When Will The LGBT People Get That Nobody Cares?

You completely ignore what I said.
Did you watch the video?... how can you support that book being read to children?... its sick... there is nothing redeemable about a pornographic book like that and the other book in question Gender Queer is even more graphic....
I can't understand why it must be given and read to 7 year old's... sorry... there is nothing you can say that justifies it in my mind....
Take a moment and search how many people are detransitioning today and the physical and mental pain they are in.... a young woman killed herself because she had her breasts removed at 15 years old and regretted it so much she hung herself at 30 years old... enough with the madness....
You cannot explain sexual preferences to a child, period. You are evil. It will catch up to you. Count on it.
You donā€™t have to explain preferences. Why on earth would you? When you talk about families with little kids do YOU talk about the parentā€™s sexual relations? I sure hope not.

All the book is saying is some kids live in a family with two mommies. The kids donā€™t care.

You donā€™t have to explain preferences. Why on earth would you? When you talk about families with little kids do YOU talk about the parentā€™s sexual relations? I sure hope not.

All the book is saying is some kids live in a family with two mommies. The kids donā€™t care.
Heather has two mommies is not the book everyone is complaining about... why do you keep trying to slip that in?...
Here is one of the books people want kept out of grade school...
Please watch this... because the media you watch won't show it to you.... Make sure there are no kids in the room....

I have not read either book, but I noticed the recommended reading age is 16+, not little kids . The other book, All Boys Arenā€™t Blue is also not appropriate for kids under 16,and states it is for 14-16. This article makes a good point in that if they were movies, they would be rated R and those under 17 would require a parent. I would agree they should not be in a school library (and certainly would not have been when I was school aged).

But what the other banned books such as the ones I mentioned?
Heather has two mommies is not the book everyone is complaining about... why do you keep trying to slip that in?...
Here is one of the books people want kept out of grade school...
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The book Iā€™m about is among the 1500 or so books that include Gender Queer, being banned. So mentioning it is absolutely relevant because those doing the banning arenā€™t just going after Gender Queer.
I have not read either book, but I noticed the recommended reading age is 16+, not little kids . The other book, All Boys Arenā€™t Blue is also not appropriate for kids under 16,and states it is for 14-16. This article makes a good point in that if they were movies, they would be rated R and those under 17 would require a parent. I would agree they should not be in a school library (and certainly would not have been when I was school aged).

But what the other banned books such as the ones I mentioned?
Schools have been caught and have admitted to both of those books being read to children in grade school... that's what kicked this into gear... but let me say this... if someone ever read excerpts of either book to my kids when they were 16 that person would have had a real bad day....
Its wrong and this entire concept of teaching this subject in public school has to end...
If a child needs counseling it should be available and handled by parents not teachers and school officials....

You donā€™t have to explain preferences. Why on earth would you? When you talk about families with little kids do YOU talk about the parentā€™s sexual relations? I sure hope not.

All the book is saying is some kids live in a family with two mommies. The kids donā€™t care.
If they do not care what is the book for? You are telling me these books are not written to influence children? If you are, you are wrong.
If they do not care what is the book for? You are telling me these books are not written to influence children? If you are, you are wrong.
They are not sexual. So what exactly are they influencing?
Schools have been caught and have admitted to both of those books being read to children in grade school... that's what kicked this into gear... but let me say this... if someone ever read excerpts of either book to my kids when they were 16 that person would have had a real bad day....
Its wrong and this entire concept of teaching this subject in public school has to end...
If a child needs counseling it should be available and handled by parents not teachers and school officials....
One school read it to kids in grade school. But I agree it is inappropriate material. However, instead addressing that they are banning 1500 other books, many of which do not contain that sort of material. And trying to remove them from public libraries.
It can wait for the appropriate age. You have nothing but excuses for perverting and hurting children. Shame on you.
Unless they have cataclysmic learning disabilities, young kids can understand that another kid has two mommies or two daddies pretty easily.

Itā€™s no more traumatizing to them then learning Bobbyā€™s daddy has blond hair or Sallyā€™s mommy wears glasses. Itā€™s simple, factual information.

Why do you people consistently underestimate children?

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