When threads are closed ....

Mod's have supernatural insight and reasoning. They have the power. Never question moderation.
Mod's have supernatural insight and reasoning. They have the power. Never question moderation.

Never allowed to question authority isn't a Republic or Democracy.....more like Dick-tater-ship

I think we should atleast have one thread dedicated to our complaints of moderation......just so we know that all mods are aware of the actions of each other......kind of a mods policing mods sort of thing. It might keep some more in line
Yeah! I bet they implement that plan right away!




Did they do it yet?
They confer in the secret hidey hole room just for discussion on what the herding of cats entails. We are the cats, mind you. And between them all, they decide what action to take. None do it "on their own". How do I know this? A friend. One no longer with us and is missed very much, whom EVERYONE loved. Again...they don't act alone. They must discuss with the others their intentions or WANTED action they want to take, with the other mods. So assuming this one or that one did this or that...alone...on their own....you would be incorrect.
Besides..their beach, their waves.
they closed one of my threads yesterday and deleted it :)
my thread was glorious.
Never allowed to question authority isn't a Republic or Democracy.....more like Dick-tater-ship

I think we should atleast have one thread dedicated to our complaints of moderation......just so we know that all mods are aware of the actions of each other......kind of a mods policing mods sort of thing. It might keep some more in line
I believe it is a PM function in the posted rules.

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