When will Biden unconditionally surrender Ukraine?

Biden looked horrible

I agree.

BEFORE he decided to Wag the Dog in the Ukraine in order to distract from $60 to either fill a gas tank or a bag of groceries.

Now this is just stupid unless of course you are claiming that Russia and the Ukraine are in on it as well.

Best thing he could have done was the same thing he should have done with the Canadian truckers, send them arms to fight off a repressive government

We have done that for a while now. But of course you Trumpers are all blaming Biden when Russia gets a hold of the equipment we sent Ukraine.
The Dems are the ones for illegal invasions- like our southern border
Holy shit, yeah, those evil brown people are bombing us, overwhelming our military and preparing to take over and annex our national government as we speak.

Yours may be the weakest attempt at deflection I've ever seen here, and that's SAYING something.

look dembot, it’s time you start facing reality and who you elected and what he’s done.

Your continued pushing of this debunked russian hoax, that we know now was created in part by clintons campaign, where she paid for russian misinformation, is tiresome and childish…

there are actual real world consequences to your actions, people are dying
Ol' Mac strikes a nerve again.

You've made your choice.

You're out of your fucking mind! Biden looked horrible, worst ever US President BEFORE he decided to Wag the Dog in the Ukraine in order to distract from $60 to either fill a gas tank or a bag of groceries.

Best thing he could have done was the same thing he should have done with the Canadian truckers, send them arms to fight off a repressive government

If you dont hold hands and sing yer against us Frank.
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The most dangerous part of this whole affair; is the possibility that Biden might drag us into a war to distract from his poor performance. I’m keeping my eyes wide open for a false flag attack on a NATO member nation.
This might dampen any false flag notions.

Imagine the Russians find and disclose the payments to the Bidens?!
There's no reason for them to disclose anything. Far more useful for Russia to simply let the Biden crime family know that they have the information.
Oh come on, at least be honest with yourself. You people are falling all over yourselves with glee at how bad this makes Biden look. There are literally 100s of threads where you all are doing so. I do not think a one of you all have ever said a thing about what is happening to the people of the Ukraine, you could not care less if Russia raped and killed them all as long as you get to make threads attacking Biden
Biden created this mess and those who support him. Enjoy the shit you started and don't whin when it's pointed out that you are covered in shit.
Oh come on, at least be honest with yourself. You people are falling all over yourselves with glee at how bad this makes Biden look. There are literally 100s of threads where you all are doing so. I do not think a one of you all have ever said a thing about what is happening to the people of the Ukraine, you could not care less if Russia raped and killed them all as long as you get to make threads attacking Biden
We aren't you. You're one sick puppy.
Doubt there will be a formal concession to Russia reclaiming Ukraine. The ousting of the prior pro-Russian government in Ukraine was done covertly by American intelligence agents under Obama. It was never officially supposed to have happened because it was illegal. We weren't even in a state of war. It was only done to open Ukraine to the corporate business interests of the West, which fully explains how Biden's son got involved. Because that is what globalist pseudo-democrats do. They put global investors ahead of the American citizens they are sworn to protect and support. That's why when Trump started to put the brakes on Chinese control over our economy, the Democrats who had a stake in it went nuts, all out batshit crazy, to point every lying finger available at Trump and turn the world against him through the media. The slavemasters were protecting their global "plantation" from dissolution.

Now that the reclaiming of Ukraine by Russia seems inevitable, it will be written off by the West in the same way corporations do when they go bankrupt and have to abandon property, lay off workers and sell off surplus at a loss. Incidentally, there will be billions of $ of American weapons and equipment left behind in Ukraine and the Russians will have it thanks to Obama-the-Slick and his dementia-stricken protege Joe Xiden.

All anyone has to do is look at how American corporations are run into the ground by greedy globalist morons and you can see it is the perfect parallel of what is happening in Ukraine.
Yes, yes you have....it's sad you are playing debunked russian propaganda and politics when people are dying...just sad
Given the rushed withdrawal and Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan, it's only a question of when and not if Biden surrenders Ukraine.

Let's start a pool!

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

No reason to go along with Biden's Ukrainian Dog wagging to distract from his historically poor performance at home.

I remember when I got laughed off the board when I said that if Russia really wanted Ukraine, that Kyiv would fall in 4 days.
This was a great opportunity for the right to throw off the perception that they are unconditionally pro-Russia. Never would have had to endure another accusation of working with our enemies against America. Now it's already too late.
^ only loves Russia when Stalin and the Commies run it

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