When it is really a heartbeat.


In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Funny, a lot of us don't like the government funding the lavish lifestyles of the rich or paying for wars, but we don't get a say in that, either.

So here's an idea. Have an extra form your 1040, checking off the things you want your money to go to.

Abortions will get fully funded LONG before the Military-Industrial Complex does.
Sperm never becomes anything other than sperm. If sperm fertilizes an egg, a new HUMAN life is conceived.

Except half of fertilized zygotes never attach to the uterine wall. By the logic you have just posited, Dripping Poop, you'd have to not only ban abortion but IUD's and other birth control that prevents attachment.

You couldn't even perform an abortion on a ectopic pregnancy, because that zygote has more rights than the woman it is inside.
The law is attempting to establish a legal definition of life. If you dont like that definition then you need to provide your own that we can discuss. The abortion debate is about when the baby growing inside it's mother's womb is considered a human life. Before that there's no issue with someone having an abortion. After that it's murder. That's really what the abortion debate is about. It's not about controlling a woman's choice or what she can do with her body. It's what's she choosing to do with the person's body that's inside her that's the issue. So if the "heartbeat" isnt the line what is?

The line is where the woman says it is. It's her body. I would argue forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is a violation of her 13th Amendment rights against slavery and forced servitude.

The problem isn't just that you want to give Globby the Fetus rights, it's that you want to give it more rights than the woman it is inside.
Except half of fertilized zygotes never attach to the uterine wall. By the logic you have just posited, Dripping Poop, you'd have to not only ban abortion but IUD's and other birth control that prevents attachment.

You couldn't even perform an abortion on a ectopic pregnancy, because that zygote has more rights than the woman it is inside.
Why does the left feel the need to lie about abortion? Most people accept that the life of the mother comes first and the few that dont are simply crazy toons.
They also think that “science” supports the premise that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Mormon Bob was traumatized as a child when he saw Bugs Bunny cross dressing.

The line is where the woman says it is. It's her body. I would argue forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is a violation of her 13th Amendment rights against slavery and forced servitude.

The problem isn't just that you want to give Globby the Fetus rights, it's that you want to give it more rights than the woman it is inside.
Once the baby can live outside the womb it should be ILLEGAL to get an abortion except to save the mothers life.
Why does the left feel the need to lie about abortion? Most people accept that the life of the mother comes first and the few that dont are simply crazy toons.

Do you? YOu've already said that you don't rape and incest exceptions.

Once the baby can live outside the womb it should be ILLEGAL to get an abortion except to save the mothers life.

Okay. A fetus normally can't live outside the woman before 25 weeks. Even up to 29 weeks it take extrodinary measures. A coworker of mine had a baby at 29 weeks... the thing weighed about two pounds and spent weeks in a NICU.
He also won't grow up to be a criminal
suck off the welfare teet

There's a reason why the Crime Rate suddenly dropped off the cliff 20 years after Roe v. Wade. We are all better off for it.
Less liberals.
I agree.
Uh, Mormon Bob, we have pretty much universal agreement that breaking into someone's home and killing them is bad. I mean, not enough where we make it harder for criminals to get guns or doing something about poverty... but when it happens, we all agree it should be punished.

The problem with all you guys who want to ban a woman from choosing is that you never say what you are going to do once you get that law.

Throw women in jail? Honestly, good luck with that. They never put women in jail for having abortions before Roe. Prosecutors didn't bring charges, police didn't arrest people, juries wouldn't convict then, they certainly won't now.

I've said, If I ever found myself on a jury on an abortion case, I'd vote to acquit, I wouldn't care if they had film of the abortion being performed and the doctor throwing the fetus across the room for a three pointer into the medical waste container.

For anyone familiar with you, Incel Joe, there is nothing at all surprising about your post making excuses for murdering the most innocent6 and defenseless of all human beings in cold blood.

You're a sociopath, at best, and everyone here knows it. In every post where the subject ever comes up, you consistently take the side of the lowest elements of subhumanity, those who murder or harm others, who steal or destroy the property of others.
Why does the left feel the need to lie about abortion? Most people accept that the life of the mother comes first and the few that dont [sic] are simply crazy toons.

Because they know damn well that the truth completely refutes their position.

You can only get the public to go along with abusing and even murdering some segment of humanity, by convincing the public that those in that segment are not really human. It's how out own nation justified slavery, back when we allowed that shameful practice; it's how the Nazis justified their treatment of Jews and other untermenschen, and its how modern abortion supporters justify their crimes.
The line is where the woman says it is. It's her body. I would argue forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is a violation of her 13th Amendment rights against slavery and forced servitude.

The problem isn't just that you want to give Globby the Fetus rights, it's that you want to give it more rights than the woman it is inside.
Thats the most asinine standard I’ve heard. You’re contention is that legally we should allow individuals to decide when another individual is considered a human life?
Except half of fertilized zygotes never attach to the uterine wall. By the logic you have just posited, Dripping Poop, you'd have to not only ban abortion but IUD's and other birth control that prevents attachment.

You couldn't even perform an abortion on a ectopic pregnancy, because that zygote has more rights than the woman it is inside.
You have integrated science with irresponsible human sexuality ways. There are ways before pregnancy starts to stop the process.
Do you? YOu've already said that you don't rape and incest exceptions.

Okay. A fetus normally can't live outside the woman before 25 weeks. Even up to 29 weeks it take extrodinary measures. A coworker of mine had a baby at 29 weeks... the thing weighed about two pounds and spent weeks in a NICU.
20 weeks it can survive that should be cut off.
Anti-abortion proponents claim that there is a beating heart present at six weeks. The fact is that at six weeks there is only a rudimentary tube that can eventually become a heart, and a few quivering cells that will eventually become the pacemaker which supplies electrical pulses controlling the heart beat. There is no heart structure present to actually behave as a heart behaves. No valves, no chambers, no muscle to pump anything. The preliminary structures that will eventually become parts of the heart are not a heart, and claiming they are is vast exaggeration at best. Recent research has shown when major structures of the heart develop, and it is amazingly over a four day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Before this four day period, the beginnings of the heart are not viable, and can not survive outside the womb.

Researchers and neonatologists studying fetal cardiac development have typically run into critical limitations, as many of the known structures of the human heart can only be identified in the latter stages of gestation. Now, a group of investigators at the University of Leeds has just published data, using cutting-edge imaging technology, that shows that major structures of a baby's heart form in just four days. Findings from the new study—published today in Scientific Reports in an article entitled “Ventricular Myocardium Development and the Role of Connexins in the Human Fetal Heart”—help identify the precise time when the four chambers of the heart develop, opening up the possibility that doctors could eventually be able to monitor babies during this critical phase of their development.

Remarkably, the research team found that the most dramatic changes occurred over a four-day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Within this brief period, the muscle tissue of the heart rapidly organizes. Cardiac fibers were laid down to form the helix shape of the heart, within which the four chambers of the heart form. Without this essential architecture in place, the fetal heart cannot survive outside the womb.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know jackshit about Biology just like you don't know jackshit about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

It is understandable you are confused at what a heartbeat is.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know jackshit about Biology just like you don't know jackshit about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

It is understandable you are confused at what a heartbeat is.
I'm the first to admit I don't know as much as the medical experts, so that's why I defer to their judgment.
That pair of tubes and those "quivering cells" are called a rudimentary heart. And that "quivering" is an actual heartbeat.
not really-----it is coordinated movement of a three layer TUBE.
There are LOTS of instances of coordinated movement in living
organisms all the way down to one celled creatures. The heart
is part of the vascular system that has lots of poetic symbolism
for HUMANS. There was a time that humans believed that one
THINKS with it. Keep in mind----even trees have a vascular system
not really-----it is coordinated movement of a three layer TUBE.
There are LOTS of instances of coordinated movement in living
organisms all the way down to one celled creatures. The heart
is part of the vascular system that has lots of poetic symbolism
for HUMANS. There was a time that humans believed that one
THINKS with it. Keep in mind----even trees have a vascular system
I was talking about actual medical science, not poetic symbolism, stupid jackass.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know jackshit about Biology just like you don't know jackshit about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

It is understandable you are confused at what a heartbeat is.
They think that, just because there is no coordinated rhythm effectively pumping blood, and you wouldn't be able to look at an electrocardiographic representation and recognize a normal heartbeat, that that does not mean "life". I disagree and assure them that if I was looking at a patient's heart monitor and yelled out "Vfib", the crash team would be running to save the life of that patient. Vfib exactly fits what I described, "no coordinated rhythm effectively pumping blood, and you wouldn't be able to look at an electrocardiographic representation and recognize a normal heartbeat".

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