When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy'


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Video here: WATCH: When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy' | The FOX Nation

As the Tea Party movement continues to grow in popularity and influence, the attacks from the left and the media are intensifying. With the “racist” label largely failing to stick due to an utter lack of evidence for it, it seems anyone loosely associated with the Tea Party movement is now to be disregarded as “crazy.”

But will the “Call Them Crazy” campaign work? As NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth reported Sept. 19, Congressional Quarterly’s Craig Crawford was skeptical.

“That’s the Democratic Party message, that the Tea Party is bad for them [Republicans],” Crawford told CNN “Reliable Sources” host Howard Kurtz. “The other is that they’re all crazy. And that’s the trouble with focusing on all these statements and everything. We’re playing in to that Democratic message that these candidates are insane.”

It’s worth remembering that liberal columnists tried the same tactic against Sen. Scott Brown early in 2010, and he won as Republican in true-blue Massachusetts. (Of course, just how “crazy” a conservative Brown turned out to be is up for debate.

Read all here:

When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy'

In other words the left are running out of ideas on how to attack the Tea Party. Instead of being smeared, embarrassed and running away (as the Rinos would do) they are growing in strength.

Liberals don't know what to do! The old "race" card didn't work. Tea Partiers are not cowtowing to that old tired trick. Calling them "tea baggers" didn't work.

All they have left is, they are "crazy." But I think we see who's crazy when their attacks become more shrill and more desperate by the moment.

I warned you liberals. I've warned liberals for two years and I'll warn them again.

November is coming!

The tea party is not growing.

It does contain racists.

It does contain crazies.

The Democrat party is not growing.

It does contain racists.

It does contain crazies.

Wow, it's easy to use truthdoens'tmatters logic on anything. Just say it and it MUST be true.

The left has got NOTHING to run on. They've ruined the economy, they've ignored the public, and they've shown they are completely disconnected with main stream America. (They always have been.) So what can they do? Talk shit, of course, that's all they have left. Attack the right. It ain't workin' though. People don't like it. First the left screws the hell otta the country, and now they think people are going to listen to their SHIT while they attack the only people that stood AGAINST them? Nope. Ain't workin'. The left has a ass whoopin' comin', and everybody knows it, even them, so they're bitter.
The left has got NOTHING to run on. They've ruined the economy, they've ignored the public, and they've shown they are completely disconnected with main stream America. (They always have been.) So what can they do? Talk shit, of course, that's all they have left. Attack the right. It ain't workin' though. People don't like it. First the left screws the hell otta the country, and now they think people are going to listen to their SHIT while they attack the only people that stood AGAINST them? Nope. Ain't workin'. The left has a ass whoopin' comin', and everybody knows it, even them, so they're bitter.

How do you come up with your facts. Obama has done a lot of good things. "Equal pay for women", tax breaks for small businesses. You you agree with bailing out the banks? If you don't too bad because that was Bush bailing out his big money donors.You have no ideas but one. Lower taxes. the last time Bush lowered taxes the country paid. A trillion dollars added to the deficit. Obama's stimulus has put 3 million workers back on the job. Imagine how bad Bush's Depression would have been. I am sure McCain would have lowered taxes twice by now. Or started a war since that seems to be a priority of the Conservatives.
Who's Valerie Plame?

I was referring to Rove's blistering criticism of O'Donnell, teapartsamuri.

BTW, gimme your POV on this article, if you would?

t r u t h o u t | Tempest in a Very Small Teapot

You don't remember the Democrats trying to "frog march" Karl Rove out of the White House for two years, over the Valerie Plame affair, and it turned out that it was Richard Armitage (NOT Karl Rove) that outed her?

As for how Karl Rove is behaving on McDonnel's, it's pretty obvious.

He's a ruling class elite, no different than any other Rino or Democrat in Washington, and he's having a two year old temper tantrum about McDonnel winning the primary.

But what does that have to do with the new template for the Democrats against the Tea Party, now that the old race card has failed, other than to try and deflect?
Who's Valerie Plame?

I was referring to Rove's blistering criticism of O'Donnell, teapartsamuri.

BTW, gimme your POV on this article, if you would?

t r u t h o u t | Tempest in a Very Small Teapot

Who is Valerie Plame? OMG, stop before you hurt yourself.

I don't dwell in some corner of the blogosphere, RC. WTF is this broad?

Blogasphere???? How in the hell could you miss the Valerie Plame affair?????

It's like saying you don't know who Monica Lewisky is.

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The left has got NOTHING to run on. They've ruined the economy, they've ignored the public, and they've shown they are completely disconnected with main stream America. (They always have been.) So what can they do? Talk shit, of course, that's all they have left. Attack the right. It ain't workin' though. People don't like it. First the left screws the hell otta the country, and now they think people are going to listen to their SHIT while they attack the only people that stood AGAINST them? Nope. Ain't workin'. The left has a ass whoopin' comin', and everybody knows it, even them, so they're bitter.

How do you come up with your facts. Obama has done a lot of good things. "Equal pay for women", tax breaks for small businesses. You you agree with bailing out the banks? If you don't too bad because that was Bush bailing out his big money donors.You have no ideas but one. Lower taxes. the last time Bush lowered taxes the country paid. A trillion dollars added to the deficit. Obama's stimulus has put 3 million workers back on the job. Imagine how bad Bush's Depression would have been. I am sure McCain would have lowered taxes twice by now. Or started a war since that seems to be a priority of the Conservatives.

Tax breaks for small business????????

Obama hasn't been bailing out businesses????????

Obama's stimulus put people back to work??????????

Explain the high unemployment then!!!!!!!!

What a load of BS! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Video here: WATCH: When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy' | The FOX Nation

As the Tea Party movement continues to grow in popularity and influence, the attacks from the left and the media are intensifying. With the “racist” label largely failing to stick due to an utter lack of evidence for it, it seems anyone loosely associated with the Tea Party movement is now to be disregarded as “crazy.”

But will the “Call Them Crazy” campaign work? As NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth reported Sept. 19, Congressional Quarterly’s Craig Crawford was skeptical.

“That’s the Democratic Party message, that the Tea Party is bad for them [Republicans],” Crawford told CNN “Reliable Sources” host Howard Kurtz. “The other is that they’re all crazy. And that’s the trouble with focusing on all these statements and everything. We’re playing in to that Democratic message that these candidates are insane.”

It’s worth remembering that liberal columnists tried the same tactic against Sen. Scott Brown early in 2010, and he won as Republican in true-blue Massachusetts. (Of course, just how “crazy” a conservative Brown turned out to be is up for debate.

Read all here:

When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy'

In other words the left are running out of ideas on how to attack the Tea Party. Instead of being smeared, embarrassed and running away (as the Rinos would do) they are growing in strength.

Liberals don't know what to do! The old "race" card didn't work. Tea Partiers are not cowtowing to that old tired trick. Calling them "tea baggers" didn't work.

All they have left is, they are "crazy." But I think we see who's crazy when their attacks become more shrill and more desperate by the moment.

I warned you liberals. I've warned liberals for two years and I'll warn them again.

November is coming!



When you can't attack the messege, attack the messenger. Since the TEA party doesn't have an official leader, they have to go after the whole group.

How do you respond to people that are your exact opposite? you attack, insult, degrade, and when that doesn't work, you make shit up. What will the dims do when that doesn't work?
The left has got NOTHING to run on. They've ruined the economy, they've ignored the public, and they've shown they are completely disconnected with main stream America. (They always have been.) So what can they do? Talk shit, of course, that's all they have left. Attack the right. It ain't workin' though. People don't like it. First the left screws the hell otta the country, and now they think people are going to listen to their SHIT while they attack the only people that stood AGAINST them? Nope. Ain't workin'. The left has a ass whoopin' comin', and everybody knows it, even them, so they're bitter.

How do you come up with your facts. Obama has done a lot of good things. "Equal pay for women", tax breaks for small businesses. You you agree with bailing out the banks? If you don't too bad because that was Bush bailing out his big money donors.You have no ideas but one. Lower taxes. the last time Bush lowered taxes the country paid. A trillion dollars added to the deficit. Obama's stimulus has put 3 million workers back on the job. Imagine how bad Bush's Depression would have been. I am sure McCain would have lowered taxes twice by now. Or started a war since that seems to be a priority of the Conservatives.

3 million jobs!! HIP HIP HOORAY!! We only spent $1.4 trillion in 2 stimulus bills to save or create 3 million jobs!!!

That's just $467,000 per job!!


wait a minut

Are we boasting about spending $467k spent to save 1 job? Couldn't we have just giving 12 million people $100k? or 24 million $50k?

Guess Obama wasted a lot of money for nothing since unemployment wont go below 9% for a long time to come.
Video here: WATCH: When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy' | The FOX Nation

As the Tea Party movement continues to grow in popularity and influence, the attacks from the left and the media are intensifying. With the “racist” label largely failing to stick due to an utter lack of evidence for it, it seems anyone loosely associated with the Tea Party movement is now to be disregarded as “crazy.”

But will the “Call Them Crazy” campaign work? As NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth reported Sept. 19, Congressional Quarterly’s Craig Crawford was skeptical.

“That’s the Democratic Party message, that the Tea Party is bad for them [Republicans],” Crawford told CNN “Reliable Sources” host Howard Kurtz. “The other is that they’re all crazy. And that’s the trouble with focusing on all these statements and everything. We’re playing in to that Democratic message that these candidates are insane.”

It’s worth remembering that liberal columnists tried the same tactic against Sen. Scott Brown early in 2010, and he won as Republican in true-blue Massachusetts. (Of course, just how “crazy” a conservative Brown turned out to be is up for debate.

Read all here:

When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy'

In other words the left are running out of ideas on how to attack the Tea Party. Instead of being smeared, embarrassed and running away (as the Rinos would do) they are growing in strength.

Liberals don't know what to do! The old "race" card didn't work. Tea Partiers are not cowtowing to that old tired trick. Calling them "tea baggers" didn't work.

All they have left is, they are "crazy." But I think we see who's crazy when their attacks become more shrill and more desperate by the moment.

I warned you liberals. I've warned liberals for two years and I'll warn them again.

November is coming!



When you can't attack the messege, attack the messenger. Since the TEA party doesn't have an official leader, they have to go after the whole group.

How do you respond to people that are your exact opposite? you attack, insult, degrade, and when that doesn't work, you make shit up. What will the dims do when that doesn't work?

Well that's exactly what's going on.

It's also the left's achilles heel.

It's a lot easier to go after a leader than it is to go after a large portion of the American people.

Whether the left likes it or not, the American people identify more with the Tea Party, than they do with Obama and the Democrats.

If the Tea Party had someone at it's head like say, Newt Gingrich, they would just demonize him, and be safe.

But they don't. So, they have to try and slime millions of people.

That's not going to sit well with voters, especially, the tea party and they are going to say so with VOTES, November 2. ;)

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