When will the left wingers...

You mean the Democrats? They won't. They don't have anything else. At all.
My guess going solely on the lingering pantshatting of some post the Obama administration’s closure is for some time past the end of his own administration?
Since the hardcore Left was partially responsible for Trump's win, it might be a good idea for them to also spend some energy looking in the mirror.

It's not just Trump. They've lost the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supes and State Houses across the country.

Their first task, after looking in the mirror, could be to become less annoying and nasty.

There are still plenty of decent liberals out there, but it's the crazies who are so repellent to people.
Right wingers whined and complained about Obama for eight years. Buck up, snowflake.
We didn't complain for nine days straight after his inauguration like you cry babies.
No, as I said, EIGHT YEARS!
That means that you are shy of 4 straight years 24/7 of crying and whining. We didn't do that for 8 years straight. We don't get paid by Soros to parade and cry like you guys.
You're so full of shit. RWs were all over Obama from Day 1, no matter what alt-facts you want to throw out to cloud the issue.
Right wingers whined and complained about Obama for eight years. Buck up, snowflake.
We didn't complain for nine days straight after his inauguration like you cry babies.
No, as I said, EIGHT YEARS!
That means that you are shy of 4 straight years 24/7 of crying and whining. We didn't do that for 8 years straight. We don't get paid by Soros to parade and cry like you guys.
You're so full of shit. RWs were all over Obama from Day 1, no matter what alt-facts you want to throw out to cloud the issue.
Nah, Fake statement as usual.

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