When Teachers Cheat—And Then Blame the Tests ..while students suffer


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
well, the dog ate my homework the test was to hard etc. 'out' being employed by cheating teachers is just symptomatic of the general malaise in our learning institutions.

When Teachers Cheat—And Then Blame the Tests
It's the students who suffer most.
July 16 2011

Only two years ago, Atlanta Public Schools were the toast of the educational establishment. Scores on standardized tests had been rising—skyrocketing, in some cases—for a decade. In February 2009, schools chief Beverly Hall was feted as national superintendent of the year.

Two months later, dozens of Ms. Hall's teachers and principals engaged in the annual ritual required to produce such success: They cheated on the state standardized test.

The difference between 2009 and previous years of cheating (dating back at least as far as 2006, and perhaps 2001) was that reporters at my newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, questioned the schools' remarkable scores on Georgia's Criterion-Referenced Competency Test. Those articles prompted an investigation by then-Gov. Sonny Perdue, and this month the devastating final report arrived. It uncovered cheating by adults in 44 schools, covering 1,508 classes—almost all of them serving low-income, minority students.


Many politicians and teachers have responded to the report by blaming the test and accountability measures like No Child Left Behind. This is exactly the wrong reaction: Atlanta shows us why public schools need more, not fewer, accountability measures.

First, a bit about more about the scandal. The probe, led by a former state attorney general and a former district attorney, built upon a testing company's analysis of every 2009 test answer sheet from every Georgia elementary and middle-school student in three subjects. Each answer sheet was reviewed for erasure marks indicating that an incorrect answer had been changed to a correct answer. The company, CTB McGraw Hill, then identified schools with suspiciously high numbers of erasure marks.


Punishments are already being dished out. Five of Ms. Hall's lieutenants have resigned or have been removed from their jobs. A sixth, who left Atlanta to be superintendent of a small school system near Dallas, was placed on administrative leave Monday after parents protested her hiring.

Ms. Hall didn't seek an extension of her contract, which expired June 30. But rather than ride off to a cushy position at some foundation, she'll likely spend the next couple of years facing attempts (perhaps lawsuits) by Atlanta Public Schools to reclaim some of the more than $580,000 in bonuses she received. Then there are the federal grants her schools received, thanks to the No Child Left Behind law, for their stellar performance: Ms. Hall may be asked to explain herself as part of an FBI fraud investigation.

Atlanta students face the worst consequences. Some current high schoolers may never have gotten a true appraisal on the state test, and many were denied the extra help they'd have gotten if their real scores were reported properly. "It's honestly sickening that these people who are supposed to look out for kids took advantage of the students' and the parents' trust," Ashley Brown, a 2011 graduate of Atlanta's Grady High School, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

more at-

Kyle Wingfield: When Teachers Cheat—And Then Blame the Tests - WSJ.com

This act of civil disobedience on the part of Atlanta teachers reminded me that I wanted to watch "Waiting for Superman" ---- A documentary on public school education and the failing lower percentiles.

Major bummer. I can't even discuss this topic after watching that flick.. You cannot find a plot so sinister and evil in corporate America that even APPROACHES the sheer monstronsity of what public education is doing to their vulnerable customers. Watching poor parents who actually giveashit cry at lotteries for schools where their child only has a 10% chance of getting in.. KNOWING that brilliant caring people are fighting to create the right environment and methods that CAN bring MOST of those lower percentiles to a happy conclusion.. And all of the selfish resistance by the unions and gatekeepers to keep their factories running under 19th century rules..

I'm so angry and depressed about the adversion to even measuring the problem thru standardized testing so that we can work to solve the problems.

The only thing I can say in favor of the teachers is that they have a point about the politicizing of the testing. That perhaps the scores themselves shouldn't have been used as a club to beat up on specific teachers and schools. But the fact that about 30% of 8th graders outright fail basic competency and 60% are less than compentent is an important data point.. Parents who care need relief TODAY.. They don't have years to debate this further and "wait for Superman" to save them...

Have you seen that documentary yet?
White test scores have always been quite higher then those of blacks and Hispanics.

It is racist to expect blacks and Hispanics to adhere to the same levels as whites and Asian.

If these black schools turned in the real test scores, they would have all lost there jobs anyway.
Is this a test or not?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0wk4qG2mIg]‪Harvard Graduates Explain Seasons‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

If graduates of a prestigious university can't explain what causes the the seasons on the planet they live on and the only one they will ever live on doesn't that mean they and the entire educational system flunk the test.

Doesn't it mean they have no curiosity and the people running the educational system can't figure out what information is important.

They are educated to service the institutions not comprehend reality. So now everyone is making a big deal about the economy and no one points out that the system has been running on planned obsolescence for decades. No netbooks aren't powerful enough. You need a bloated crappy operating system to make you buy a more powerful computer.

The educators can't even suggest a National Recommended Reading List in 40 years.

The public school system today exists solely to benefit the employees of the public school system. It's one of the most corrupt, incompetent, and expensive bureaucracies in the country.
agreed, one of the bigger messages in Waiting for Superman was that it appeared the system doesn't exist for the kids, it exists for the administrations and unions....
agreed, one of the bigger messages in Waiting for Superman was that it appeared the system doesn't exist for the kids, it exists for the administrations and unions....

Yet do you blame ALL teachers for some that cheat....and yet most teachers would never do that.

As for the DOE, NCLB, Administrators getting paid too much $$, and the unions...well, not all of us agree with them either.

I'm not a member of the Teachers Union, and a lot of the teachers I work with aren't either. I'd say about half are, half aren't.

If a teacher or anyone else needs to cheat to pull up test scores then they should be punished as anyone who cheats should be.

Again, come visit my school, and others, and see how dedicated these teachers are, and how much they DO care about the students.

Sweeping generalizations aren't in the best interests of trying to make things better, eh?
What were these teachers supposed to do?

If they turn in the true test scores they would lose there jobs anyways.
agreed, one of the bigger messages in Waiting for Superman was that it appeared the system doesn't exist for the kids, it exists for the administrations and unions....

Yet do you blame ALL teachers for some that cheat....and yet most teachers would never do that.

As for the DOE, NCLB, Administrators getting paid too much $$, and the unions...well, not all of us agree with them either.

I'm not a member of the Teachers Union, and a lot of the teachers I work with aren't either. I'd say about half are, half aren't.

If a teacher or anyone else needs to cheat to pull up test scores then they should be punished as anyone who cheats should be.

Again, come visit my school, and others, and see how dedicated these teachers are, and how much they DO care about the students.

Sweeping generalizations aren't in the best interests of trying to make things better, eh?

No, there are fantastic teachers that dedicated and just want to be left alone to TEACH, they are victims imho. they have to go along to get along, in some cases as my op establishes in that district at least, this gets to the point where they just go long to such a point to give the admin what they want, its completely out of whack.

In my blurb just above I noted "administration and unions", they are the mechanisms above the teachers that feed off the teachers efforts and use them to keep themselves and the 'establishment' in power...
Read "The Moral Intelligence of Children". Cheating is not considered all that bad any more. We've become a morally relative society. This is
not just a problem with educators. There are cheaters and grifters and liars in every segment of society. Rationalization of bad behavior is the new morality. The end justifies the means. I'm curious how many of those teachers were over 30.
What were these teachers supposed to do?

If they turn in the true test scores they would lose there jobs anyways.

I want to know if the information on these tests is actually important and useful. I think a lot of people behave as though everyone is supposed to do what they are told just because AUTHORITY tells them.

If the tests are measuring stupid bullshit then why would kids want to learn it?

I refused to learn religion and got straight D's and it brought down my GPA at a Catholic school. I was supposed to give a damn!

Our educators and politicians can't figure out that accounting should be mandatory in the schools. Of course then more people might see how stupid politicians are at managing the economy. :lol:

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What were these teachers supposed to do?

If they turn in the true test scores they would lose there jobs anyways.

I want to know if the information on these tests is actually important and useful. I think a lot of people behave as though everyone is supposed to do what they are told just because AUTHORITY tells them.

If the tests are measuring stupid bullshit then why would kids want to learn it?

I refused to learn religion and got straight D's and it brought down my GPA at a Catholic school. I was supposed to give a damn!

Our educators and politicians can't figure out that accounting should be mandatory in the schools. Of course then more people might see how stupid politicians are at managing the economy. :lol:


What's in these tests is the most basic competency questions that you can imagine. There should be NO furor, NO extra curriculum or teaching required, and NO whining..

I clipped these out of NAEP results tests circa 2002.. THe percentages are the CORRECT respondents.. We need to look at the specifics.. Not generalizations of this testing issue.. If you're not appalled -- there's no hope.. Eight grade.

Under which of the following circumstances would you be most likely to find snow in
equatorial regions?

A) In areas below sea level
B) In areas at high latitudes
C) In areas at high elevations
D) In winter

In the space below, list one product that people in the United States eat, drink, or use every day that typically comes from another country. Then explain why the United States imports the product from another country.
(45%) 22% partial

The major areas of wheat production in the world are the central United States and Canada,Ukraine, south central Australia, and the pampas of Argentina. What is the characteristic shared by these areas that explains their role in wheat production?

A) All have rainy, damp climates.
B) All are near sea coasts.
C) All are plains.
D) All are in highland regions.

The Lend-Lease Act, the Yalta Conference, and the dropping of the atomic bomb on
Hiroshima are all associated with the

A) First World War
B) Second World War
C) Korean War
D) Vietnam War

Explain why the framers of the Constitution established a system of checks and balances
among the three branches of government.<br>&nbsp;
(2% appropriate, 22% partial)

Questions 16-17 are about the song below.

O Freedom!

O Freedom!

O Freedom over me!

And before I'd be a slave,

I'd be buried in my grave,

And go home to my Lord and be free!

16. The song was associated with

A) the temperance movement
B) the civil rights movement
C) pioneers on the Oregon Trail
D) farmers in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression

17. The song suggests that in the United States there has been a relationship between

A) slaves and organized labor
B) education and social class
C) reform and religious ideas
D) African Americans and American Indians
(although 80% correctly identified civil rights only 14% could put that into context of reform and religious ideas....)

3. What is the length of this pencil to the nearest quarter inch?
(picture of a pencil superimposed on a ruler.)

A) 3¼ inches
B) 3¾ inches
C) 4¼ inches
D) 4 inches
E) I don't know.
(58%) [[[32% can't use a ruler???? ]]]]]

Kate bought a book for $14.95, a record for $5.85, and a tape for $9.70. If the sales tax on these items is 6 percent and all 3 items are taxable, what is the total amount she must pay for the 3 items, including tax?

A) $32.33
B) $32.06
C) $30.56
D) $30.50
E) $ 1.83
(45%) [[[Guess grocery shopping or clerking is out of the question]]]]

13. Ground beef costs $2.59 per pound. What is the cost of 0.93 pound of ground beef?

A) $3.52
B) $2.78
C) $2.47
D) $2.41
E) $1.66

Did you use the calculator on this question?

6. A club held a car wash and washed 21 cars. If the club raised $84, how much did it charge per car?

A) $0.25
B) $4.00
C) $5.00
D) $1,764.00
(92%) [[[kinda looks like a 50/50 chance to me]]]]

You can peruse the results of multi-year testing results at:

State Profiles.net

In GENERAL -- About 25 to 30% are hopelessly failing.. Only about 30% are proficient or better in any of the basic subjects. THIS -- is a telling result.. It should NOT be hidden.

Plenty of other organized views of the results by race, grade, ect. at:

NAEP Mathematics -- Map of Selected Item Descriptions on the NAEP Mathematics Scale - Grade 4

The basic "customer" expectation is that our kids will display BASIC PROFICIENCY in these topics at certain grade levels.. If the whiners want to CORRECT perception -- they better dam do it..

BTW: I'm NOT for using these tests DIRECTLY to determine the fate of schools and particular teachers.. But I AM adamant that we can't attempt to triage the problem without EXACTLY the basic minimum standards testing..

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