When will Biden unconditionally surrender Ukraine?

When will Biden unconditionally surrender Ukraine​

Joe Biden is President of the United States. A country in north America.

Ukraine is in Europe.
It is not obvious to me how Biden could surrender Ukraine, unconditionally or otherwise.

I'm glad I'm a neo-isolationist, however. We shouldn't be messing with all this.
look dembot, it’s time you start facing reality and who you elected and what he’s done.

Your continued pushing of this debunked russian hoax, that we know now was created in part by clintons campaign, where she paid for russian misinformation, is tiresome and childish…

there are actual real world consequences to your actions, people are dying

Elections have consequences, stolen elections have far greater consequences
They are truly just giddy, the thought of people dying and Biden looking bad makes them just dance around with joy. I have even seen a few of them lamenting the lack of deaths so far in Ukraine

Call me when you care about the young Latin American people sold to human trafficker's headed to El Norte and Americans dying at the hand of Illegals and the Fentanyl the CCP democrat owners ship through our Southern border
Call me when you care about the young Latin American people sold to human trafficker's headed to El Norte and Americans dying at the hand of Illegals and the Fentanyl the CCP democrat owners ship through our Southern border

Call me when you find post from me being fucking giddy with happiness over those things happening like you are over the inversion of Ukraine
Given the rushed withdrawal and Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan, it's only a question of when and not if Biden surrenders Ukraine.

Let's start a pool!

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

No reason to go along with Biden's Ukrainian Dog wagging to distract from his historically poor performance at home.

He already has.
Call me when you find post from me being fucking giddy with happiness over those things happening like you are over the inversion of Ukraine

I'm not happy at all about Ukraine! We don't have a dog in that fight!! Plus we alienated the Brits and French -- this is some coalition
Call me when you find post from me being fucking giddy with happiness over those things happening like you are over the inversion of Ukraine

No one is happy you disingenuous bitch.
I'm not happy at all about Ukraine! We don't have a dog in that fight!! Plus we alienated the Brits and French -- this is some coalition
You make an excellent point...due to Xiden's blunder in Afghan he earned the contempt, literally, of the UK, and frankly isn't trusted....he has weakened are alliances and made things much easier for Putin in Europe
I'm not happy at all about Ukraine! We don't have a dog in that fight!! Plus we alienated the Brits and French -- this is some coalition

Oh come on, at least be honest with yourself. You people are falling all over yourselves with glee at how bad this makes Biden look. There are literally 100s of threads where you all are doing so. I do not think a one of you all have ever said a thing about what is happening to the people of the Ukraine, you could not care less if Russia raped and killed them all as long as you get to make threads attacking Biden
Oh come on, at least be honest with yourself. You people are falling all over yourselves with glee at how bad this makes Biden look. There are literally 100s of threads where you all are doing so. I do not think a one of you all have ever said a thing about what is happening to the people of the Ukraine, you could not care less if Russia raped and killed them all as long as you get to make threads attacking Biden

You're out of your fucking mind! Biden looked horrible, worst ever US President BEFORE he decided to Wag the Dog in the Ukraine in order to distract from $60 to either fill a gas tank or a bag of groceries.

Best thing he could have done was the same thing he should have done with the Canadian truckers, send them arms to fight off a repressive government

When will Biden unconditionally surrender Ukraine​

Joe Biden is President of the United States. A country in north America.

Ukraine is in Europe.
The Democrat party said they would defend Ukraine yet you guys bitched when Trump ripped up the bullshit Obama nuke deal with Iran

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