When Trump wins will black favoritism end?


Feb 7, 2016
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
Perhaps favoritism towards white women, the greatest benefactors of affirmative action, will end too.
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
Are you speaking from personal experience?
"When Trump wins?"

Do you mean in 2044 when Ivanka runs?
Ever consider maybe you should clean up your act at work, so they don't need to go to HR?
Not much will change legislation has a horrible track record,when it comes to social change .I would hope Trump will work on, at this point more pressing needs.
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
Trumps not going to win so your imagination will keep telling you the reason you cant get and keep a job is because of Black people.
I take it you mean that it won't end Toro+
Not if you keep breaking company polices and expressing your racist ideas. Keep your mouth shut and your head low and you wont have to worry about getting continually fired.
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I am fed up with favoritism, racial or sexual or ageism or whatever.

Trump will not encourage white favorism.
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
is stormfront down today?
White people don't stand up for their race. They're more concerned with gender issues.

And I don't mean trannies. I mean normal gendered people have the gender issues.

Whitey is only brave in superior numbers.
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?

your kind is dying off, whitey T Christians are now a minority in America , the demographic shift has overtaken you and its not going back,so whine away, this might help you

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority
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As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
You shouldn't have accepted feminism you spoiled, greedy pig.
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
You shouldn't have accepted feminism you spoiled, greedy pig.
Since white women are the largest demographic to benefit from AA I'm sure the OP is just ignorant.
As a white woman I am fed up with blacks complaining about everything in the workplace and running to human resources to cry racism about everything white people do. Will this end when Trump is elected? Are any other white people fed up with black favoritism as well?
You shouldn't have accepted feminism you spoiled, greedy pig.
Since white women are the largest demographic to benefit from AA I'm sure the OP is just ignorant.
nah she knows. She's thinks she can have her privilege but stop others for privilege. Typical white nationalist.
Yes, white people are sadly becoming the minority because we don't have eight kids a piece and don't know who the father is and live in government funded housing. We are typically more responsible in our reproductive behavior and don't have a bunch of kids and let them run loose in the streets.
Yes, white people are sadly becoming the minority because we don't have eight kids a piece and don't know who the father is and live in government funded housing. We are typically more responsible in our reproductive behavior and don't have a bunch of kids and let them run loose in the streets.
Whats the matter with you? Most white girls love Black guys.You must be butt ugly.

Yes, white people are sadly becoming the minority because we don't have eight kids a piece and don't know who the father is and live in government funded housing. We are typically more responsible in our reproductive behavior and don't have a bunch of kids and let them run loose in the streets.
No, we don't have enough kids because white women are spoiled brats and prefer to spend their 20s drinking beer instead of getting on with their duty to their people.

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