When Will Democrats Stop Using Black People?

FactCheck.org: When did blacks start voting Democratic?

But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.

The following year Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. No Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote since.

ONLY A RACIST would suggest that nearly an entire group of people are being fooled because their skin is dark.

Then what do you attribute the 90% to?

Just askin'... not trying to argue.

The shift occurred starting generally in the 1950's, most markedly around the 1964 civil rights act.

The reason it occurred is that the national Democrat leadership chose to effectively end its rather unholy alliance with Southern conservative Democrats.

Thanks for proving the point.... They were told that Dems are their savior, and have for the most part just blindly followed.

Look at New Orleans, Detroit, and several other Democrat run cities and tell me where black people are living in the utopia that is "democratville".

Oh, and nevermind that Repubs were at the forefront of civil rights..... keep moving, nothing to see here.

ONLY A RACIST would suggest that nearly an entire group of people are being fooled because their skin is dark.

Then what do you attribute the 90% to?

Just askin'... not trying to argue.

The shift occurred starting generally in the 1950's, most markedly around the 1964 civil rights act.

The reason it occurred is that the national Democrat leadership chose to effectively end its rather unholy alliance with Southern conservative Democrats.

When did that happen?

Famous LBJ Quotes

“I’ll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.” -- Inside the White House, Ronald Kessler, Simon & Schuster, p. 33.

Harry McPherson remembered, “And about five minutes later I heard (LBJ) say to some southerner..., ‘I’m going to have to bring up the ****** bill again.’ -- LBJ: Architect of American Ambition by Randall Bennett Woods, Simon & Schuster, p. 326

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” (referring to his own SCOTUS pick Thurgood Marshall) LONE STAR RISING Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. By Robert Dallek
As soon as I saw this story yesterday I thought, dang, the wingnuts are going to get stupid on this one.

I was right.

So its not worthy of comment?

Why did you even bother then?

Or is it that only you "enlightened" libs can do that?

Jeez.... you really are silly. It is a "messageboard" after all....

I am commenting. It's stupid to make any charges of racism in this incident. Meek's race is irrelevant.
As soon as I saw this story yesterday I thought, dang, the wingnuts are going to get stupid on this one.

I was right.

So its not worthy of comment?

Why did you even bother then?

Or is it that only you "enlightened" libs can do that?

Jeez.... you really are silly. It is a "messageboard" after all....

I am commenting. It's stupid to make any charges of racism in this incident. Meek's race is irrelevant.

Is Michael Steele's race relevant?
Why is it Republicans such as CF continue to try and deny the southern strategy long after it has been admitted to have happened? Ignorance? General dishonesty? Insanity?
Why is it Republicans such as CF continue to try and deny the southern strategy long after it has been admitted to have happened? Ignorance? General dishonesty? Insanity?

Famous LBJ Quotes

“I’ll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.” -- Inside the White House, Ronald Kessler, Simon & Schuster, p. 33.

Harry McPherson remembered, “And about five minutes later I heard (LBJ) say to some southerner..., ‘I’m going to have to bring up the ****** bill again.’ -- LBJ: Architect of American Ambition by Randall Bennett Woods, Simon & Schuster, p. 326

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” (referring to his own SCOTUS pick Thurgood Marshall) LONE STAR RISING Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. By Robert Dallek
Here we have a black politician trying to run for office and the Democrats trying to convince him to quit! All because they don't want Hispanics to vote for Republicans. They are going to sacrifice the black vote so they don't lose the Hispanic vote. Something is not right here.

When are black people going to wake up? Don't vote Democrat because you are supposed to... Vote for the person who is going to do the best job for all people!

Clinton Asked Democrat to Quit Florida Senate Race - WSJ.com


They will never stop. As long as they keep so many poor, on welfare and convinced they need government help and laws to get promoted. It will never end.

And those that do break the chains? Well those are "race traitors" and 'Uncle Toms".


Uncle Tom is a racist slur, but it's OK for them to use, b/c they are the "tolerant" left.
Progressives have been lying about Civil Rights for generations and now that they've lost their media monopoly their lies look absurd.

You can talk all you want about what a great Civil Rights "Hero" LBJ was but he stopped Ike's Civil Rights Bill and was one of the most racist, cracker, peckerwood, redneck Presidents to ever sit in the Oval Office.
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FactCheck.org: When did blacks start voting Democratic?

But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.

The following year Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. No Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote since.

Then what do you attribute the 90% to?

Just askin'... not trying to argue.

The shift occurred starting generally in the 1950's, most markedly around the 1964 civil rights act.

The reason it occurred is that the national Democrat leadership chose to effectively end its rather unholy alliance with Southern conservative Democrats.

Thanks for proving the point.... They were told that Dems are their savior, and have for the most part just blindly followed.

Look at New Orleans, Detroit, and several other Democrat run cities and tell me where black people are living in the utopia that is "democratville".

Oh, and nevermind that Repubs were at the forefront of civil rights..... keep moving, nothing to see here.


They blindly follow because they're too stupid to figure out what you think you have figured out?

Now why would that be? What would it be about black people, as a group, that would make them all so stupid,

as you are claiming?
Because some people can't read I need to post it again.

Famous LBJ Quotes

“I’ll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.” -- Inside the White House, Ronald Kessler, Simon & Schuster, p. 33.

Harry McPherson remembered, “And about five minutes later I heard (LBJ) say to some southerner..., ‘I’m going to have to bring up the ****** bill again.’ -- LBJ: Architect of American Ambition by Randall Bennett Woods, Simon & Schuster, p. 326

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” (referring to his own SCOTUS pick Thurgood Marshall) LONE STAR RISING Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. By Robert Dallek

So there's no confusion, this is the "LBJ" I'm referring to and quoting.


Johnson's actions spoke louder than his words, and black Americans were smart enough to figure that out.

As opposed to CONSERVATIVE ICONS like Goldwater, who talked nice, but tried to keep black Americans segregated.

Which would you choose, Frank, the foul mouthed guy who fought for your rights, or Mr. Nice Guy who stuck it in your ass?
FactCheck.org: When did blacks start voting Democratic?

But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.

The following year Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. No Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote since.

The shift occurred starting generally in the 1950's, most markedly around the 1964 civil rights act.

The reason it occurred is that the national Democrat leadership chose to effectively end its rather unholy alliance with Southern conservative Democrats.

Thanks for proving the point.... They were told that Dems are their savior, and have for the most part just blindly followed.

Look at New Orleans, Detroit, and several other Democrat run cities and tell me where black people are living in the utopia that is "democratville".

Oh, and nevermind that Repubs were at the forefront of civil rights..... keep moving, nothing to see here.


They blindly follow because they're too stupid to figure out what you think you have figured out?

Now why would that be? What would it be about black people, as a group, that would make them all so stupid,

as you are claiming?

Get back to me when ya have a point to make... until then YOU just make your self look stupid.

Im only pointing out what you and others are saying about them.... I for one know way too many smart intelligent black people and NO, they are'nt all dems.
Guess they are the 10%'ers?
Johnson's actions spoke louder than his words, and black Americans were smart enough to figure that out.

As opposed to CONSERVATIVE ICONS like Goldwater, who talked nice, but tried to keep black Americans segregated.

Which would you choose, Frank, the foul mouthed guy who fought for your rights, or Mr. Nice Guy who stuck it in your ass?

Daing.... just when I thought you could'nt look any sillier!
The right will NEVER gain significant precentage of teh black vote until they stop insulting black people and calling them stupid for voting Democratic.

They need to give Black Americans real reasons to vote for them instead being assholes to them.

Why is it the right is so stupid about this subject at every turn?
Johnson's actions spoke louder than his words, and black Americans were smart enough to figure that out.

As opposed to CONSERVATIVE ICONS like Goldwater, who talked nice, but tried to keep black Americans segregated.

Which would you choose, Frank, the foul mouthed guy who fought for your rights, or Mr. Nice Guy who stuck it in your ass?

Daing.... just when I thought you could'nt look any sillier!

If you were a Southern black man in 1964, would you have voted for Johnson, who just fought to get the Civil Rights act passed,

or Goldwater, who had just voted against your civil rights?
The right will NEVER gain significant precentage of teh black vote until they stop insulting black people and calling them stupid for voting Democratic.

They need to give Black Americans real reasons to vote for them instead being assholes to them.

Why is it the right is so stupid about this subject at every turn?

OK.... guess they need more of this kind of treatment.

Clinton pushed Meek to quit Fla. race - POLITICO.com Print View

Meek: Dealmaking Crist "a Desperate Candidate" - The Early Show - CBS News
Thanks for proving the point.... They were told that Dems are their savior, and have for the most part just blindly followed.

Look at New Orleans, Detroit, and several other Democrat run cities and tell me where black people are living in the utopia that is "democratville".

Oh, and nevermind that Repubs were at the forefront of civil rights..... keep moving, nothing to see here.


They blindly follow because they're too stupid to figure out what you think you have figured out?

Now why would that be? What would it be about black people, as a group, that would make them all so stupid,

as you are claiming?

Get back to me when ya have a point to make... until then YOU just make your self look stupid.

Im only pointing out what you and others are saying about them.... I for one know way too many smart intelligent black people and NO, they are'nt all dems.
Guess they are the 10%'ers?

So now you're claiming that the 10% of blacks who vote Republican are the 10% of blacks who are intelligent?

whoa! stop digging!
Asking a trailing candidate to drop from a race to keep the opposition from winning is typical practice of any party.

Should he have treated this man differently than any other Dem BECAUSE hes black?
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Just exactly what has the Democrats ever done for them?

Umm didn't Johnson sign the equal rights bill?

Actually Eisenhower tried to get it passed nearly a decade earlier and Johnson put road blocks up and it was finally passed during his term.

Nice try though....

So Johnson DID sign it.

thanks for saying I am correct.

Of course Eisenhower could not get it passed. Republicans controlled congress.
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