When the left can’t steal elections, they try to buy them

A politician attempting to raise funds ahead of an election? What assholes.
From people who don’t live in his district and he won’t be representing (and who won’t have to live under his failed and idiotic policies)? Yes. Agreed. What an asshole.
Here is the left engaging in felony after felony after felony in an attempt to take power and bring down the United States.
Project Veritas Action Fund released a shocking video Thursday that shows staffers for Texas Democratic Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign discussing the illegal use of campaign funds to help Honduran migrants.
This is why Donald Trump is President of the United States.

BUSTED: Shocking video shows Beto campaign illegally funding Honduran migrants
The Democrats continue their disgusting and desperate efforts to steal elections. I guess that’s what one has to resort to when they’ve been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas.
Democrats have done their best to play up those supposed consequences days before the election and as Heitkamp trails in the polls by double digits. A Facebook ad paid for by the party blares: “ATTENTION HUNTERS: If you vote in North Dakota, you may forfeit hunting licenses you have in other states. If you want to keep your out-of-state hunting licenses, you may not want to vote in North Dakota.”
Wow...encouraging people not to vote. How “democratic” of the Democrats. Here is one of their sitting Senators:
Heitkamp said “it is really important people understand the consequences of voting.”
The “consequences of voting”? I didn’t know there was a “consequence” to voting. I thought there was only a consequence to not voting.

Heidi Heitkamp to hunters: Vote and lose your hunting license
Dem's are desperate. Higher taxes and mountains of government regulations are not popular, so Dem's lie, scheme, and rig.
i do think that there should be limits in out of state donations. not their state, go away.
It’s ironic that the side that cries the loudest about money in politics spends the most money in politics. George Soros and Tom Steyer attempt to influence every district across America - even though those two POS don’t even live in those districts.

Beto O’Rourke reports enormous fundraising haul – but here’s the latest poll

In the Colorado Governor race, multimillionaire Jared Polis has spent around $20 million of his own money in an attempt to buy the race. It happens on both sides.
Sorry bout that,

  1. In the arena of ideas, and ideals, you can't bring in enough money, it was tried in 2016, Hillary could NOT buy the election, she could not steal enough votes, illegals voting, dead people who switched parties to vote for her, dead people who were in her party who kept voting Democratic, voters who register from other states having post office boxes, who drive in to vote with their voter registration cards, and fake id's.
  2. Voter corruption is more prevalent than you think.
  3. But for a person who will snuff out the life of a baby its nothing for them.
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