When Romney is nominated..


Sep 15, 2008
Who will he pick as his running mate?

My guess is a hard line conservative from the South.
Who will he pick as his running mate?

My guess is a hard line conservative from the South.

Or Christie.

No way in HECK do I see a dumb fat Southern palooka like Hayluh Bawbuh getting da nom'nation.
This is brilliant. Way to demonstrate the cluelessness of the left.
On the eve of the election, and when Romney wins,hopefully with Cain by his side, every bar in every red state will be celebrating! I will be on our main strip here in Naples {Fifth Avenue} so I can witness the cheering and drinking when it's announced that Romney has won by a Record Landslide !!!!! and the following day the DOW will hit 14,000.
Who will he pick as his running mate?

My guess is a hard line conservative from the South.

Or Christie.

No way in HECK do I see a dumb fat Southern palooka like Hayluh Bawbuh getting da nom'nation.

Were you at Woodruff Park when the Flea Party shouted down John Lewis? :lol::lol::lol:

What a bunch of pathetic simpletons. Did you see the look on his face!?! :lol::lol::lol:

Not even Reed is supporting this Tea Party of the left :lol:
Newt's a hoot...

Newt is one who can unify the campaign as a purposeful opposition to Obama. I like his media control myself. This is a man who has no problem clarifying what the President wants done and he can slap the media like no other and do it both in and out of the upcoming debates. I wouldn't mind seeing him on a ticket as then he's right up where he needs to be attacking the Libs and defending his President .

I've watched Newt in many debates. Even if it is just to be in the debates and toss him off after, get him in there. Cain is a grand debater as well. Let's see how well Obama does with these two boys. :razz:
When Paul is nominated...

the Cubs will win the World Series, Pete Rose will return to managing the Reds, and Kate Winslet will share me with my wife.

Newt's a hoot...

Newt is one who can unify the campaign as a purposeful opposition to Obama. I like his media control myself. This is a man who has no problem clarifying what the President wants done and he can slap the media like no other and do it both in and out of the upcoming debates. I wouldn't mind seeing him on a ticket as then he's right up where he needs to be attacking the Libs and defending his President .

I've watched Newt in many debates. Even if it is just to be in the debates and toss him off after, get him in there. Cain is a grand debater as well. Let's see how well Obama does with these two boys. :razz:

If not VP, the President needs him in the cabinet, maybe even Secretary Of State, but Barack and Meechelle can stick around, maybe they can be the new White House Janitors.
Who will he pick as his running mate?

My guess is a hard line conservative from the South.

If he does, it's probably much an admission of failure. It means he hasn't sewn up his base (Republicans) and therefore can't appeal to the middle.

Look back to McCain. After he got the nomination, McCain suddenly discovered that all those moderates and liberals who were just pining for a moderate like him weren't showing up. They were all excited about the Hopey-Changy thing.

Worse for McCain, Key Conservatives and evangelicals weren't feeling the love, either.

So McCain had to go back and shore up the people he should have already had in the bag. He picked Palin, who seemed like a real good pick until people figured out she was kind of stupid.

A confident VP pick is one where the President is picking someone with solid credentials which compliments him in his weak areas. For instance, Dick Cheney was a great pick. Not because he was going to bring in the all important state of Wyoming, but because he was seen as an expert in foreign policy and military matters. Another great example was George H. W. Bush for Reagan, who was seen as having foreign policy and business credentials Reagan lacked. Al Gore was a great pick, because even though he was from the same region as Clinton, he had a long record as a Senator working on legislation and knew his way around Washington.

If Romney has to pick someone because the establishment foisted him down the throats of the 75% who'd rather have someone else, and he needs to prop up that base, he's already lost.
Historically, VP picks make very little difference in presidential elections anyway. They can be decisive only when the race is very close; for example, LBJ probably helped Kennedy win Texas and thus the presidency; the following election, though, nobody's running mate mattered.
Historically, VP picks make very little difference in presidential elections anyway. They can be decisive only when the race is very close; for example, LBJ probably helped Kennedy win Texas and thus the presidency; the following election, though, nobody's running mate mattered.

I agree. Unfortunately, this whole process has a narrative. Remember last time, when there was all the speculation about whether Obama would pick Hillary, or whether McCain would pick Romney or Huckabee? Or who they might pick, instead?

It's the problem is that the nomination fights were over in March and June, and they had five months of nothing else to really talk about before the people who actually decide this thing started paying attention after Labor Day.

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