When Will Bill Barr Start Arresting Witnesses For Perjury??

if we are to believe strong honorable leaders like Jim Jordan...
Maybe we shouldn't:

According to conservative political strategist Rick Wilson, the first day of the House impeachment hearings could hardly have gone worse for Donald Trump because his staunchest defenders — Repps. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) thoroughly embarrassed themselves and the GOP with their nationally televised antics.

In a brutally blunt column for the Daily Beast, Wilson scorched the two lawmakers and Trump’s other “skells, sycophants, and dead-end goons on the committee” for faceplanting spectacularly on just the first day of the hearings.

Wilson got right to the point by noting that the president is likely furious about how the first day of impeachment hearings played out.

“Wednesday’s opening act of the impeachment of Donald J. Trump was only going to end one way for Trump and his defenders, and that was badly,” he began. “In the face of two credible, non-partisan witnesses of unimpeachable character and service, the Trump House Clown Caucus brought their A-game, and instead of changing the dialogue and owning the libs they managed to validate the witnesses, embarrass themselves, and doubtlessly enrage the Audience of One.”​
What you don't' understand is that it is impossible to embarrass yourself as a Trump supporter -- in fact, what you consider embarrassing, Trump supporters consider awesome....

Trumpers are of the belief, if you cover yourself in shit, it's awesome because it totally triggers the libs to see someone covered in shit.....yea, they may be the ones looking all shitty, but at least those libs are totally triggered...
You're right, I don't understand but then again I've never joined any other cult either.
Stupid analogy-everybody knows its schift covered.

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