When Rightwingers are actually Semi-Socialist Lefties And Don't Know It

True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Social Security and Welfare.

Here's a hint; One pays into it and the other doesn't.

I know full well the difference. I used to do federal tax filings for a small business of 25 people. I know to the penny how much our company paid into each employee's SS every single month.

Yet your OP proves otherwise that you do not understand much beyond your far left programming!

Explain to me what part I don't understand.

""""If you’re a wage earner, you pay into the Social Security system straight out of your paycheck. This payroll tax is dubbed “FICA,” which stands for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The Social Security portion of your payroll tax is typically 6.2 percent of earnings up to a certain amount, which is adjusted annually (in 2012, the cap was set at $110,100). Employers also pay 6.2 percent for each employee. In addition, workers and their employers each pay 1.45 percent of all earnings for Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund."""
True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

sure sounds like white privilege and entitlement
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.
Apparently, RW cheating the system so others have to pay his fair share for services, isn't all that uncommon. bigrebnc1775 has bragged that he works off the books in order to cheat on his taxes.

Later, in the same thread, he says he gets paid off the books and doesn't pay taxes as a protest for Obama policies.

Because, as we all know, our taxes used to be used to pay for things we wanted to pay for and Obama changed all that.

True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

sure sounds like white privilege and entitlement

The thing is I really don't think they see the hypocrisy in their ways. They like all the free stuff, but they don't want anyone else to get it.
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.

And the far left can not own up to being wrong!

They would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

The Butt hurt is strong in this thread

Think they will all need a sitz bath? Medicare may cover it if it contains benzocaine.
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.

And the far left can not own up to being wrong!

They would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!


Oh GFY. You can't stick to an O/P and address it head on because your fucking head is emptier than a helium balloon.
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.

And the far left can not own up to being wrong!

They would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!


Oh GFY. You can't stick to an O/P and address it head on because your fucking head is emptier than a helium balloon.

Yes! Obama starts illegal wars and does away with due process and the far left falls silent!

More proof the the far left are cowards!

And even more proof that the far left believes SS is welfare..
True story:

Prove it.

Even if it is true, would it not also be true that your "friend" had been paying into the system her entire working life? Would it not then be true that your "friend" is simply taking back what she had earned through paying in to the system?

This whole thing with my Republican friend becoming such a hypocrite is putting a strain on a very long friendship. She used to have more common sense. But I think when she got involved with the SSDI scammer boyfriend, it changed her. I can't even be in the same room with him, it infuriates me to listen to him talk Tea Party bullshit when he hasn't paid taxes in 30 years and scams the system for disability benefits. I wonder how many of these dirt bags are out there?
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.

And the far left can not own up to being wrong!

They would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!


Oh GFY. You can't stick to an O/P and address it head on because your fucking head is emptier than a helium balloon.

Yes! Obama starts illegal wars and does away with due process and the far left falls silent!

More proof the the far left are cowards!

And even more proof that the far left believes SS is welfare..

You can't even comprehend the simplest things: 50% of SS is paid into the system by the employer as taxes, you fucking nitwit. I posted the exact law above, you idiot.
True story:

Prove it.

Even if it is true, would it not also be true that your "friend" had been paying into the system her entire working life? Would it not then be true that your "friend" is simply taking back what she had earned through paying in to the system?


You want me to disclose her identity? OK, prove yours first, dumbass.
What she is taking back was paid by her employer, too, in the form of taxes.
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.

And the far left can not own up to being wrong!

They would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!


Oh GFY. You can't stick to an O/P and address it head on because your fucking head is emptier than a helium balloon.

Yes! Obama starts illegal wars and does away with due process and the far left falls silent!

More proof the the far left are cowards!

And even more proof that the far left believes SS is welfare..

You can't even comprehend the simplest things: 50% of SS is paid into the system by the employer, you fucking nitwit. I posted the exact law above, you idiot.

Yet your OP shows otherwise..

Typical far left drone contracts themselves in the same thread that they started.

So yes the far left believes that SS is welfare..
True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

sure sounds like white privilege and entitlement

The thing is I really don't think they see the hypocrisy in their ways. They like all the free stuff, but they don't want anyone else to get it.

Their your idiot friends,and they don't speak for anyone but themselves,but keep trying your doing so very well.
True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Social Security and Welfare.

Here's a hint; One pays into it and the other doesn't.

I know full well the difference. I used to do federal tax filings for a small business of 25 people. I know to the penny how much our company paid into each employee's SS every single month.

My friend, her mother and b'friend are all on SS. Not food stamps. Got it yet, genius?

You do understand that there is more than one fund everyone pays into that falls under Social Security?Medicaid and so-forth.
True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

It's clear you don't know the difference between Social Security and Welfare.

Here's a hint; One pays into it and the other doesn't.

I know full well the difference. I used to do federal tax filings for a small business of 25 people. I know to the penny how much our company paid into each employee's SS every single month.

My friend, her mother and b'friend are all on SS. Not food stamps. Got it yet, genius?

You do understand that there is more than one fund everyone pays into that falls under Social Security?Medicaid and so-forth.

Why don't you explain that instead of just mouthing it? The righties on this board are so fucking lazy.
Not a single rightie will own up and admit their camp loves entitlements, too. Not a single one will say, "Shame on all of these people I mention for gaming the system". Cowards.

And the far left can not own up to being wrong!

They would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!


Oh GFY. You can't stick to an O/P and address it head on because your fucking head is emptier than a helium balloon.

Yes! Obama starts illegal wars and does away with due process and the far left falls silent!

More proof the the far left are cowards!

And even more proof that the far left believes SS is welfare..

You can't even comprehend the simplest things: 50% of SS is paid into the system by the employer, you fucking nitwit. I posted the exact law above, you idiot.

Yet your OP shows otherwise..

Typical far left drone contracts themselves in the same thread that they started.

So yes the far left believes that SS is welfare..

Oh jesus, it's like talking to a gerbil, except the gerbil makes more sense.
True story: My oldest and best friend of 35 years votes Republican, spouts conservative ideology, most of which always sounds good in the oratory sense, and rails against the "socialism creeping up our ankles".

Now here's where it gets weird, or shall I say, hypocritical: She filed early SS at age 62 about a year ago because she couldn't find a job that she wanted to take after being unemployed for two years taking care of her mother, who is also on SS and a pension half-funded by the state.

Her live-in b'friend has been on SSDI forever, gets paid under the table so he doesn't lose his SSDI and so I guess that means he hasn't paid taxes in many years, too. But he's a Tea Bagger, too. Big one. And votes for any tea bagger running for office.

The final rub: She was offered a job by one of her cousins who has an insurance agency 30 miles away. She can work out of her home from her own home office but she has to spend a week training at her cousin's office. I said what is the problem with that? You're going to finally have a real job again. "Well....I hate driving the Skyway (Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida), it's about an hour round trip and I just don't do well driving distances anymore....". So, it's only for a week, I said. "Yes, but my mom just isn't doing that well right now."

No wonder you righties are so upset about freeloaders. You got enough of them right in your own camp!

I think she'd have a different tune if Obama had initiated entitlement cuts and someone blew the whistle on her b'friend gaming the system all these years. Mama dies and there goes that money from the Fed, too.

Someone retiring at 62 under the rules isn't a freeloader. Her mother isn't one either being that to get the pension she also had to meet certain rules. You act as if following the rules is wrong.

If her boyfried is doing that, turn him in. I would. Whining and bitching on here is just that.

If she met the SS rules and does not want to work, you thinking she should is really none of your business. That you don't like her reasons is also none of your business. I don't like food stamp recipients that have claimed they don't have money to buy their own food buying beer and cigarettes with cash they say they don't have to buy their own food yet people like you tell me to stop hating.

I won't say there aren't people on the right that are freeloaders. Your problem is you claim what they are doing is wrong yet justify those on the left doing so.

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