When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.

Oh Please, keep it in context. I like to fire people too, if they screw up my business......

I've had to fire people, but I've never liked it. It's a very unpleasent thing to have to do. Sometimes it's necessary, I'll agree.

But in Romney's case, most of the people he fired were just in the wrong place in the wrong time. Namely in between him and a bag full of money.

And you know damned well that he wasn't referring to individuals when he made that comment but to an insurance company that didn't provide the services he may have wanted..

BTW, businesses are supposed to make money.....
Oh Please, keep it in context. I like to fire people too, if they screw up my business......

I've had to fire people, but I've never liked it. It's a very unpleasent thing to have to do. Sometimes it's necessary, I'll agree.

But in Romney's case, most of the people he fired were just in the wrong place in the wrong time. Namely in between him and a bag full of money.

And you know damned well that he wasn't referring to individuals when he made that comment but to an insurance company that didn't provide the services he may have wanted..

BTW, businesses are supposed to make money.....

Ollie is 100% correct.
Romney opens a big lead in SC, and South Carolina Republicans prefer Romney to Gingrich by a 2:1 margin when those two are the only options.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has opened a wide lead over his rivals in the South Carolina primary election race, trouncing Newt Gingrich and gaining momentum in his march toward the party's nomination, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows.

Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, could all but quash his rivals' presidential aspirations with a victory in South Carolina on January 21 after winning the first state-by-state nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Voters in South Carolina - who have favored Republicans in nine of the last 10 presidential elections - appear to have shrugged off attacks on Romney by rivals who accuse him of killing jobs as a private equity executive for Bain Capital in the 1990s.

The poll showed 37 percent of South Carolina Republican voters back Romney. Congressman Ron Paul and former Senator Rick Santorum tied for second place with 16 percent support.

Gingrich, a former speaker of the House of Representatives, has fallen far back after holding a strong lead in South Carolina in December. He was in fourth place at 12 percent in the Reuters/Ipsos poll. ...

Romney is clearly winning a feud with Gingrich that began in December before the Iowa caucuses and has become the most bitter fight in the selection of a Republican challenger to Democratic President Barack Obama in November's general election.

In a question asked of Republicans and Democrats, the poll found South Carolina voters would favor Romney over Obama by 46 percent to 40 percent.

Asked who they would choose if the nomination contest were solely between Romney and Gingrich, 62 percent of Republicans picked Romney and 30 percent went for Gingrich.

Senior Republican figures and business executives have berated Gingrich for painting multi-millionaire Romney as a ruthless corporate raider. Many Republican voters are also turned off by the attacks, highlighted in a video documentary produced by a funding group that backs Gingrich.

"I think those attacks are misguided. The process of any economy has long been one of creative destruction. Some things grow and some things disappear," said Steve Matthews, a lawyer from Columbia, South Carolina, who plans to vote for Romney.

Romney opens 21-point lead in South Carolina: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Yahoo! News
Texas evangelicals who foisted Rick Perry on the state for a decade are trying to hoist Santorum on South Carolina.

Let's hope they fail.
This is what many on the left are saying, but because of this, the right are against Romney. He is the strongest in a very weak field, and many Republicans are not happy about what the candidates are saying. Candidates who were the extreme not long ago are now the norm.
If Romney is so weak, he is still a million times better than President Obama because he knows how to put a large economy back in the black which will boom the stock market and decimate unemployment.

Obama just can't furnish confidence to small businesses and conservatives, whom he and his disciples consider a detriment to their big government and socialistic ambitions for this nation.

Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.
Obama doesn't waste his lawyering skills on seals. He uses them to destroy Republicans, and we are damn fed up. Every good thing goes to a state that voted his way, and every bad thing (decimating the oil drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico) gets shunted to states that didn't vote his way.

I made the mistake of calling Obama "my president" a few times. It's now clear to me after watching his every move for 3 years pushing America into being a strong federal socialistic state, he has no intention of being my President even though I am a 20th generation American citizen on one side of my family and have prehistoric roots in this land on the other side. When I graduated from high school and it was time to pick a party, I'd seen so much racial hatred in Democrats I decided I'd never be one. Now, Democrats are busy rewriting history to heap all kinds of trumped-up racist blame on Republicans, the antislavery party.

So you can think what you want, I'm not buying the Obama worship that goes on in parts of this country.

I worked hard in my lifetime, and nobody handed me any silver platter when I was born. My husband and I worked side by side and built our own American Dream through hard work. Now we're faced with a country that wants to withhold Social Security because we have a nest egg that was meant to carry us in our old age. But with land taxes in the thousands annually for a little piece of dirt and a cut in social security benefits because the local snarks targeted all Republicans for withholding what we worked for and paid for all those years in Social Security WE not THEY paid, I'm really sick of those who go into government service to procure assets from taxpayers to give their own children 700 million golden parachutes like Nancy Pelosi did just in the past year.

I'm not going to lay down and play dead while Nancy doles out billions to herself and members of her family by whacking seniors.

She has outlived her usefulness to Americans and divided America into paying and receiving classes. She's figured out a way to make her political enemies pay for her botox jobs and I'm sick and tired of her and Obama, too at this point.
this is why I laugh when Republicans claim their main focus is to elect a "true conservative"

Honestly, we can't elect one within this country. That is the sad truth. If we ran someone that wanted to kill all benfits within a nation that has half of its population using such, we'd lose.

Ironically, the main reason Ron Paul and NO third party will ever have a chance in this country is because people like Ron Paul oppose campaign finance reform and support Citizen's United decisions.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

I'm a Constitutional Conservative/Libertarian guy and yes, I'll be voting for Ron Paul in the primary...not because I expect Dr Paul to win but because I believe it is critical that the Republican party begin to reject its big spending/big government ways of the last 40+ years. I used to happily 'throw away' my vote on the Libertarian candidate for President...because between Clinton and Dole in '96, I really didn't care who won. Today, you can bet your ass I will be voting for the Republican candidate for President, whoever gets the nod.
When Obama wins, will you nutters behave like responsible citizens and provide our much needed LOYAL dissent and opposition? Or will you whine and stomp your collective feet for another four fucking years. I mean.......even the most stubborn infant eventually figures out that crying does him no good.
I don't believe BHO will win, but if he does he will meet a new face of responsible mainstream Republican leaders and members, sans many of the Tea Party reps who will be defeated in the primaries. We will see then if BHO will be willing to "work with" the GOP.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.


If Mitt gets the nod, I will be FORCED -- compelled even -- to make a choice.

Cast my vote to Re-elect President Obama or vote for his opponent?


Now there's a real poser!

Yeah....a real tough one. The libs here are daring us to do it.

I'll try to tamp down my guilty feelings once that stank-ass Obama is out of there.

You're going to Implode if Obama wins re-election, aren't you?
I don't believe BHO will win, but if he does he will meet a new face of responsible mainstream Republican leaders and members, sans many of the Tea Party reps who will be defeated in the primaries. We will see then if BHO will be willing to "work with" the GOP.

We already know that he is. No mystery.
I'm a Constitutional Conservative/Libertarian guy and yes, I'll be voting for Ron Paul in the primary...not because I expect Dr Paul to win but because I believe it is critical that the Republican party begin to reject its big spending/big government ways of the last 40+ years. I used to happily 'throw away' my vote on the Libertarian candidate for President...because between Clinton and Dole in '96, I really didn't care who won. Today, you can bet your ass I will be voting for the Republican candidate for President, whoever gets the nod.

Which essentially undermines everything Paul is fighting for.
This is what many on the left are saying, but because of this, the right are against Romney. He is the strongest in a very weak field, and many Republicans are not happy about what the candidates are saying. Candidates who were the extreme not long ago are now the norm.
If Romney is so weak, he is still a million times better than President Obama because he knows how to put a large economy back in the black which will boom the stock market and decimate unemployment.

Obama just can't furnish confidence to small businesses and conservatives, whom he and his disciples consider a detriment to their big government and socialistic ambitions for this nation.

Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.

How disingenuous and deceitful you are. You've spent this entire thread either misquoting or misrepresenting Romney's words or actions. The quote was, "I like being able to fire people". Are your reading comprehension skills so limited that you're unable to understand the difference between "I like to" and I like to be able to"? IMO people like you are one of the main reasons that the political climate in this country has become so nasty. People like you make it impossible to have an honest election because you spend your time twisting others words to try to suit whatever meaning that they would best serve your personal agenda.
Oh Please, keep it in context. I like to fire people too, if they screw up my business......

I've had to fire people, but I've never liked it. It's a very unpleasent thing to have to do. Sometimes it's necessary, I'll agree.

But in Romney's case, most of the people he fired were just in the wrong place in the wrong time. Namely in between him and a bag full of money.

And you know damned well that he wasn't referring to individuals when he made that comment but to an insurance company that didn't provide the services he may have wanted..

BTW, businesses are supposed to make money.....

Why, yes, yes they are. They are also supposed to obey the laws and act for the public good.

Frankly, I don't care about the context of why he likes to fire people. That's the quote Obama is going to hang around his neck come the fall... like Clinton did with "Read my lips, no new Taxes" on Bush.
Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.

How disingenuous and deceitful you are. You've spent this entire thread either misquoting or misrepresenting Romney's words or actions. The quote was, "I like being able to fire people". Are your reading comprehension skills so limited that you're unable to understand the difference between "I like to" and I like to be able to"? IMO people like you are one of the main reasons that the political climate in this country has become so nasty. People like you make it impossible to have an honest election because you spend your time twisting others words to try to suit whatever meaning that they would best serve your personal agenda.

Hey, politics ain't beanbag, and if Boy Mitt can't take the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

"I like to be able to fire people" sound really horrible if your history is full of people you've fired. It's like Michael Jackson saying "I like to play with little boys"; it wouldn't matter if the context was about T-ball.

He said it. It's a deal killer in November. I ought to be a deal-killer now, but the GOP is too in love with greed to understand how horrible it sounds.

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