When the COVID vaccine comes out will you take it?

When the COVID vaccine comes out will you take it?

  • Yes, only if my employer or school requires it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, only if my insurance company craves out COVID treatments

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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No. Never.
I am an attorney for a large corporation... due to risk management and lawsuit concerns the decision has been made to make it mandatory and proof of getting the vaccine a requirement of continued employment. I can guarantee nearly every big and little business will probably follow suit. Would you still say ‘no’ if it means losing your job?

Thanks GHook. I know what's coming and expect companies to do this. I work for a large corporation in the oil business. Fortunately, I work remotely and this will not affect me. However, I have made contingency plans to go dark and disappear into the mountains when this does happen and I fully expect it will. To answer your the question though, no, myself, daughter, or wife will not take this vaccine. I worked for the spooks in the govt studying viruses, bacteria, protozoans, cryptosporidium, in a level 2, 3 hood. A new vaccine has to go through 5-10 years of clinical trials before it is even introduced to the public. This new method involves mRNA which dictates changes in the DNA. I will not do that.
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No. Never.
I am an attorney for a large corporation... due to risk management and lawsuit concerns the decision has been made to make it mandatory and proof of getting the vaccine a requirement of continued employment. I can guarantee nearly every big and little business will probably follow suit. Would you still say ‘no’ if it means losing your job?

A company cannot force you to take the vaccine no more than they can force you to take a flu shot. I would think a company would be liable by making those requirements of current employees if they wish to continue their employment.
For at will workers, they can state you must get the vaccine in order to come to work and if you don’t come to work you are fired. They just can fire someone over a prohibited basis, discrimination, retaliation, or goes against the company’s written policies.
A company cannot force you to take the vaccine no more than they can force you to take a flu shot.
Actually when I worked in long term healthcare we were required to get a flu shot every season along with the check for TB because the residents were at high risk. Those in the healthcare industry will be the first Guinea pigs, personally I will wait as g5000 stated until I am satisfied the "cure" isn't worse than the disease.
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I'll put it this way. I quit taking flu shots along about 1970 or so simply because medical science doesn't know diddly squat about viruses and they can't cure a simple head cold. Nothing has changed since then. They still can't cure a cold and flu shots wound up giving me the flu more often than not without them. I have no doubt that any so called vaccine they come up with will be no more effective than their idiotic masks and like the masks are apt to do more harm than good all for the sake of providing the illusion of a panacea. Not only no but hell no!
For at will workers, they can state you must get the vaccine in order to come to work and if you don’t come to work you are fired. They just can fire someone over a prohibited basis, discrimination, retaliation, or goes against the company’s written policies.

An out for that is to make claim it goes against your religious beliefs. State laws can also protect workers from losing their job by refusing vaccination. Plus when it does come out, some suspect the EEOC will update it's criteria to terminate an employee, but that remains to be seen.

In any case, testing a new vaccine may work fine on a few thousand people to a few hundred thousand people. We may see problems when it's tens of millions. It's kind of like new computer software or the newest video games when they come out. So if a person is forced to get the vaccine and becomes very ill or even deathly sick, an employer can be held liable by the employee making claim they never would have gotten the vaccine it not being forced to by their employer.

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