When Will The Republicans In Congress Start Doing Their Job?

The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

Brilliant idea, will you interrupt Obama at his fundraiser to let him know about this breakthough idea of yours?....... :eusa_whistle:
Anyone who believes Bush inherited a strong economy fails to understand economics, history, or both. Bush inherited the Dot-com bubble fallout and, much worse, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 which any economist will tell you was at the forefront of the financial crisis. He might not have made the best decisions but I'm guessing he wasn't aware the deck was completely stacked against him from the very beginning. I say that because, at the time, no one had a clue. That's kinda what happens when things are unprecedented, which -- since the 1930s -- the GLB Act of 1999 was.

The 90s pulled the pin and dropped an economic grenade in Bush's back pocket on its way out the door. It seems illogical, then, to blame Bush for the mess the explosion left but partisan demonizing isn't exactly logical.

that may be true.....but Bush made everything worse by going into Iraq.....tell me that did not cost this Country plenty and began the ball rolling faster....
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

Brilliant idea, will you interrupt Obama at his fundraiser to let him know about this breakthough idea of yours?....... :eusa_whistle:

Irrelevant. With the GOP in their no compromise bunker, there's no reason for the president to be there until they come out.

There is ZERO blame on the Democrats or the president for this impasse.
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

That works both ways.

Who says the Reps are the only ones to have to compromise??

Wonder what would happen if they did cave and go along with that tax hike on the top earners??

Would jobs come rolling in?? Would the economy rebound and come roaring to life??

Don't think so.
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

That works both ways.

Who says the Reps are the only ones to have to compromise??

Wonder what would happen if they did cave and go along with that tax hike on the top earners??

Would jobs come rolling in?? Would the economy rebound and come roaring to life??

Don't think so.

Nobody says that.

What have the Republicans offered as a compromise?

Be specific.
Is it not their job to legislate?

Pass bills?

Do they expect Obama to sit next to them, coddle them and hold their hands with the nation's business?

What's really going on here?

And now they're complaining that he spoke mean to them yesterday?

Are these people serious?
When will obamaturd start doing his job? When will the dimwits stop being socialists tools? Idiot.
Some of you RW loons were calling him a failure before he even stepped one foot in office...nothing new there.

Obama has done more in his 2 years and change than Bush has in his entire 8 years or would if given 8 more years.

Hold that.
Pull your head out of your arse and stop lying. Obamaturd has done nothing but drive our economy into the ground. If you still support him you are a total idiot, idiot!
The GOP is doing the job they were elected to do, the same job Mitch McConnell voiced so well when he said "our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office".

Their top job is to get a Republican President. To Hell with everything else.
Good. Getting rid of obamaturd would be the best thing for the country.
Do you really think that if the Repubs gave in and passed tax hikes, that that money would go to pay the deficit down. No, it would be used for programs of some kind or another.
It is the Senate Dems who is being uncompromising.
Tax hikes will not pass in the house and Harry Reid knows this.
The dems have taken a powder on coming up with and passing a budget for over two years

So, because the Dems did not start the FY 2011 budget in 2009, that is why the GOP has yet to pass any pro-jobs legislation?

I'm going to need you to connect the dots a bit here.
No, idiots like you blame the republicans for what the dimwits do. The dimwit s failed, period. Idiot.
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

That works both ways.

Who says the Reps are the only ones to have to compromise??

Wonder what would happen if they did cave and go along with that tax hike on the top earners??

Would jobs come rolling in?? Would the economy rebound and come roaring to life??

Don't think so.

Nobody says that.

What have the Republicans offered as a compromise?

Be specific.

What have the Dems offered??

Be specivic.
That works both ways.

Who says the Reps are the only ones to have to compromise??

Wonder what would happen if they did cave and go along with that tax hike on the top earners??

Would jobs come rolling in?? Would the economy rebound and come roaring to life??

Don't think so.

Nobody says that.

What have the Republicans offered as a compromise?

Be specific.

What have the Dems offered??

Be specivic.

You first. You started it.
Did I mis-quote McConnell? Why don't you explain what part I got wrong bub?

The part where you took it literally....

Stop being fucking stupid...

Hacks like that dunce Dr. House, a person that makes a fictional character, an a-hole BTW, his god and mentor, would like you to interpret REPUBLICON direct words as just joking, or lightly, but they twist DEMOCRAT words into what THEY want it to be.

They do stupid shat like count how many times Obama said "I" to label him arrogant, although the same count would reveal he said "we" and "USA" 3 times as much in the same speech.

These people have no shame.

They are the definition of Un-American.
No, un-American would be obamturd and the dimwits. Obamaturd saying 57 states points to his lack of knowledge of this country. But he claims to be a what, college grad or lawyer or something? Right. Idiots.
Let's just pass laws and legislation for the sake of pleasing others. Wait! What happened the last time we did that? Oh yea we spent trillions of dollars and got bupkiss in return. Then there was this little mess...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPSDnGMzIdo&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING‬‏[/ame]

Did we learn anything about just trying to look busy?
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

Where did the Democrats get that idea?

I actually have an answer to that one, from people like you who insist that compromise means you getting everything you want. For the first time in history the Republican establishment is dealing with a grass roots movement that is focused on a single issue, and willing to nominate people that are unelectable if that means that they get that issue heard. Then you come in and whine because you think they should increase spending, not cut it.
The Republicans are refusing to compromise. Where did the Republicans get the idea that they have a 100% mandate from the American people?

Given that GOP only controls the House, and given that the presidency and the Senate are Democrat,

if the Republicans met the Democrats halfway on the budget, they would effectively, politically, be getting a bargain.

That works both ways.

Who says the Reps are the only ones to have to compromise??

Wonder what would happen if they did cave and go along with that tax hike on the top earners??

Would jobs come rolling in?? Would the economy rebound and come roaring to life??

Don't think so.

Nobody says that.

What have the Republicans offered as a compromise?

Be specific.

They do not have to offer a compromise until the other side offers a position. What have the Democrats offered, period?
Yes, thats their job. Which is why some are asking why the DEMOCRAT controlled House in 2010 didn't pass it's own damn budget, because they didn't want the public to see their big spending agenda. They delayed it until the GOP took over, and left the budget task to the GOP. Ok. Fair enough, now we'll propose a budget. So stop bitching about the budget we passed, when the left refused to do it themselves.

But bottom line, just like in sports, it all comes down to the head man, the chief, numero uno, the man, the myth, the legend, President Barack Hussein Obama. And almost 3 years in, he's a total failure.

That's completely different. Don't you know that? :eusa_naughty:

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