When It Comes To Ukraine vs Russia -- It's Best To Back Russia

The right is pro-Russia these days. Some are not even trying to hide it. That whirring sound you hear is Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave at over 9000 Rpm.
The right is not pro Russia. Some on the right are trying to shed the neo-con influence and they aren't thinking things through. They think publicly criticizing Russia in this case is a neo-con position .
I stand with Ukraine for a few simple reasons. First. Principle.

It is a horrible precedent to set that a large nation should be able to stomp a smaller nation without provocation into submission. It is even more dangerous to allow a seizing of territory and the resources for purpose of economic gain.

It is simply put wrong. Those days of the strong subjugating the weak while the world stood by and did nothing are over.


History has shown that standing early to oppose aggression is always cheaper than the alternative. Waiting and especially declaring that it does not affect you leads to greater costs later.

Imagine if we had announced we were going to war with Germany when Hitler marched into the Rhineland. We could have saved trillions of dollars and millions of lives.

That is one example. Certainly. But there are numerous examples in history.

It is why we went into Korea. We knew it would cost lives and money. We were just as certain that avoiding the action would lead to a larger war.

Or worse. An enemy so large and powerful as to be unstoppable. That would be the death of everything we hold as vital.

We must stand. We may even fight. There may be a global war costing millions of lives. It even a trillion loves if it goes nuclear. But that awful result almost certainly will be the end if we do nothing now.
So why hasn’t Biden deployed troops into Ukraine and send a clear message we will go to war to defend Ukraine?

You sit here and claim we are on Putin’s side, yet Biden isn’t doing jack shit to prevent Russia from taking what they want.
Putin didn’t try this during President Trump. He took Crimea during the Hussein Regime.

So what’s it going to be Biffy? Are you for all out war to defend Ukraine or not? Put up or shut up time, boy.

Well, I guess Biff_Poindexter has shut up. No response.
You mean, we should forget Reagan and back the "Evil Empire"? You and Tucker are quite the appeasers, are you? How much of Europe would be enough for you guys?
Ronald Reagan was a puppet after the secret service shot him in his limosine and told him, do what you are told or die. When Reagan left office, He gave a speech in Hollywood, California saying, "Being President has been the greatest acting role of my career." Later on they bumped Him off by poisoning Him. Same thing happened the Shah of Iraq after He left Persia; Nixon after He left being president, and others.
I stand with Ukraine for a few simple reasons. First. Principle.

It is a horrible precedent to set that a large nation should be able to stomp a smaller nation without provocation into submission. It is even more dangerous to allow a seizing of territory and the resources for purpose of economic gain.

It is simply put wrong. Those days of the strong subjugating the weak while the world stood by and did nothing are over.
What You describe SavannahMann, is exactly what USA has been doing since 1900.
Stupid shit head Americans killed over a million Philippinos in order to let the Rich dudes loot the Philippines.
In 1914 USA invaded Haiti for City National Bank and basically enslaved everyone to pay off the fat cats at City National Bank.
All of USA's beloved wars have been to enrich the Rich guys and to help Communize the world.
When Shit Head Americans destroyed Libya, for money, they started the migration of many Africans to Europe. The List is long and bloody and America is stained with huge guilt. That is why Isaiah 5 is being carried out right now.
Ronald Reagan was a puppet after the secret service shot him in his limosine and told him, do what you are told or die. When Reagan left office, He gave a speech in Hollywood, California saying, "Being President has been the greatest acting role of my career." Later on they bumped Him off by poisoning Him. Same thing happened the Shah of Iraq after He left Persia; Nixon after He left being president, and others.
Oh look a Russian troll.
What You describe SavannahMann, is exactly what USA has been doing since 1900.
Stupid shit head Americans killed over a million Philippinos in order to let the Rich dudes loot the Philippines.
In 1914 USA invaded Haiti for City National Bank and basically enslaved everyone to pay off the fat cats at City National Bank.
All of USA's beloved wars have been to enrich the Rich guys and to help Communize the world.
When Shit Head Americans destroyed Libya, for money, they started the migration of many Africans to Europe. The List is long and bloody and America is stained with huge guilt. That is why Isaiah 5 is being carried out right now.

I can’t change what happened. I can’t even really do much about what is happening. But I can express my beliefs. And I can endorse actions that abide by those beliefs.

If I had a time machine. None of the instances you mention are what I would go back and change. They were not shining examples of honor. But they were not the worst either. Not by a long shot.
Well, I guess Biff_Poindexter has shut up. No response.
There is nothing for me to respond to

Your whole entire existence is predicated on "owning the left" -- which means you will contradict a position you just held 5 seconds ago if you think you are "owing the libs" -- yall are morons

Conservatives have been sucking off Putin long before Biden got into office....Conservatives will suck off any fascist authoritarian.....(i.e. Tucker and Hungary) -- as long as that authoritarian is white
Ronald Reagan was a puppet after the secret service shot him in his limosine and told him, do what you are told or die. When Reagan left office, He gave a speech in Hollywood, California saying, "Being President has been the greatest acting role of my career." Later on they bumped Him off by poisoning Him. Same thing happened the Shah of Iraq after He left Persia; Nixon after He left being president, and others.
Wow. That is some of the craziest crap I ever read. You make it up yourself or is this some more Q conspiracy stuff?
There is nothing for me to respond to

Your whole entire existence is predicated on "owning the left" -- which means you will contradict a position you just held 5 seconds ago if you think you are "owing the libs" -- yall are morons

Conservatives have been sucking off Putin long before Biden got into office....Conservatives will suck off any fascist authoritarian.....(i.e. Tucker and Hungary) -- as long as that authoritarian is white
Just as I predicted, you can’t say we need to send troops to Ukraine to stop Russia.
The fact is Putin didn’t do any of this shit under President Trump, only Obama and Biden. You parrot MSM talking points, claiming anyone who doesn’t support war with Russia over Ukraine are doing it for “white nationalism” or some shit. Yet you won’t call Obama or Biden a “white nationalist” for allowing Russia to take parts of Ukraine on their watch. The fact is the only one that “sucked off” Putin before Biden was your beloved magic Negro, as he gifted him Crimea.
But somehow I have the intellect to know ahead of time all of the inconsistent talking points reactionary morons like you will vomit out...

You folks glorify and worship Putin for 2 major reasons -- one...he is white....this is important for your need to vicariously wrap your interests in his...second is...cucks like yourself have ALWAYS longed for an authoritarian dictator...as long as that person punished the people you don't like..that is why Conservatives like yourself back every last one of them...as long as they are white....no matter if it is Orban and the far right movement in Hungary, or the one in Poland, etc, etc, etc..

Your an incoherent and self refuting scumbag asshat. You Democraps and liberals and progressives are all basically Marxists. You’d happily suck Putin’s dick if the request was made. No rubles required.

"The Fox News host Tucker Carlson again questioned why the US would side with Ukraine as Russia appears poised to invade the country. "Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine?" Carlson asked on Monday night. He said that Ukraine was "strategically irrelevant to the United States. No rational person could defend a war with Russia over Ukraine. Nobody thinks a war like that would make America safer or stronger or more prosperous."

Carlson has previously sided with Russia over Ukraine, saying in December that Putin was justified in building up troops along the border. Carlson said that the US needed to focus on its own economy instead, and that China benefits from the US having a conflict with Russia."

Tucker is partly right -- the US should not commit a single US soldier to put their life on the line for Ukraine...It is delusional to consider a military intervention into the Ukraine/Russia issue -- and honestly, why is it disloyal to root for Russia in that exchange?? As even Tucker acknowledged; Russia is totally justified to build up troops around the border of Ukraine -- and I agree with former Sec. of State Pompeo; because Putin really is a very talented and powerful leader; I mean he is former KGB -- so you know he is bad ass -- why not back the winner of a war instead of the loser?? And we all know that Ukraine will lose any war against Russia...Best thing to do is for Americans to sit back and watch how a real Alpha male leader gets things done....and hope that we have a leader like him some day very soon....
very interesting viewpoint if you actually watch Tucker’s segment…he’s right, the demafacist claim it’s racist to worry about our own borders, but somehow Ukraine’s (even after obama/xiden already allowed an invasion) is of the utmost importance…so who benefits from the conflict? Ah China, the the CCP, the puppet masters of the dnc

interesting viewpoint…thanks for sharing
Wow. That is some of the craziest crap I ever read. You make it up yourself or is this some more Q conspiracy stuff?
Most QAnon conspiracists are just out of work screenwriters trying to pitch new movie scripts.....
Most QAnon conspiracists are just out of work screenwriters trying to pitch new movie scripts.....
You may have meant that as a cheap joke, but it would make sense if true. I think you give them too much credit for understanding their plot appeals to actually being screenwriters.
"The Fox News host Tucker Carlson ...
... is a media entertainer.

No more kowtowing to the KGB thug and appeasing his bullying demands.

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