When liberals are talking about "white privilege" they are really saying whites are so superior non-whites don't have a fucking chance against us


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
All the arguments for "white privilege" are really saying to non-whites -- it's hopeless to ever beat us. Give up.

"Micro-aggression" is a perfect example:

Non-whites are so powerless compared to whites they can be defeated if a white person wears a sombrero to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
I took a CLE and had to hear a black man whine that he and his black friends worry about whether they can eat fried chicken in front of white people.

I mean, the man is completely helpless because white people are so much more powerful than he is he can't even eat fried chicken when he wants.
The Hispanic woman said she feels the same, she worries about whether she can eat tacos in front of white people.
Latinos are so powerless the white liberals turned them into "Latinx" and they can't do a damn thing about it.
Any non-white who refuses to play the part of victim is called an "Uncle Tom" or something equally nasty.
"White privilege" is like apartheid in South Africa, there's different levels of privilege based on what group you belong to.

Blacks are always at the bottom, just like apartheid in South Africa.
My feeling is more like a kind of brainwashing to say that white people are at fault and that it's all their fault when there have been large-scale terrorist attacks in the world (which was less present during Trump's mandate) it was because of white people it's been a long time now that leftists are knocking more and more on whites. That's what democracy is for them.
The term is racist and an attempt to take control of language and, thus, thought. What is so woefully mis-identified by the words is that in every culture in every time whatever majority there was occupied the majority of places. That is what happens in societies. It has nothing to do with color.
All good points, and true. The real goal though is to swindle big bucks out of Whitey for 'reparations', so they can all buy lots o Bling, dope, and luxury cars, then we can watch the murder rates skyrocket even higher among blacks as they murder each other in robberies and hijackings. These will be Whitey's fault, too.
The notion of "white privilege" makes no sense unless you admit, as a beginning principle, that white people are superior to people of other races and cultures.

And that is because "white privilege" would not be possible unless whites were more intelligent, more industrious, more ambitious, and more successful in life than non-whites.

The fact that liberals believe in "white privilege" and hold it as a fundamental principle means they are racist.
The notion of "white privilege" makes no sense unless you admit, as a beginning principle, that white people are superior to people of other races and cultures.

And that is because "white privilege" would not be possible unless whites were more intelligent, more industrious, more ambitious, and more successful in life than non-whites.

The fact that liberals believe in "white privilege" and hold it as a fundamental principle means they are racist.
...or they are just stupid.
The notion of "white privilege" makes no sense unless you admit, as a beginning principle, that white people are superior to people of other races and cultures.

And that is because "white privilege" would not be possible unless whites were more intelligent, more industrious, more ambitious, and more successful in life than non-whites.

The fact that liberals believe in "white privilege" and hold it as a fundamental principle means they are racist.

The irony is working class white people have been designated as 'The Enemy' by racist 'minorities' and the white elite criminal classes,i.e. the whites who never had much power to oppress anybody and the most tolerant and open of white people.They are the demographic most racial hate crimes are committed against. Black people don't bother white people in the Hsmptons or local suburban gated communities, being largely cowards and feral animals.
White working class get the shit end of the stick because no one helps them with affirmative action or quotas, and they are hated by the white city folks who see them as rubes.
When the Caucasian population in the United States of America eventually shrinks to a small minority, the term "White privilege" will be moot.

But then the activists of that future time will have to find another group to blame.

It is all so sad and depressing.

And it proves, despite the well-meant optimism of many sincere people, that multiculturalism does not work. Some groups are simply incompatible. And forcing them to be compatible only causes much unpleasantness for everyone. That is why Yugoslavia broke up (sadly, through violence).

Surely, in the next century, Americans will PEACEFULLY agree that enough is enough and decide on an amiable divorce.
None of this is what white privilege means.
The only privilege that common folks have is talent. If you are not born rich you are just another human in a sea of humans.. I don't expect people with a victim class perception to understand.
White privilege does not exist. One can be privileged in various ways, but in older English society the first born son in the defacto heir. That is where it really comes from. In India's caste system it is easy to see who has privilege at birth.

This does not exist in the USA.
All the arguments for "white privilege" are really saying to non-whites -- it's hopeless to ever beat us. Give up.

"Micro-aggression" is a perfect example:

Non-whites are so powerless compared to whites they can be defeated if a white person wears a sombrero to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
Exactly. White liberals think they are so superior because they are white they assign all of the power to themselves and then dole it out to who they deem worthy mostly due to right think...not race.
Any assertion that white people are superior is debunked by the conduct of white republican politicians, who have the collective IQ of a dead monkey.
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