When It Comes To Ukraine vs Russia -- It's Best To Back Russia

Tucker didn't say "it's best to side with Russia", somebody named "Sinead Baker from some junk blog said he did. Ukraine is a crooked little country that hired Biden's son for a no show job on a energy board. The funny thing is that Biden set up the scenario for the Russian buildup with his strange indecisive comments. You almost gotta laugh that the same lefties that spit on American Soldiers forty years ago now want the U.S. to get into a shooting war with Russia.
If you have proof that a Vietnam veteran was spit on, that would be the first time anyone has. What do you have?
It was a pretty crappy place until they finally overthrew the last Kremlin puppet. Since then they have been making significant progress towards cleaning up their act in order to align themselves with the West. It's been a great thing to watch unless you are Putin. They do not want to be slaves in a vassal state of Russia as has been the case in the past. They are also doing a tremendous job of protecting their own country. These are the real patriots. Learn from them.
When will the Ukrainian army enter Moscow? The point is that no matter how wonderful you think the current Ukraine government is, it is still very corrupt and cannot win against Russia. I am not saying Putin is right or a good person, Russia is just stronger and its none of our fricken business.
Fuck you and the rest of the Russian collaborators on this board. The Ukranian people did nothing to deserve this and siding with the goddamned Russians is going to cost the right dearly.
recognizing the military strength of the two countries is not siding with Russia. Are you willing to die to keep Ukraine from rejoining Russia? How about your kids, are you willing for them to die to "save" Ukraine? That is the choice we are faced with
Learn from them.
I watch these folks attack Ukraine when the country is under siege, its cities are becoming ruins, millions of its people have lost everything and many have died.

They choose to soften Putin's war crimes by attacking Ukraine.

These are Putin apologists, if not worse. They think it's not obvious. And they'll tell you they're American patriots who love freedom.
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I watch these folks attack Ukraine when the country is under siege, its cities are becoming ruins, millions of its people have lost everything and many have died.

They choose to soften Putin's war crimes by attacking Ukraine.

These are Putin apologists, if not worse. They think it's not obvious. And they'll tell you they're American patriots who love freedom.
Just try telling them that patriotism is measured by the level of sacrifice you are willing to endure for your country and fellow citizens. They have idea what you are talking about.
Just try telling them that patriotism is measured by the level of sacrifice you are willing to endure for your country and fellow citizens. They have idea what you are talking about.
The question is: should US citizens step up to sacrifice themselves for Ukraine, To do so is not patriotism, its stupidity. But if you want to die for Ukraine, go for it.
The question is: should US citizens step up to sacrifice themselves for Ukraine, To do so is not patriotism, its stupidity. But if you want to die for Ukraine, go for it.
If you don't understand by now you never will.
If you don't understand by now you never will.
I fully understand, its you who is in fantasy land. YOU and I would probably not survive a nuclear exchange with Russia, is Ukraine worth your life?
Just try telling them that patriotism is measured by the level of sacrifice you are willing to endure for your country and fellow citizens. They have idea what you are talking about.
Patriotism is NOT measured by the level of sacrifice when the sacrifice is foolish. Ask Patton or MacArthur.
Patriotism is NOT measured by the level of sacrifice when the sacrifice is foolish. Ask Patton or MacArthur.
They are dead. I can't ask them shit but there is no need. They understood why someone would fight for the freedom of others. Thankfully they were not standing around during WW2 wondering what was in it for them.
I watch these folks attack Ukraine when the country is under siege, its cities are becoming ruins, millions of its people have lost everything and many have died.

They choose to soften Putin's war crimes by attacking Ukraine.

These are Putin apologists, if not worse. They think it's not obvious. And they'll tell you they're American patriots who love freedom.
No, you chose to support our corrupt leaders policies which will only get more Ukrainians killed and create more ruins.
Putin is trying to put the Soviet Union back together. No way that could hurt anyone.

Russia has vast space and resources that it can never use up.
So Russia is the least colonial imperialist country in the whole world.
The Ukraine is different because it is half ethnic Polish and half ethnic Russia, with the current Kyiv regime being totally ethnic Polish and attempting genocide against the ethnic Russian half.
So Putin happens to be the good guy in this case.

Look at the list of crimes by Kyiv.
In 2014 they illegally tried to stop Russia from using Sevastopol, even the whole Crimea is not really part of the Ukraine and Khrushchev just gave it to the Ukraine in 1955, and there were treaties in perpetuity.
Kyiv has been found guilty in the world court at the Hague, of stealing over $20 billion of oil/gas from Russian pipelines.
Kyiv murdered over 30k ethnic Russians and is the most racist fascists in the whole world.
Kyiv violated treaties by trying to join NATO and put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
You are correct. Russia lost a lot of human capital when the Soviet Union crumbled. Putin very much wants to restore the perceived power and influence Russia had during that era.

Ukraine is in a very strategic location.

Russia lost debt when it got rid of the other Soviet states.
Putin does NOT want power, but to prevent Kyiv from illegally preventing use of the Sevastopol naval base, from murdering more ethnic Russians, from stealing more Russian oil/gas, and preventing NATO nukes on its border.
I watch these folks attack Ukraine when the country is under siege, its cities are becoming ruins, millions of its people have lost everything and many have died.

They choose to soften Putin's war crimes by attacking Ukraine.

These are Putin apologists, if not worse. They think it's not obvious. And they'll tell you they're American patriots who love freedom.

Half the population of the Ukraine is ethnic Russian and likes what Putin is doing for them.
The half of the Ukraine who is against Putin, are left over Polish from the 1600 invasion, and are the most racist fascists in the whole world.

"The Fox News host Tucker Carlson again questioned why the US would side with Ukraine as Russia appears poised to invade the country. "Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine?" Carlson asked on Monday night. He said that Ukraine was "strategically irrelevant to the United States. No rational person could defend a war with Russia over Ukraine. Nobody thinks a war like that would make America safer or stronger or more prosperous."
Yes, we have known for a long time limpdick Carlson has a real fetish for strongmen.
I watch these folks attack Ukraine when the country is under siege, its cities are becoming ruins, millions of its people have lost everything and many have died.

They choose to soften Putin's war crimes by attacking Ukraine.

These are Putin apologists, if not worse. They think it's not obvious. And they'll tell you they're American patriots who love freedom.

The government in Kyiv is the most oppressive in the world.
It was created in 2014 by a military coup bribed by the US, and totally murdered, imprisoned, or exile any and all opposition.
Do you feel a strange attraction to strongmen? Do you concoct gay fantasies surrounding violent crimes? Do you buy masculinity-enhancing snake oil from the web sites of MAGAverse celebrities? Do you imagine your feeble Dear Leader to be Ramboesque, wielding an M-60? Do you worry a lot about your limp dick?

Then you should be tanning your testicles!

Here's some beefcake to stir your loins:

Thank God the Ukrainians aren't as pussified as the surrender monkey appeaser MAGA herd!
The government in Kyiv is the most oppressive in the world.

I would find it impossible to believe someone could be so profoundly ignorant of the oppressive mass murdering Russian regime, but then I've been around long enough to know you tards are astoundingly blind and stupid.

You appeasing weak-minded pussies literally are Putin's useful idiots.
"The Fox News host Tucker Carlson again questioned why the US would side with Ukraine as Russia appears poised to invade the country. "Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine?" Carlson asked on Monday night. He said that Ukraine was "strategically irrelevant to the United States. No rational person could defend a war with Russia over Ukraine. Nobody thinks a war like that would make America safer or stronger or more prosperous."

1. Ukraine is insignificant, but Russia isn't. Politically / militarily, this isn't about supporting Ukraine but opposing continued Putin aggressive military seisure / annexations of other nations AND about weakening Putin politically and militarily.

2.IMO it isn't as about prospering the United States as it was / is prospering the Bidens and others involved in the corruption in Ukraine dating all the way back to Biden's time as VP and his crackhead son making millions working for a notorious corrupt Ukrainian energy millionaire mogul known for working with Putin.

In the middle of this war, while Biden and Democrats were flooding Ukraine with tax payer dollars through FTX to 'support Ukraine' a ponzi scheme was uncovered where these tax dollars were divided - part to Ukraine, part to corrupt Ukrainian officials Zelensky reportedly fired, and the rest back to Democrats and no-chin corrupt ass McConnel.

Zelensky was reportedly smart enough to fire these self-serving corrupt officials in the middle of trying to defend his nation while our own US criminal countetpars / culprits responsible continue to run our country.

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