When Politics Gets In the Way Of The Science -- The American Cancer Society

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
When Politics Gets In the Way Of The Science -- The American Cancer Society (ACS)

Unlike those who deny that man contributes dangerously to Global Warming, the ACS has denied science. The ACS has allowed the politics of caring to get in the way of what is best.. Whereas the deniers of man made contributions to GW have denied or ignored the science for ideological and political gains, the ACS has allowed the politics of caring to get in the way of what is best, but it stinks just as much. The politics, whether one of caring or one of shilling for Big Oil or big anybody else is what will destroy the USA from within. How?

From the right, we will inevitably see attacks against the American Cancer Society as somehow pushing a liberal agenda. Right wing attacks launched in order to puff up the smoke screen around right wing attempts to keep science in the political arena. Right wing attacks launched to push a narrative that is made up of false comparisons. There is nothing politically liberal, or ideologically liberal about the ACS's agenda. It is the politics or caring. Call it progressive if one must, but it is in no way liberal

Mixing science with the politics of caring, or mixing science with the ideology of protecting the economy from imagined conspiracies of most of the world suck no matter where one is coming from.

Stop mixing science with politics
Global warming ? Is that what this article's about?
Man made global warming is a hoax. If some of these idiots were alive in the 70s, they would know global warming is a fraud like global cooling was then. Guess what? Taxing was the solution to global cooling back then too. Raising taxes is always the libtard solution.
Global warming ? Is that what this article's about?
go away Why? because your are confusing the OP and the article which proves you have not really read either

The article or should I say author fails to get to the point within a reasonable period of time. So I quit reading and left the question. From that I get your bullshit reply. Oh and a funny face from some peice of shit.
Two Thumbs up the ass
yes, keep science out of politics

or, in other words

stop giving them our money
Science of the last century was funded with OUR money you dope. Want to go backwards?

Oh wait, that has always been part of the right wing platform : Back to a Glorious Future That Never Existed
Man made global warming is a hoax.
Not according to NASA and NOAA

but then again being as dumb as you appear to be we could bet the farm on you conflating the faux argument from Big Oil and right wing world of 'man made global warming' with the scientific facts of 'man's contribution to global warming'
Global warming ? Is that what this article's about?
go away Why? because your are confusing the OP and the article which proves you have not really read either

The article or should I say author fails to get to the point within a reasonable period of time. So I quit reading and left the question. From that I get your bullshit reply. Oh and a funny face from some peice of shit.
Okay pw (Pay 4 Whores) John
You're the moron. Obama bought NASA and NOAA. Global warming is a hoax. Your ilk had to rename it to climate change because of the fact we have four seasons. It's just a way to extort money from taxpayers. AGW hoax is base on two fucking trees. That's your proof! Ha ha
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I'm also old enough to remember "Global Cooling" and then the hysteria over losing the "Ozone Layer" and then "Nuclear Winter.." And then there was the scare that the world will run out of oil. None of it ever happened.
Two Thumbs up the ass
yes, keep science out of politics

or, in other words

stop giving them our money
Science of the last century was funded with OUR money you dope. Want to go backwards?

Oh wait, that has always been part of the right wing platform : Back to a Glorious Future That Never Existed
$18 Trillion in debt and you want to make it much larger.

but I'm the dope

Don't worry dante, some day you will get to potato.
I'm also old enough to remember "Global Cooling" and then the hysteria over losing the "Ozone Layer" and then "Nuclear Winter.." And then there was the scare that the world will run out of oil. None of it ever happened.
So you remember media hype and headlines? Do you also remember acid rain? Pollution/Smog in LA, Tobacco doesn't cause cancer because Big Tobacco had their own science like Big Oil has it's own science?

You're more of a reactionary than a rebel. A reactionary shilling a cause
Two Thumbs up the ass
yes, keep science out of politics

or, in other words

stop giving them our money
Science of the last century was funded with OUR money you dope. Want to go backwards?

Oh wait, that has always been part of the right wing platform : Back to a Glorious Future That Never Existed
$18 Trillion in debt and you want to make it much larger.

but I'm the dope

Don't worry dante, some day you will get to potato.
Save The Planet

Kill Yourself
Two Thumbs up the ass
yes, keep science out of politics

or, in other words

stop giving them our money
Science of the last century was funded with OUR money you dope. Want to go backwards?

Oh wait, that has always been part of the right wing platform : Back to a Glorious Future That Never Existed
$18 Trillion in debt and you want to make it much larger.

but I'm the dope

Don't worry dante, some day you will get to potato.
Save The Planet

Kill Yourself
you're the warmer, by even owning a computer you prove you're a hypocrite.

That fact you haven't killed yourself and all those you know, is just more proof.

poor dante, did you have to phone a friend to get the potato joke?

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