When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

I have been saying for quite a while that the Republicans are in the same position of the Democrats in 2004. There is a seated President who is beatable, but their candidates are too weak.

I was of a similar opinion to you, until I made the effort to inform myself about the candidates. I don't see Romney as 'weak' at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

Given, as another poster pointed out, that O and Mitt are:

Immigration - same
Federal Reserve - same
Free Trade - same
War on drugs - same
Revising our tax code - same
Deficit - same
Big government, big spending - same
Stripping away freedoms – same

Help me understand what you use to conclude Mitt is a strong candidate?

Not trying to be snarky…I have read some of your other post and you seem very reasonable but this on this issue…

well, it helps if you have accurate information
If Romney is so weak, he is still a million times better than President Obama because he knows how to put a large economy back in the black which will boom the stock market and decimate unemployment.

Obama just can't furnish confidence to small businesses and conservatives, whom he and his disciples consider a detriment to their big government and socialistic ambitions for this nation.

Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.

How disingenuous and deceitful you are. You've spent this entire thread either misquoting or misrepresenting Romney's words or actions. The quote was, "I like being able to fire people". Are your reading comprehension skills so limited that you're unable to understand the difference between "I like to" and I like to be able to"? IMO people like you are one of the main reasons that the political climate in this country has become so nasty. People like you make it impossible to have an honest election because you spend your time twisting others words to try to suit whatever meaning that they would best serve your personal agenda.

The quote was, "I like being able to fire people".

Good enough for me. I won't vote for him. Not just for that reason though. The guy has no more concern for the Middle Class than he does Tse Tse flies.
Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.

How disingenuous and deceitful you are. You've spent this entire thread either misquoting or misrepresenting Romney's words or actions. The quote was, "I like being able to fire people". Are your reading comprehension skills so limited that you're unable to understand the difference between "I like to" and I like to be able to"? IMO people like you are one of the main reasons that the political climate in this country has become so nasty. People like you make it impossible to have an honest election because you spend your time twisting others words to try to suit whatever meaning that they would best serve your personal agenda.

The quote was, "I like being able to fire people".

Good enough for me. I won't vote for him. Not just for that reason though. The guy has no more concern for the Middle Class than he does Tse Tse flies.

It's about as honest as when Michelle Obama said Barack "was a Kenyan," and all the nutter birfers went apeshit that this was proof positive Obama was a Kenyan. So congratulations, you have the cognitive processing skills of a birfer.

The quote was taken out of context. To partisans, ideologues, anti-Mormon bigots and others who've already made up their mind and who aren't going to vote for Romney anyways, it just reinforces their own position. That's it.
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It's about as honest as when Michelle Obama said Barack "was a Kenyan," and all the nutter birfers went apeshit that this was proof positive Obama was a Kenyan. So congratulations, you have the cognitive processing skills of a birfer.

The quote was taken out of context. To partisans, ideologues, anti-Mormon bigots and others who've already made up their mind and who aren't going to vote for Romney anyways, it just reinforces their own position. That's it.

Is anyone paying attention right now besides the partisans and idealogues?

For the folks who aren't going to tune in until September or so, who probably won't get to participate meaningfully in a primary because the GOP Establishment can't wait to declare Romney the winner even though he has yet to win a majority in any primary, they are going to hear this quote taken out of context, to be sure, but matched up with people who lost their jobs in various dodgy deals orchestrated by Bain.
I was of a similar opinion to you, until I made the effort to inform myself about the candidates. I don't see Romney as 'weak' at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

Given, as another poster pointed out, that O and Mitt are:

Immigration - same
Federal Reserve - same
Free Trade - same
War on drugs - same
Revising our tax code - same
Deficit - same
Big government, big spending - same
Stripping away freedoms – same

Help me understand what you use to conclude Mitt is a strong candidate?

Not trying to be snarky…I have read some of your other post and you seem very reasonable but this on this issue…

well, it helps if you have accurate information

Enlighten me...
Romney's the "best" of a crappy field. It's like being King of the Dipshits. It is what it is. I remain very curious why so many potentials (Daniels, Bush, Huckabee, Christy, Ryan, et al) decided to sit this out. There's gotta be a story in there somewhere.

Aside from his vulnerabilities, though, someone needs to tell Romney that he really doesn't do "animated" very well. Two things happen when he's on the stump: First, he gets that weird, wide-eyed (yet blank) look on face that makes him seem a little strange and manic; second, it seems that this is the time he says things that he later regrets. Calm down, Mitt, act a little more dignified. Obama will make you look like a loon in comparison.

What a lousy choice we're going to have in November. Again.

It's about as honest as when Michelle Obama said Barack "was a Kenyan," and all the nutter birfers went apeshit that this was proof positive Obama was a Kenyan. So congratulations, you have the cognitive processing skills of a birfer.

The quote was taken out of context. To partisans, ideologues, anti-Mormon bigots and others who've already made up their mind and who aren't going to vote for Romney anyways, it just reinforces their own position. That's it.

Is anyone paying attention right now besides the partisans and idealogues?

For the folks who aren't going to tune in until September or so, who probably won't get to participate meaningfully in a primary because the GOP Establishment can't wait to declare Romney the winner even though he has yet to win a majority in any primary, they are going to hear this quote taken out of context, to be sure, but matched up with people who lost their jobs in various dodgy deals orchestrated by Bain.

Why are you trying so hard to be stupid?
Romney's the "best" of a crappy field. It's like being King of the Dipshits. It is what it is. I remain very curious why so many potentials (Daniels, Bush, Huckabee, Christy, Ryan, et al) decided to sit this out. There's gotta be a story in there somewhere.

Aside from his vulnerabilities, though, someone needs to tell Romney that he really doesn't do "animated" very well. Two things happen when he's on the stump: First, he gets that weird, wide-eyed (yet blank) look on face that makes him seem a little strange and manic; second, it seems that this is the time he says things that he later regrets. Calm down, Mitt, act a little more dignified. Obama will make you look like a loon in comparison.

What a lousy choice we're going to have in November. Again.


I agree. It's a lousy choice.

As to your question, why did the grown-ups decide to sit this one out.

1) After Bin Laden was killed, they figured Obama was going to be more popular than the second coming.

2) They realized that they'd have to spend a lot of money to compete with Romney, who can just write himself a check at any time.

3) The Establishment figured Romney was vetted from the last time, and nothing weird like a mistress or the inability to name what departments you want to eliminate would happen. (They were wrong.)

Also, all the alternatives really did have their own problems.

Jeb Bush's biggest problem is his name is Bush. Not enough distance from his brother yet.

Daniels- Great guy. But there's this very weird thing where his wife left him, married another guy and came back. Who'd want to put their family though that kind of scrutiny.

HUckabee was done in by the fact a guy he gave clemency to went out and murdered four cops while they were having their breakfast for no apparent reason.

Ryan and Christy don't have enough of a track record yet.
It's about as honest as when Michelle Obama said Barack "was a Kenyan," and all the nutter birfers went apeshit that this was proof positive Obama was a Kenyan. So congratulations, you have the cognitive processing skills of a birfer.

The quote was taken out of context. To partisans, ideologues, anti-Mormon bigots and others who've already made up their mind and who aren't going to vote for Romney anyways, it just reinforces their own position. That's it.

Is anyone paying attention right now besides the partisans and idealogues?

For the folks who aren't going to tune in until September or so, who probably won't get to participate meaningfully in a primary because the GOP Establishment can't wait to declare Romney the winner even though he has yet to win a majority in any primary, they are going to hear this quote taken out of context, to be sure, but matched up with people who lost their jobs in various dodgy deals orchestrated by Bain.

Why are you trying so hard to be stupid?

Gee, Sarge, why aren't you able to process the argument? 11B?

To those of us who don't read politics every day, don't write about it on a message board every day, etc. the whole context thing is going to be meaningless.

Romney blurted out the words "I like to be able to fire people". These words fell unbidden from his mouth. For an electorate that has been battered by guys like Romney laying them off and reducing their salaries, it's really like blurting out "Let them Eat Cake!"

Marie Antonette never said that, but they cut off her head, anyway.
Romney will get all the support he needs...........at the end of the day, every swinging dick supporting any of the GOP candidates share one common deeply held belief: get this fcuking fraud out of the white house!!
Romney will get all the support he needs...........at the end of the day, every swinging dick supporting any of the GOP candidates share one common deeply held belief: get this fcuking fraud out of the white house!!

NOt me. If Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for a third party.

More to the point, the argument behind Romney's candidacy is that by not being really all that conservative, he's going to appeal to the independents and moderates who voted for Obama the last time.

Except where are they? In Iowa and NH, participation in the primaries has been weaker than it was in 2008, when there was a democratic contest on the other side twice as many people participated in.
Romney will get all the support he needs...........at the end of the day, every swinging dick supporting any of the GOP candidates share one common deeply held belief: get this fcuking fraud out of the white house!!

NOt me. If Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for a third party.

More to the point, the argument behind Romney's candidacy is that by not being really all that conservative, he's going to appeal to the independents and moderates who voted for Obama the last time.

Except where are they? In Iowa and NH, participation in the primaries has been weaker than it was in 2008, when there was a democratic contest on the other side twice as many people participated in.

good thing you're not paying any attention to him

Small businesses and conservatives are a small fraction of the electorate. A much larger slice of the electorate are "people who've had their lives disrupted because Wall Street Bloodsuckers ran roughshod over their lives".

Seriously, you could have film of Obama clubbing baby seals on the South Lawn and it wouldn't look as bad as Mittens and his "I like to fire people" BS.

How disingenuous and deceitful you are. You've spent this entire thread either misquoting or misrepresenting Romney's words or actions. The quote was, "I like being able to fire people". Are your reading comprehension skills so limited that you're unable to understand the difference between "I like to" and I like to be able to"? IMO people like you are one of the main reasons that the political climate in this country has become so nasty. People like you make it impossible to have an honest election because you spend your time twisting others words to try to suit whatever meaning that they would best serve your personal agenda.

Hey, politics ain't beanbag, and if Boy Mitt can't take the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

"I like to be able to fire people" sound really horrible if your history is full of people you've fired. It's like Michael Jackson saying "I like to play with little boys"; it wouldn't matter if the context was about T-ball.

He said it. It's a deal killer in November. I ought to be a deal-killer now, but the GOP is too in love with greed to understand how horrible it sounds.

So you think that all is fair and that it's ok to perpetuate dishonesty? As I said, people like you are the reason that this is such a nasty process.
Romney's the "best" of a crappy field. It's like being King of the Dipshits. It is what it is. I remain very curious why so many potentials (Daniels, Bush, Huckabee, Christy, Ryan, et al) decided to sit this out. There's gotta be a story in there somewhere.

I think the 'story', is that the neo-cons recognize that Obama is one of theirs and see no compelling need to remove him.
Romney's the "best" of a crappy field. It's like being King of the Dipshits. It is what it is. I remain very curious why so many potentials (Daniels, Bush, Huckabee, Christy, Ryan, et al) decided to sit this out. There's gotta be a story in there somewhere.

I think the 'story', is that the neo-cons recognize that Obama is one of theirs and see no compelling need to remove him.

1. there are no neo-cons any more. they were a myth put up by the Left when they disagreed with certain policies.

2. since Obama is President and has access to the best information available, its interesting that the Left no longer trusts him to make the right decision based on the facts. Either you trust the man or you don't.
Romney will get all the support he needs...........at the end of the day, every swinging dick supporting any of the GOP candidates share one common deeply held belief: get this fcuking fraud out of the white house!!

NOt me. If Romney's the nominee, I'll vote for a third party.

More to the point, the argument behind Romney's candidacy is that by not being really all that conservative, he's going to appeal to the independents and moderates who voted for Obama the last time.

Except where are they? In Iowa and NH, participation in the primaries has been weaker than it was in 2008, when there was a democratic contest on the other side twice as many people participated in.

You have said earlier in no uncertain terms you will vote for Obama. You are a union guy. Of course, you will vote for Obama and attack Romney.
How disingenuous and deceitful you are. You've spent this entire thread either misquoting or misrepresenting Romney's words or actions. The quote was, "I like being able to fire people". Are your reading comprehension skills so limited that you're unable to understand the difference between "I like to" and I like to be able to"? IMO people like you are one of the main reasons that the political climate in this country has become so nasty. People like you make it impossible to have an honest election because you spend your time twisting others words to try to suit whatever meaning that they would best serve your personal agenda.

Hey, politics ain't beanbag, and if Boy Mitt can't take the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

"I like to be able to fire people" sound really horrible if your history is full of people you've fired. It's like Michael Jackson saying "I like to play with little boys"; it wouldn't matter if the context was about T-ball.

He said it. It's a deal killer in November. I ought to be a deal-killer now, but the GOP is too in love with greed to understand how horrible it sounds.

So you think that all is fair and that it's ok to perpetuate dishonesty? As I said, people like you are the reason that this is such a nasty process.

I think if Romney is dumb enough to say things like -

"I like to be able to fire people"
"Corporations are people, too, my friend"
"We should only talk about wealth inequity in quiet rooms"

He kind of deserves what he gets.
Is anyone paying attention right now besides the partisans and idealogues?

For the folks who aren't going to tune in until September or so, who probably won't get to participate meaningfully in a primary because the GOP Establishment can't wait to declare Romney the winner even though he has yet to win a majority in any primary, they are going to hear this quote taken out of context, to be sure, but matched up with people who lost their jobs in various dodgy deals orchestrated by Bain.

Why are you trying so hard to be stupid?

Gee, Sarge, why aren't you able to process the argument? 11B?

To those of us who don't read politics every day, don't write about it on a message board every day, etc. the whole context thing is going to be meaningless.

Romney blurted out the words "I like to be able to fire people". These words fell unbidden from his mouth. For an electorate that has been battered by guys like Romney laying them off and reducing their salaries, it's really like blurting out "Let them Eat Cake!"

Marie Antonette never said that, but they cut off her head, anyway.

If Romney does get the nomination I do hope Obama runs with that. Romney will shred him. The context has been explained in this thread, do you read much?
And even though I was not 11B I do know some highly intelligent ones, and highly educated also. So believe me that would not be an insult.
Why are you trying so hard to be stupid?

Gee, Sarge, why aren't you able to process the argument? 11B?

To those of us who don't read politics every day, don't write about it on a message board every day, etc. the whole context thing is going to be meaningless.

Romney blurted out the words "I like to be able to fire people". These words fell unbidden from his mouth. For an electorate that has been battered by guys like Romney laying them off and reducing their salaries, it's really like blurting out "Let them Eat Cake!"

Marie Antonette never said that, but they cut off her head, anyway.

If Romney does get the nomination I do hope Obama runs with that. Romney will shred him. The context has been explained in this thread, do you read much?
And even though I was not 11B I do know some highly intelligent ones, and highly educated also. So believe me that would not be an insult.

The dirt bag is ragging on the infantry?

I served as an 11b, 11c and 11d.

Maybe he could grow a pair and fill those shoes.
Gee, Sarge, why aren't you able to process the argument? 11B?

To those of us who don't read politics every day, don't write about it on a message board every day, etc. the whole context thing is going to be meaningless.

Romney blurted out the words "I like to be able to fire people". These words fell unbidden from his mouth. For an electorate that has been battered by guys like Romney laying them off and reducing their salaries, it's really like blurting out "Let them Eat Cake!"

Marie Antonette never said that, but they cut off her head, anyway.

If Romney does get the nomination I do hope Obama runs with that. Romney will shred him. The context has been explained in this thread, do you read much?
And even though I was not 11B I do know some highly intelligent ones, and highly educated also. So believe me that would not be an insult.

The dirt bag is ragging on the infantry?

I served as an 11b, 11c and 11d.

Maybe he could grow a pair and fill those shoes.

Probably couldn't carry the load 10 yards..............

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