When the enemy senses weakness, they attack

The primary purpose of an embassy is to foster trade relations. A secondary purpose, which is almost as important, is to protect Americans who are visiting or working in a foreign country. We will never become so isolationist as to not offer consular protection to Americans and it would be a pretty awful thing if we did.
The primary purpose of an embassy is to foster trade relations. A secondary purpose, which is almost as important, is to protect Americans who are visiting or working in a foreign country. We will never become so isolationist as to not offer consular protection to Americans and it would be a pretty awful thing if we did.

And don't forget the spying thingy....very helpful.
If obama manufactured this threat, when it doesn't happen he will say that his quick action thwarted a major attack and hope to take some of the sting out of the slap down he just got from Russia.

I'm not buying it. It's too likely it might be a complete fabrication.
The primary purpose of an embassy is to foster trade relations. A secondary purpose, which is almost as important, is to protect Americans who are visiting or working in a foreign country. We will never become so isolationist as to not offer consular protection to Americans and it would be a pretty awful thing if we did.

And don't forget the spying thingy....very helpful.

Do you think that Caroline Kennedy was appointed Ambassador to Japan because of her spying expertise?
It was exactly the right thing to do....I would urge us to reduce the number of embassies and consulates permanently...what are we gaining by having any of them open?

Well, since we can't and won't protect them, pull them all out.

For once I agree, too costly to defend for too little gain. Obama should have learned that from Bush's glaring failures.
It was exactly the right thing to do....I would urge us to reduce the number of embassies and consulates permanently...what are we gaining by having any of them open?

The primary purpose of embassies and consulates is to foster trade relations. No one will admit that but it is the truth. Without an official presence corporations would be hampered when it came to selling goods and services. The ridiculous part of this is that the wealthy in those nations who are the ones getting rich off of this trading with the US are no different to the conservatives in this nation. The almighty dollar trumps all patriotism and national boundaries. Politicians do the bidding of the corporations to keep these trade routes open. They will even invoke the use of the military if necessary. This didn't just start with Obama. It has been the way of the world for centuries. The British empire was effectively run by corporations backed by having the best navy in the world at that time. There is a reason why America has the strongest navy in the world today. So all of the posturing and threats against the embassies is just business as usual. Obama is right to protect the people whose lives are on the line. The right would be berating him as failing to do his job if he didn't. It's one of those heads they win, tails you lose situations as far as they are concerned.

Right wing loons live to hate..thats all.
Never happened under bush...

No, under Bush we got 9/11. And who can forget this gem?

We should be acting rather than reacting.

Just send a few "Big Uglies" where they are hiding in the uncontrolled area of Yemen. They will get the message.
Quotes are for people who do not know how to express themselves.

The Peace and Love part of my generation's opposition to the War in Vietnam faded away after the draft ended.
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Never happened under bush...

No Americans were killed by terrorists under Bush?

None in Iraq, for example?

The Towers.

I think the terrorists are emboldened by Libya. No doubt a clusterfk by the admin, but the politicalization by the gop makes embassies more attractive targets.

but it's sort of funny. On one day obama's incompetent and can't protect our embasseis, the next a totalatarian for data mining, and next weak for closing embassies. you guys are a joke.
I guess Al-Qaeda was not as decimated as we were told.

In all fairness "Combat operations" in Iraq were not as "complete" as we were told on that Aircraft Carrier.

Government usually only tells us what they want us to hear.

I thik the whole thing's bullshit anyway. It has more to do with distracting from the CIA operatives at Benghazi that we had just heard about.
obama's fear stink permeates the world.

Americans pulled Saddam Hussein out of a spider hole. What kind of hole will barack hussein be pulled out of? Somebody's ass hole perhaps.

He pulled himself out of Larry Sinclair's a few times according to some rumors.
Also this:


Cue the rationalization by the right wing loons...hop to it ladies.

But how many ambassadors were killed under Bush's watch?

An American has to be an ambassador before you care?

Didn't say that.

You're arguing that US diplomatic posts were attacked under the Bush administration as a counter to Obama's fuckup of Benghazi. I am arguing that it doesn't compare because under Bush, no ambassadors were killed while 1 was killed under Obama.

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