports Bush.’ And that is what the students did with very successful, attention-getting results."

Alinsky: Dress Up As Members of The Ku Klux Klan

Real live genuine Russian killing Nazis in your beloved Ukraine

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Your side supports real live Nazis
Founder of neo-nazi site Andrew Anglin endorsed Trump in The Daily Stormer and later argued that the president “loves” white nationalists after Trump’s infamous “very fine people on both sides” comment following the Charlottesville attack.

You can dwell on your "real live Nazis" who twice endorsed Trump if you need to, but it does not serve as a diversion from the rightist wackjobs spewing Putin's propaganda.
Founder of neo-nazi site Andrew Anglin endorsed Trump in The Daily Stormer and laterargued that the president “loves” white nationalists after Trump’s infamous “very fine people on both sides” comment following the Charlottesville attack.

You can dwell on your "real live Nazis" who twice endorsed Trump if you need to, but it does not serve as a diversion from the rightist wackjobs spewing Putin's propaganda.

So wait, supposed Trump actually said he supported Nazis, which he never did, doesn't that make him your hero now since you support the Ukrainian Nazis?
You have no idea. When good Americans see free people anywhere in the world falling under the yoke of oppression there stirs a conviction that something must be done. There's nothing ambiguous here. It's good vs evil and the right needs to quickly figure out where they stand.

Soros, the WEF and Kolomoisky are "good"?

So wait, supposed Trump actually said he supported Nazis, which he never did, doesn't that make him your hero now since you support the Ukrainian Nazis?
Does my stating the documented truth make you squirm or writhe?

President Biden leads the Duda Parade!

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President Joe Biden and Polish President Andrzej Duda walk past honour guard during a
military welcome ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, Poland, on Saturday, March 26, 2022.
Biden called the “collective defense” agreement of NATO a “sacred commitment,"
and said the unity of the Western military alliance was of the utmost importance.
There have been some changes made in America's international alignments:

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Does my stating the documented truth make you squirm or writhe?

President Biden leads the Duda Parade!

View attachment 621516
President Joe Biden and Polish President Andrzej Duda walk past honour guard during a
military welcome ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, Poland, on Saturday, March 26, 2022.
Biden called the “collective defense” agreement of NATO a “sacred commitment,"
and said the unity of the Western military alliance was of the utmost importance.

So you're ignoring your support of the real live Russian killing Nazis in Ukraine?

Are you a man or a woman, I mean at this very moment? Women change their minds like that, just saying
Soros, the WEF and Kolomoisky are "good"?

Fuck you and the rest of the Russian collaborators on this board. The Ukranian people did nothing to deserve this and siding with the goddamned Russians is going to cost the right dearly.
Fuck you and the rest of the Russian collaborators on this board. The Ukranian people did nothing to deserve this and siding with the goddamned Russians is going to cost the right dearly.

Soros, the WEF and Kolomoisky did EVERYTHING to force the Russians into action: NATO? bioweapon labs? Ukrainian Nazis killing Russian in Dombas?
Soros, the WEF and Kolomoisky did EVERYTHING to force the Russians into action: NATO? bioweapon labs? Ukrainian Nazis killing Russian in Dombas?
Save it for your idiot co-collaborators. This time your retarded right wing contrarianism is going to hurt.

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