When the enemy senses weakness, they attack

That opens some new areas of debate. What is the definition of terrorism? Are there not degree's and level's of terrorism? Is a terrorist attack on civilian targets meant to terrorize the civilian poplulation the same as an attack on a military target that kills innocents the same? Does the intent of the attack make a difference? Is a specific attack meant to kill and maim the innocent the same as a military attack that causes collateral casaulties?
I respect the argument that collateral damage is never acceptable. Attacks should almost never be made with the knowledge that their will be acceptable collateral damage. Every situation is different, but like I said, I respect the opinion that some have that our Drone attacks are acts of terror.
How do you think you'd feel if another country's military was flying un-manned drones over your neighborhood, knowing that at any time, 24/7, night or day, your next breath could be your last? Everytime you hear a drone overhead, you run for cover. Or you try to calm your crying children down. Or even to sleep at night. Any population with those things flying overhead, is in a constant state of terror.

You are absolutely right that there are civilians living in a state of terror largely through no fault of their own. However there is a certain irony to this situation. The terrorists who seek to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies (namely the westernized nations of the world) have ended up bringing that same fear to their own people. There is no justification for targeting and harming civilians under any circumstances no matter which side is doing it in my opinion. However I don't claim to know the answer to this situation. It is way above my pay scale. However I do believe that We the People should be holding our elected representatives accountable to bring this to a conclusion sooner rather than later.
So the bar to protecting America is not having ambassadors killed? I mean Slick had something like 200 killed and a thousand injured in Osama's embassay attacks.


Common knowledge among those of us who actually follow the news.....

Rwanda and Burundi sit in the same East African region that holds Kenya and Tanzania, the two countries hit in simultaneous embassy attacks masterminded by Osama bin Laden on Aug. 7, 1998, killing 224 people, mostly Kenyans.

Read more: 15 years since Kenya, Tanzania embassy bombings is Wednesday, amid regional embassy closures | Fox News
So the bar to protecting America is not having ambassadors killed? I mean Slick had something like 200 killed and a thousand injured in Osama's embassay attacks.


Common knowledge among those of us who actually follow the news.....

Rwanda and Burundi sit in the same East African region that holds Kenya and Tanzania, the two countries hit in simultaneous embassy attacks masterminded by Osama bin Laden on Aug. 7, 1998, killing 224 people, mostly Kenyans.

Read more: 15 years since Kenya, Tanzania embassy bombings is Wednesday, amid regional embassy closures | Fox News

Thank you for providing the link. This was the one of the first attacks linked to OBL by my admittedly less than perfect recollection. The subsequent investigation into the dire threat posed by OBL and Al Queda escalated following the USS Cole bombing. By the time Clinton left office he had identified OBL as the primary terrorist threat to this nation. This vital intelligence was passed onto the subsequent administration who received multiple warnings of an imminent attack right here in the USA. 3000 people, mostly Americas, died as a result of the attack "masterminded by Osama bin Laden" which you must be well aware as one of "those of us who actually follow the news".

Common knowledge among those of us who actually follow the news.....

Rwanda and Burundi sit in the same East African region that holds Kenya and Tanzania, the two countries hit in simultaneous embassy attacks masterminded by Osama bin Laden on Aug. 7, 1998, killing 224 people, mostly Kenyans.

Read more: 15 years since Kenya, Tanzania embassy bombings is Wednesday, amid regional embassy closures | Fox News

Thank you for providing the link. This was the one of the first attacks linked to OBL by my admittedly less than perfect recollection. The subsequent investigation into the dire threat posed by OBL and Al Queda escalated following the USS Cole bombing. By the time Clinton left office he had identified OBL as the primary terrorist threat to this nation. This vital intelligence was passed onto the subsequent administration who received multiple warnings of an imminent attack right here in the USA. 3000 people, mostly Americas, died as a result of the attack "masterminded by Osama bin Laden" which you must be well aware as one of "those of us who actually follow the news".

There are ALWAYS warnings of imminent attack on the US by insane ragheads.


9/11 wasn't the first attack on the WTC. There was another one in 1993. Remember?

I doubt it.

Had the CIA and FBI bothered to do their jobs (which they probably did) they would have found the connection to bin Floatin' and the Blind Sheik.

The connection was undeniable. It went back to 1988

Could it be proven in a Court of Law? Who knows? Better yet... Who gives a fuck.

Sudan offered bin Floatin' to us. Free of charge. No problem. "We'll arrest and ship him to you C.O.D.

the rapist turned them down. Claimed there wasn't enough evidence for an "Indictment".

I'd laugh if it weren't so sickeningly pathetic and typical of gutless fucking dimocrap scum.

So bin Foatin' gets away. To Asscrackistan.

The rest is History.

Thanks to Bill the rapist Clinton
I think he's trying to say that in all of the embassy attacks under Bush, no Americans were killed which, somehow, is supposed to mean something. In any event, it's not true; David Foy was killed.

At this point, usually the right wing rationalization machine kicks in and states that he was killed incidentally to the attack or that since he wasn't an ambassador, the death is meaningless.

It's pretty pathetic.
Not to mention that Bush's neoconic foreign policy agenda had a lot to do with ramping up the hatred for American's in ME country's.

People tend to get pretty pissed off when you bomb the shit out of their neighborhoods.

If they would've learned to clean up their own neighborhood, we wouldn't have had to do it ourselves.
Never happened under bush...
WTF are talking about?

9/11 happened under Bush!

I think he's trying to say that in all of the embassy attacks under Bush, no Americans were killed which, somehow, is supposed to mean something. In any event, it's not true; David Foy was killed.

At this point, usually the right wing rationalization machine kicks in and states that he was killed incidentally to the attack or that since he wasn't an ambassador, the death is meaningless.

It's pretty pathetic.

You're full of shit, as usual. No one is calling the death "meaningless".
major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants

Suspected US drone kills 7 alleged Al Qaeda militants in Yemen | Fox News

Yemen says major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants - CBS News

Drone strike kills suspected al Qaeda fighters in Yemen - YEMEN - FRANCE 24

Drone Kills 4 Alleged Al Qaeda Members In Yemen

major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants

Suspected US drone kills 7 alleged Al Qaeda militants in Yemen | Fox News

Yemen says major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants - CBS News

Drone strike kills suspected al Qaeda fighters in Yemen - YEMEN - FRANCE 24

Drone Kills 4 Alleged Al Qaeda Members In Yemen


Why weren't they indicted first?
Never happened under bush...

On Aug. 6, 2001, George W. Bush received a presidential daily briefing and was handed the "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." memo. The then-president replied, "All right. You've covered your ass, now."

Bush never killed any al Qaeda - unless they just happened to be the way of all the civilians and Americans he killed. Later, he said he didn't care where bin Laden was but when the rest of us were reeling from 9/11, Bush was busy SNEAKING BIN LADEN'S FAMILY SAFELY OUT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Question: is there even one nutter rw who has the integrity and honestly to admit they were wrong about this and about President Obama?

I know, I know --- "rw" and "integrity" and "honesty" all together in one sentence is the punch line to a bad joke.
major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants

Suspected US drone kills 7 alleged Al Qaeda militants in Yemen | Fox News

Yemen says major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants - CBS News

Drone strike kills suspected al Qaeda fighters in Yemen - YEMEN - FRANCE 24

Drone Kills 4 Alleged Al Qaeda Members In Yemen


Why weren't they indicted first?

This is the kind of shameful shit I was referring to when I said that the slimey rw traitors are always on the side of the terrorists and against their own country.
Another question for the rw's -

Is there even one of you who is glad that Obama killed more terrorists?

I'll check back later to see your answers although my bet is that every one of you will have a lie in response.
An American has to be an ambassador before you care?

Didn't say that.

You're arguing that US diplomatic posts were attacked under the Bush administration as a counter to Obama's fuckup of Benghazi. I am arguing that it doesn't compare because under Bush, no ambassadors were killed while 1 was killed under Obama.

But an American was killed; does it matter that it wasn't an Ambassador?

Well, does it matter? You keep emphasizing the word "ambassador"...why?
That opens some new areas of debate. What is the definition of terrorism? Are there not degree's and level's of terrorism? Is a terrorist attack on civilian targets meant to terrorize the civilian poplulation the same as an attack on a military target that kills innocents the same? Does the intent of the attack make a difference? Is a specific attack meant to kill and maim the innocent the same as a military attack that causes collateral casaulties?
I respect the argument that collateral damage is never acceptable. Attacks should almost never be made with the knowledge that their will be acceptable collateral damage. Every situation is different, but like I said, I respect the opinion that some have that our Drone attacks are acts of terror.
How do you think you'd feel if another country's military was flying un-manned drones over your neighborhood, knowing that at any time, 24/7, night or day, your next breath could be your last? Everytime you hear a drone overhead, you run for cover. Or you try to calm your crying children down. Or even to sleep at night. Any population with those things flying overhead, is in a constant state of terror.

It was Obama who wanted to use drones on US soil. If I ever hear one, I will know it is his.
Didn't say that.

You're arguing that US diplomatic posts were attacked under the Bush administration as a counter to Obama's fuckup of Benghazi. I am arguing that it doesn't compare because under Bush, no ambassadors were killed while 1 was killed under Obama.

But an American was killed; does it matter that it wasn't an Ambassador?

Well, does it matter? You keep emphasizing the word "ambassador"...why?

Because Murdering an Ambassador is an Act of War. An Ambassador is a Direct Representative of The United States of America.

Murdering a US Citizen, anywhere in the World, is a crime but it is not an Act of War.

It would be like the difference between some Country impounding a US Flagged Freighter for suspected smuggling and doing the same thing to a US Flagged War Ship.

Not a smooth move.

That you don't get that tells us volumes
major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants

Suspected US drone kills 7 alleged Al Qaeda militants in Yemen | Fox News

Yemen says major al Qaeda plot thwarted as another suspected drone strike kills at least 6 militants - CBS News

Drone strike kills suspected al Qaeda fighters in Yemen - YEMEN - FRANCE 24

Drone Kills 4 Alleged Al Qaeda Members In Yemen


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