When will it end? Minor girl raped by 34 year old migrant in Swedish park


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A young girl was raped on Friday afternoon in a park in the city of Växjö, Sweden’s Vxo news reports.

That same evening a 34-year-old man was arrested. According to news outlet Fria Tider, the man is a migrant who raped the young girl in the Norremark area, which is near the Norrastugan club in Växjö.

When will it end? Minor girl raped by 34-year-old migrant in Swedish park

Another case of the liberal idiots chanted the same thing " LET THEM IN" , they were bleeding hearts just like the US dumbasses who are doin the same gawd dam thing in spite of the warnings, in spite of news articles telling what is going on, the idiots choose to believe " It's fake" , or it won't happen here.

These retards can't seem to realize these savages from 3rd world nations have NO REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE, THEY HAVE NO REGARD FOR ANIMAL LIFE... they were raided with killing, witnessed killings and have done killings. WTF makes you liberal stupid asses think your sunshine and lollipops will change how these ppl are.

These pathetic churches need to wake up and realize the dangers they put others in by sheltering these savage pigs.

This swine needs to be executed for doing this to this poor girl. Sweden needs to wake the fuck up and deport or execute this scum.

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