When Lefties pitch Socialism do they realize what decent people hear?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
What the democrat Party actually means whenever they say "democrat Socialism": put down your weapon, hand over your wallet, and well discuss the type of government we'll inflict on you.
I can’t imagine ever being lowdown enough to actually say the words....”Hey neighbor, you earn more money than I do...I think Father Government should make you make my car payment.”
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.

That’s your spin huh...you sticking with that?
I think we all know most don’t have a problem taking care of our elderly whom have paid their dues.
Why don’t you go ahead and try again.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.

That’s your spin huh...you sticking with that?
I think we all know most don’t have a problem taking care of our elderly whom have paid their dues.
Why don’t you go ahead and try again.
Do you pay taxes to support schools? I do. Uet I have no children. Do I think my tax dollars have been unfairly confiscated? I do not. Because I would rather have the kids in school developing their skills and being made ready to enter society as productive citizens than have them poorly taught and become an incurious rabble.

Do you pay taxes to support community facilities like,parks, libraries or meeting halls? I do. Do I think my tax dollars are being unfairly confiscated for things I might not use? I do not. Because I think the increase in quality of life and property values is worth my taxes.

So I think that healthcare and education are vital for our national vitality? Absolutely. Because no citizen should go bankrupt because the healthcare she needs is too expensive or worse, unavailable.

You can call it spin. But you also should defend why you think our health and education should be available only to those who can afford it. Is it that the right of the people is the wealthy have the right to horde their wealth while the rest of America's citizen have the right to live precariously?
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No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.
Sounds like it might works.

Let's make a bargain.

Let's get rid of the federal government and the federal reserve, do away with it all together, abolition it entirely.

We'll let the states take over, like 50 seperate nations, doing what ever they like, for say, fifty years.

We'll see how that works. At the end of it, if things are not going any better. . . . We'll take the best of what the states are doing with their socialism, and take the best of all the socialism we see in Canada, Europe, Russia, China, etc., hell, maybe we can make a one world socialist state by then.

But I have a sneaking suspicion, the problem isn't "capitalism," or "socialism," I have a sneaking suspcious that the real problem is government.

See, the wealth inequality, the labor force participation rate, and all these problems the government tries to fix but only makes worse? I have a feeling, it will all get so much better once we just get rid of it all.

Less levels of government, less income inequality, less corruption.

Any town, county, city or state that wants to be socialist?

More power to them.

And like I said, at the end of this fifty year experiment? If having no central government or no central bank makes things better? Well, we can go full on crazy in the opposite direction, we can have your one world socialist bank and government.

The only reason I think we should go with no government first, is we all know how difficult it is to cut as opposed to create laws. Once we create a socialist system, it is going to be for good.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.

That’s your spin huh...you sticking with that?
I think we all know most don’t have a problem taking care of our elderly whom have paid their dues.
Why don’t you go ahead and try again.
Do you pay taxes to support schools? I do. Uet I have no children. Do I think my tax dollars have been unfairly confiscated? I do not. Because I would rather have the kids in school developing their skills and being made ready to enter society as productive citizens than have them poorly taught and become anmincurious rabble.

Do you pay taxes to support community facilities like,parks, libraries or meeting halls? I do. Do I think my tax dollars are being unfairly confiscated for things I might not use? I do not. Because I think the increase in quality of life and property values is worth my taxes.

So I think that healthcare and education are vital for our national vitality? Absolutely. Because no citizen should go bankrupt because the healthcare she needs is too expensive or worse, unavailable.

You can call it spin. But you also should defend why you think our health and education should be available only to those who can afford it. Is it that the right of the people is the wealthy have the right to horde their wealth while the rest of America's citizen have the right to live precariously?

I don't support compulsory education. I think it is a crime in all honesty.

So yes, taxes are theft.


No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.
Sounds like it might works.

Let's make a bargain.

Let's get rid of the federal government and the federal reserve, do away with it all together, abolition it entirely.

We'll let the states take over, like 50 seperate nations, doing what ever they like, for say, fifty years.

We'll see how that works. At the end of it, if things are not going any better. . . . We'll take the best of what the states are doing with their socialism, and take the best of all the socialism we see in Canada, Europe, Russia, China, etc., hell, maybe we can make a one world socialist state by then.

But I have a sneaking suspicion, the problem isn't "capitalism," or "socialism," I have a sneaking suspcious that the real problem is government.

See, the wealth inequality, the labor force participation rate, and all these problems the government tries to fix but only makes worse? I have a feeling, it will all get so much better once we just get rid of it all.

Less levels of government, less income inequality, less corruption.

Any town, county, city or state that wants to be socialist?

More power to them.

And like I said, at the end of this fifty year experiment? If having no central government or no central bank makes things better? Well, we can go full on crazy in the opposite direction, we can have your one world socialist bank and government.

The only reason I think we should go with no government first, is we all know how difficult it is to cut as opposed to create laws. Once we create a socialist system, it is going to be for good.
A couple points to clarify.

First, eliminating the federal government would also mean eliminating national defense. That's a bridge too far.

Putting the programs in charge of the states would mean those citizens living in wealthier states would enjoy all the benefits while those living in poorer states might not be served at all. Would you rather be cared for in Massachusetts or West Firginia? Would you rather attend a community college in Ohio or in Mississippi?

And why must everything be viewed as a zero sum game? Those opposed to democratic socialism rant and rail about 'unjustly confiscated taxes to serve loafers and louts' when it I said intended to serve all citizens equally. And it's that very equality that would be abandoned in some polyglot fifty states for fifty years scenario.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.

Your argument for social democracy is social security and mediaid... programs that are all together in debt to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. Programs that are funded like ponzi schemes and do not pay nearly the same returns as investing in random stocks. This is a success?

There are no long term benefits to the policies you describe. It's all about taking from the intelligent decent people and giving to the dumb morons like yourself. Then the dumb morons go and breed at a higher rate. The movie, idiocracy was not a guide...
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.

That’s your spin huh...you sticking with that?
I think we all know most don’t have a problem taking care of our elderly whom have paid their dues.
Why don’t you go ahead and try again.
Do you pay taxes to support schools? I do. Uet I have no children. Do I think my tax dollars have been unfairly confiscated? I do not. Because I would rather have the kids in school developing their skills and being made ready to enter society as productive citizens than have them poorly taught and become an incurious rabble.

We can't help it if you and the rest of the socialist cattle want to be slaughtered. The fact is government schools are where the government loots the innocent to pay for the brainwashing of their own children. There is no institution in American more corrupt or insidious than government run education.

Do you pay taxes to support community facilities like,parks, libraries or meeting halls? I do. Do I think my tax dollars are being unfairly confiscated for things I might not use? I do not. Because I think the increase in quality of life and property values is worth my taxes.

We all pay taxes, numskull. Property developers build recreations facilities in the communities they create. We don't need government to increase our property values.

So I think that healthcare and education are vital for our national vitality? Absolutely. Because no citizen should go bankrupt because the healthcare she needs is too expensive or worse, unavailable.

Really? Why not? You think it's perfectly OK to go bankrupt paying for lawyers because you happen to have worked in the Trump campaign at some point in your life. Why is it OK to go bankrupt for one reason, but not the other?

You can call it spin. But you also should defend why you think our health and education should be available only to those who can afford it. Is it that the right of the people is the wealthy have the right to horde their wealth while the rest of America's citizen have the right to live precariously?

The wealthy do have the right to keep what they earn. The claim that they don't is the battle cry of a thug. Life is inherently risky. There is no moral principle that says someone else has to pay to relieve you of that risk. That's your job, not theirs.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way. “Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.” Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
That's how "decent" people hear it?


Okay, ignore what's coming. And when it gets here, maybe talk radio will tell you what to think of it.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
Marx is decent people. :)

Quite apart from the analysis so far given, it was in general a mistake to make a fuss about so-called distribution and put the principal stress on it.

Any distribution whatever of the means of consumption is only a consequence of the distribution of the conditions of production themselves. The latter distribution, however, is a feature of the mode of production itself. The capitalist mode of production, for example, rests on the fact that the material conditions of production are in the hands of nonworkers in the form of property in capital and land, while the masses are only owners of the personal condition of production, of labor power. If the elements of production are so distributed, then the present-day distribution of the means of consumption results automatically. If the material conditions of production are the co-operative property of the workers themselves, then there likewise results a distribution of the means of consumption different from the present one. Vulgar socialism (and from it in turn a section of the democrats) has taken over from the bourgeois economists the consideration and treatment of distribution as independent of the mode of production and hence the presentation of socialism as turning principally on distribution. After the real relation has long been made clear, why retrogress again?
Critique of the Gotha Programme-- I
When Lefties pitch Socialism do they realize what decent dopey people hear?

Asjusted to more accurately reflect the OP's premise.
Younger people think of the Euro-socialism of Canada, Germany, Australia, Scandanavia, while right wingers are trained to think of Venezuela.

The Right still hasn't figured this out. They're fighting a ghost and they don't see it.

Too dumb to see it apparently.
No matter how it’s cleverly spun or packaged ALL decent people hear it the same way.
“Provide me with shit that other people pay for...I’m entitled to free shit because I stand on U.S. soil.”
Do they realize NOBODY good and decent is shameless enough to make these types of requests?
I’m hoping the pitchmasters such as Mac1958 will weigh in here.
It's not a matter of being good,and decent. In fact, to imply as much casts the opposite on those who espouse democratic,socialism.

It's not their alleged goodness and decency that prevents them from doing jderstanding democratic socialism. In fact, plenty of good,and decent people would fight to hold on to the democratic socialism they enjoy, namely Social Security and Medicare.

What keeps them from understanding democratic socialism is their ignorance about what it actually means. Couple that ignorance with a steady diet of propaganda, and their understanding is even more entrenched.

If only reputable pundits were honest with these people,,we wouldn't be arguing points but honestly discussing them.

I am quite sure that, if asked in an unbiased manner, many people would agree that the kind of healthcare system enjoyed in every other industrialized nation would show real benefits here. Canada has universal healthcare, but the Canadian example is never proffered by biased pundits. Instead, they rant about Cuba, Venezuela and China. Are the Canadians as oppressed as the Venezuelans? Are the British as poor as the Cubans? Is there the same degree of freedom in Japan as there is in China?

Many would agree, if asked in an unbiased way, that community college or trade schools should be free of tuition so some may transfer those credits to other colleges or universities or begin a career in a trade. The cost of education is prohibitive now. But we all know that an educated population, a skilled population is vastly more competitive than populations with fewer educated and skilled citizens to fill a work force.

Just blaring the evils of socialism,without explaining the long term benefits hamstrings the discussion at best, and robs America of the potential,of its citizens at worst.

Just show them the bill


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