When liberals are talking about "white privilege" they are really saying whites are so superior non-whites don't have a fucking chance against us

The only privilege that common folks have is talent. If you are not born rich you are just another human in a sea of humans.. I don't expect people with a victim class perception to understand.

Actually that's not so. There are things whites get to do freely that others don't. Recognition of this reality has nothing to do with victim anything.
All the arguments for "white privilege" are really saying to non-whites -- it's hopeless to ever beat us. Give up.

"Micro-aggression" is a perfect example:

Non-whites are so powerless compared to whites they can be defeated if a white person wears a sombrero to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
Exactly. White liberals think they are so superior because they are white they assign all of the power to themselves and then dole it out to who they deem worthy mostly due to right think...not race.
White privilege does not exist. One can be privileged in various ways, but in older English society the first born son in the defacto heir. That is where it really comes from. In India's caste system it is easy to see who has privilege at birth.

This does not exist in the USA.
White privilege does exist and the fact that you are white and don't recognize it shows that such privilege is real. Turn black and live and you would understand that.
There are whites who are going to deny white privilege and modern white racism. Turn black and you would understand the difference.
Any assertion that white people are superior is debunked by the conduct of white republican politicians, who have the collective IQ of a dead monkey.
Those White female Progs once threatened and attacked for their transgressions against their own to give them privilege will change their views. But they have to be taken to task first. And as the economy declines and the amount of males impoverished increases, the likely hood of revenge against them increases more and more. Living in a violent world and they think their shit does not stink. There's stink coming out of all their orifices.
All the arguments for "white privilege" are really saying to non-whites -- it's hopeless to ever beat us. Give up.

"Micro-aggression" is a perfect example:

Non-whites are so powerless compared to whites they can be defeated if a white person wears a sombrero to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
How dare you? Racist!

All the arguments for "white privilege" are really saying to non-whites -- it's hopeless to ever beat us. Give up.

Black people have no desire to *beat* white people. If we had a black hospital and a white person needed treatment. He would get treated and we would not use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the same way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.

We would not fight harder to save black life in a black hospital, the same way whites fight harder to save a white life in a white hospital

If we had a black bank and white person needed a loan and they qualified, we would give them that loan and we would not redline white areas from credit, the same way many banks redline black areas from credit

If we had fortune 500 black businesses and white person qualified for the job, we would give them that job and we wouldn't rip up white people CV's and resumes, the same way white people rip up black ppl's CV'S and resumes

If we had a black police force, we would not blown the brains out white men, women and children and say they were thugs, the same way white people blow the brains out black men, women and children and say they were things

Black people could never treat white people, the same way white people have treated black people. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart

Non-whites are so powerless compared to whites they can be defeated if a white person wears a sombrero to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

The black man is very powerful. Why ? Because black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically.

I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

That is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws. That's why whites write that 14 words stuff.

Whiteness is genetically recessive and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race.

White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it.

They shamelessly attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
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Any assertion that white people are superior is debunked by the conduct of white republican politicians, who have the collective IQ of a dead monkey.
Those White female Progs once threatened and attacked for their transgressions against their own to give them privilege will change their views. But they have to be taken to task first. And as the economy declines and the amount of males impoverished increases, the likely hood of revenge against them increases more and more. Living in a violent world and they think their shit does not stink. There's stink coming out of all their orifices.

Your comment is unintelligible. It sounds bad, though.
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When you think about these 240 plus years from the perspective of being black, it makes no sense to fight for all this time to end a system of oppression then restart the same oppression because you are in charge. Logically what would be the outcome of this paranoid belief? A nation of whites fighting against us like we fought, a nation of unrest, mistrust and hatred just like we have now, with constant division among the citizens of this nation. Yeah that’s what we black folks want. To reverse the violence and hate just so we can say we won. Just think about how stupid that sounds and yet people believe this who listen to mental midgets like Limbaugh, Savage, Cernovich and others who have consistently baited white racial fears based upon a load of lunacy.

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