When Will The Republicans In Congress Start Doing Their Job?

The dems have taken a powder on coming up with and passing a budget for over two years

So, because the Dems did not start the FY 2011 budget in 2009, that is why the GOP has yet to pass any pro-jobs legislation?

I'm going to need you to connect the dots a bit here.

days since Congress has passed a budget.

That means that not a single budget Obama has ever proposed has passed in Congress and been signed by Obama. Yet now, when his credit card is almost overdrawn, he whines and claims the Republicans are not doing their job.

And you fall for it.

And a Fox news poll have 107% of americans saying they blame Obama. Who gives a fuck what a lop sided poll says, it's going to be very wrong because it was meant to be that why.

Fox News??? Don't make me laugh. The WSJ/NBC results have been discussed all over the place. I have heard nothing about the poll you are talking about. 107%???? I'm sure I'd have remembered that.

And please enlighten us. What in the hell is a lopsided poll???

LOL are you kidding? A lopsided poll is where the polster skews the results in two ways

Frame the question in a manner that one answer, be it right or wrong, seem like the best answer
Unbalance the results by not getting equal amounts of all respondents in the poll

Thank you...

And there was never a 107% fox poll as 107% is not possible, I thought that made my point more obvious.
So you gave the democratics 6 years to do something and are whining about 6 months?

Don't be fucking stupid...

lol .... I'm not whining. Man, you really need to read posts before you comment on them.

If conservatives, sorry, I mean, if "conservatives" want to say that the reason the GOP is not doing their job is due to the Dems not passing a budget last year, then it should be easy to show that. But none of you are even attempting to show that!

You can tell and scream and cry about the Dems the past 6 years, but at least they passed stuff in an attempt to get the economy going again. The GOP hasn't done anything.

If you want to show you have a brain it would be impossible. you would have to actually think.

Senate votes down Paul Ryan budget plan, 57-40 - David Rogers - POLITICO.com
Are you saying no economic related bills have been passed in the House of Representitives since January 2011?

They passed what they are calling a "budget", but that was a joke of a plan with no hope of passing the Senate or even being considered. Since Boehner says ideas that won't pass aren't valid ideas, by his own definition, they have presented nothing.

But still, maybe you have other examples you'd like to share?

It got more votes in the Senate than Obama's budget got. Does that tell you anything about radical?
It is the democrats who won't bring a budge up in the Senate. Today will be the second missed deadline for a budget. They just plain skipped last years, and now the Democrats will skip this years as well.

Are you saying it is impossible for Repubs to write a fucking budget?

They control the House, and much of the Senate. They could propose a budget with an across-the-board 25% spending cut, dems could soot it down, or Obama could veto it, but WHY NO proposal from Repubs?


Fuckin' RINOS.

They did pass a budget, the Democrats rejected it in the Senate.
What has the Republicans and/or RW policies done for this country in 40 years?

They voted against every nitwit scheme the Democrats ever tried to pass.

Too bad they weren't always successful.

George Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left us with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Right wingers see a post like this and then right away say, "But Democrats went along with him. They could have stopped him. That means they are the guilty ones".
What has the Republicans and/or RW policies done for this country in 40 years?

They voted against every nitwit scheme the Democrats ever tried to pass.

Too bad they weren't always successful.

George Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left us with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.
Then your matinee idol Boiking dick doubled down on those failures.

And your point is?
Some of you RW loons were calling him a failure before he even stepped one foot in office...nothing new there.

Obama has done more in his 2 years and change than Bush has in his entire 8 years or would if given 8 more years.

Hold that.

is what he has done so far good or bad Marc?......i know one thing....the Guy is a piss poor leader.....he has made the Divide in this Country that Bush made.... even wider......after OBL was killed,the guy was looking good.....you think he would have used that to maybe try to Unite the Country a little......what does he do?.....he goes in front of a Latino crowd and bad mouths Republicans......pisses off half the Country.....that aint being a leader.....when your President,whether he likes it or not,whether i like it or not,or you like it or not......he is supposed to be the Leader of EVERYONE.....not just those who support you.....you cant bad mouth the other side like this guy does and expect the other side to respect you....or want to follow you......this guy is no different than Bush with Leadership skills.....they both are the worse i have ever seen.....
Yes, thats their job. Which is why some are asking why the DEMOCRAT controlled House in 2010 didn't pass it's own damn budget, because they didn't want the public to see their big spending agenda. They delayed it until the GOP took over, and left the budget task to the GOP. Ok. Fair enough, now we'll propose a budget. So stop bitching about the budget we passed, when the left refused to do it themselves.

But bottom line, just like in sports, it all comes down to the head man, the chief, numero uno, the man, the myth, the legend, President Barack Hussein Obama. And almost 3 years in, he's a total failure.

That's only your opinion. A new WSJ/NBC poll was just released and six out of ten Americans still blame Bush for the hole this country is in.

i believe he and his group of assholes where the ones who got the ball rolling.....Obama and his group of assholes are keeping it rolling....who is going to stop it and say ....ENOUGH!!!.....this Country needs a LEADER.....
I could quote Boehner when he said that anything being considered that does not have the votes in Congress is not serious legislation, but I'll let that slide and grant that yes, the GOP has passed two bills.

I guess, job well done?

i can quote Boehner......:(......
Yes, thats their job. Which is why some are asking why the DEMOCRAT controlled House in 2010 didn't pass it's own damn budget, because they didn't want the public to see their big spending agenda. They delayed it until the GOP took over, and left the budget task to the GOP. Ok. Fair enough, now we'll propose a budget. So stop bitching about the budget we passed, when the left refused to do it themselves.

But bottom line, just like in sports, it all comes down to the head man, the chief, numero uno, the man, the myth, the legend, President Barack Hussein Obama. And almost 3 years in, he's a total failure.

That's only your opinion. A new WSJ/NBC poll was just released and six out of ten Americans still blame Bush for the hole this country is in.

i believe he and his group of assholes where the ones who got the ball rolling.....Obama and his group of assholes are keeping it rolling....who is going to stop it and say ....ENOUGH!!!.....this Country needs a LEADER.....

This country needs an enema. A political enema.
Anyone who believes Bush inherited a strong economy fails to understand economics, history, or both. Bush inherited the Dot-com bubble fallout and, much worse, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 which any economist will tell you was at the forefront of the financial crisis. He might not have made the best decisions but I'm guessing he wasn't aware the deck was completely stacked against him from the very beginning. I say that because, at the time, no one had a clue. That's kinda what happens when things are unprecedented, which -- since the 1930s -- the GLB Act of 1999 was.

The 90s pulled the pin and dropped an economic grenade in Bush's back pocket on its way out the door. It seems illogical, then, to blame Bush for the mess the explosion left but partisan demonizing isn't exactly logical.
Anyone who believes Bush inherited a strong economy fails to understand economics, history, or both. Bush inherited the Dot-com bubble fallout and, much worse, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 which any economist will tell you was at the forefront of the financial crisis. He might not have made the best decisions but I'm guessing he wasn't aware the deck was completely stacked against him from the very beginning. I say that because, at the time, no one had a clue. That's kinda what happens when things are unprecedented, which -- since the 1930s -- the GLB Act of 1999 was.

The 90s pulled the pin and dropped an economic grenade in Bush's back pocket on its way out the door. It seems illogical, then, to blame Bush for the mess the explosion left but partisan demonizing isn't exactly logical.


In fact blaming the macro-economy on the current POTUS (regardless of who is in office) is silly.

Of course, the POTUS in office can certainly have some effect on their times, but the macro-economy is like a huge ship ploughing though the ocean.

It takes a great long time and distance for that ship to change course.

What Clinton or Bush II dealt with, or what Obama is now dealing with, are the aggregate effects of everything that happened before they were in office, as well as everything that happens while they're in office.

The clueless partisans here who are into CULT OF PERSONALITY politics, are either knowingly ignoring that obvious fact (in which case they just lying propagandists) or they're too stupid to understand it.

Either way...personalizing the macro-economy, spekaing about it as though a POTUS has absolute authority over it, is just wrong.
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The dems have taken a powder on coming up with and passing a budget for over two years

So, because the Dems did not start the FY 2011 budget in 2009, that is why the GOP has yet to pass any pro-jobs legislation?

I'm going to need you to connect the dots a bit here.

days since Congress has passed a budget.

That means that not a single budget Obama has ever proposed has passed in Congress and been signed by Obama. Yet now, when his credit card is almost overdrawn, he whines and claims the Republicans are not doing their job.

And you fall for it.

Yup. The Reps did their homework. They have a budget.

The Dems haven't had one in two years and as you say Obama submitted his budget and his Dem controlled Senate vetoed it 97-0.

Looks like its the Dems who are the ones falling down on the job.

Of course they will have an abreviated July 4th holiday so I know they will get er done.
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