When Would You Kill A Criminal?

When would you use lethal force?

  • Never , I don’t care if he steals, kills me, my family or others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don’t care if he steals or kills me, but I will protect my family

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don’t care if he steals or kills me, but I will protect my family or others

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • I don’t care if he steals, but I will protect myself, my family or others

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I will protect my entire life work & savings that my family & I depend on to live

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I will protect half my entire life work & savings that I depend on to live

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will protect a quarter of my entire life work & savings that I depend on to live

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I will protect a 10% of my entire life work & savings that I depend on to live

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I will kill if they steal $100 from me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will kill if they steal $1 from anyone

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
When Would You Kill A Criminal?

State laws range between you have a duty to retreat from thieves & violent attackers to shooting a thief in the back as they run off with your stuff.

What do you think the standard should be?
I attached a poll. Vote, not how your state or federal law says, but how you would like the law to allow you to act.
If he breaks into my house or threatens my family one of us is going to the Grave Yard.

What if your retired or disabled from busting you ass working & he stole everything you worked for & burned down your house, so now you & your family are broke, no car, homeless & not able to earn any more money.
Stand-your-ground law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under Stand your ground you no longer have to retreat. This has been enacted across almost all the states. I believe I have the right to use deadly force is they are stealing on my property, or breaking into my house. I should have the right to my life and property. Thieves infringe on that right and deserve what they get.

If I can get them detained by the police I will do so, but if I have any inclination that they are armed I'm going to shoot them.
If he breaks into my house or threatens my family one of us is going to the Grave Yard.

What if your retired or disabled from busting you ass working & he stole everything you worked for & burned down your house, so now you & your family are broke, no car, homeless & not able to earn any more money.

How is he going to do that if I shoot him. If someone does that, and I don't know who they are and do it while I'm gone how am I going to stop that anyway.

We just moved our mother n law out of her house not long ago because of crime. She refused to move for many years. We tried to get her out. Finally a series of events happened where she decided to leave and move in with us and her other son. She kind of likes moving from us to her son from time to time.

Anyway, it started with someone kicking in her back door while she was home. She yelled at them and the left luckily. We had to board up the back door and we bought her a gun. Then they tried to break in the front door and she shot holes in the door and missed the ones trying to break in. They left. Finally these thugs broke into the house next door, and shot and killed her neighbor over prescription drugs.

She moved shortly after this. The killers have never been found. She just sold that house for a pismire of what it was worth. But she is safe, and that is all that matters.
To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.
If he breaks into my house or threatens my family one of us is going to the Grave Yard.

What if your retired or disabled from busting you ass working & he stole everything you worked for & burned down your house, so now you & your family are broke, no car, homeless & not able to earn any more money.

How is he going to do that if I shoot him.

Lets just say you & your family walked back from the park & see a thief has all your savings loaded into your running car, has poured gasoline around your house & is about to light a match & drop it out the car window before he drives off. Do you want the option to shoot before he gets the mach lit & or drives off even though you & your family are safe outside behind a concrete wall.
What if your retired or disabled from busting you ass working & he stole everything you worked for & burned down your house, so now you & your family are broke, no car, homeless & not able to earn any more money.

How is he going to do that if I shoot him.

Lets just say you & your family walked back from the park & see a thief has all your savings loaded into your running car, has poured gasoline around your house & is about to light a match & drop it out the car window before he drives off. Do you want the option to shoot before he gets the mach lit & or drives off even though you & your family are safe outside behind a concrete wall.

Your first point didn't say that. Yep, I'd shoot.
To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.

Was "I'd rather be a blithering idiot like Luddly than take a life" on the poll?
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To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.

This is a what if post..........and opinions of the same.

So your opinion is if you are robbed or your family's lives are in danger..........

You'd say Republicans suck, and are arm chair warriors in defense. I'm sure the Criminal would understand and take pity on you.

I did not vote, because none of the choices accurately depict circumstances that would allow me to kill a criminal:

For example, they steal a dollar? How do I know that's all they're going to take? In reality, does any criminal show up and say, "hey, I don't plan to take more than a dollar, and I'm not going to harm you or your family in the process, so put down your weapons."

Fuck no.

If you're going to kill someone, then you had better be determined. No mamby-pamby, deep thoughts and reflections upon humanity better get in the way.

So here is my criteria:

A. You are a stranger and
B. You enter (or attempt to enter) my home uninvited.
C. You die.​

I couldn't give a damn whether you're suffering from mental illness, or your momma didn't love you, or you're hungry, or if you only wanted to borrow a cup of sugar: If you're not invited, then stay the fuck out.
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To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.

This is a what if post..........and opinions of the same.

So your opinion is if you are robbed or your family's lives are in danger..........

You'd say Republicans suck, and are arm chair warriors in defense. I'm sure the Criminal would understand and take pity on you.


These are all what-if posts.

Although, when it comes to chicken little nonsense, the gasoline around the house and the life savings loaded in the get away car is by far, the best. I wonder how you poor people ever get to sleep at night, especially since I would think its damn uncomfortable under the bed.
To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.

This is a what if post..........and opinions of the same.

So your opinion is if you are robbed or your family's lives are in danger..........

You'd say Republicans suck, and are arm chair warriors in defense. I'm sure the Criminal would understand and take pity on you.


These are all what-if posts.

Although, when it comes to chicken little nonsense, the gasoline around the house and the life savings loaded in the get away car is by far, the best. I wonder how you poor people ever get to sleep at night, especially since I would think its damn uncomfortable under the bed.

Could you please try to post more nonsensical responses?


Are you saying that the best choice when confronted with either killing someone to protect yourself, family, and property or not is:

A. the gasoline around the house and
B. the life savings loaded in the get away car.

To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.

This is a what if post..........and opinions of the same.

So your opinion is if you are robbed or your family's lives are in danger..........

You'd say Republicans suck, and are arm chair warriors in defense. I'm sure the Criminal would understand and take pity on you.


These are all what-if posts.

Although, when it comes to chicken little nonsense, the gasoline around the house and the life savings loaded in the get away car is by far, the best. I wonder how you poor people ever get to sleep at night, especially since I would think its damn uncomfortable under the bed.

It happened to my father, brother & neighbors. Luckily everyone was gone each time it happened. They stole everything & burned the houses & cars to destroy evidence. Neither family member had insurance. All that was left was the clothes on their backs & the vehicle they were in. Dad is retired & luckily my brother still had a car to get to work in or he would have been fired & have no way to support his family.

Two years later police caught the team of thieves who had robbed over 100 homes & burned 20+ to the ground.
To many on the right, any and all crimes are punishable by death although, truth be told, the ones who swagger around here, threatening to kill anyone who dares stand on their front porch, would more than likely hide under their bed. We see a lot of big talk here on this forum but talk to someone who has actually taken a life and, believe me, they'll tell you your own life is changed forever - and not for the better. That's the poll you ought to take.

The only thing that changed in my life was spending a few hours answering questions and a few weeks dealing with my insurance company. His life ended and I still lose no sleep over it.

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