When Republicans Rule


Groovy Dude
Jan 24, 2013
Here's what happened in NC recently as the Republicans took control.

No, I am not talking about how they are keeping its citizens to vote. I am talking about political patronage.

The Republican's latest actions here will cost the state more money for something that is not broke.

They have no shame. I feel sorry for the rank and file ordinary workers who are not paid much to begin with.

Newly exempt employees already pull in top salaries :: WRAL.com

"RALEIGH, N.C. — With little fanfare over the last few weeks, more than 500 state government employees have arrived at work to find a letter waiting for them.

In dense legalese, it explains they will soon be designated "exempt" from the State Personnel Act.

"Generally, this means that policies and rules relating to disciplinary action, separation and appeals do not apply," one version of the letter reads, before asking for a signature to confirm notification.

What may be lost in this jargon is the practical effect of the memo: Within 10 days, these employees will become at-will workers in departments managed by political appointees. It also fails to mention that the status change comes straight from the governor."
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