...when you celebrate your freedom and independence


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
make sure you only attend approved fireworks displays, you don't wanna get busted for terrorism.

the government says no drinking alcohol,
you don't wanna get busted for that or using breath spray while driving.

stay clean in case you have to go through a random search check point

remember, don't mouth off to police.
make sure you only attend approved fireworks displays, you don't wanna get busted for terrorism.

the government says no drinking alcohol,
you don't wanna get busted for that or using breath spray while driving.

stay clean in case you have to go through a random search check point

remember, don't mouth off to police.

Oh my god, we just moved back to my hometown, really nice area and place. The fireworks have been going nonstop, it seems like. It's the bicentennial of the Ohio War of 1812 and they're really hootin and hollerin around here!
make sure you only attend approved fireworks displays, you don't wanna get busted for terrorism.

the government says no drinking alcohol,
you don't wanna get busted for that or using breath spray while driving.

stay clean in case you have to go through a random search check point

remember, don't mouth off to police.

Oh my god, we just moved back to my hometown, really nice area and place. The fireworks have been going nonstop, it seems like. It's the bicentennial of the Ohio War of 1812 and they're really hootin and hollerin around here!

Only a moron would celebrate independence day in a police state.

Every REAL American should run the stars and stripes upside down.

Sorry...this REAL American is celebrating our great country's birthday tomorrow...

You can go pout in the corner all you want. After all, it's a free country and it is your right.

Pout will I? No. I'm a fighter. I've been shot at, beaten up, and broken more bones than the average American. What more can this regime that you call a government take from me? My life? LOL, fine, if that is what it takes I'll gladly sacrifice it.

You live in a turn key police state. Enjoy, because while you cower and run I, and many like me, will bleed on the flag we currently despise to keep the stripes red for real Americans unlike your pathetic self.
I'll celebrate freedom and independence when we have freedom and independence from liberals.
Only a moron would celebrate independence day in a police state.

Every REAL American should run the stars and stripes upside down.

Sorry...this REAL American is celebrating our great country's birthday tomorrow...

You can go pout in the corner all you want. After all, it's a free country and it is your right.

Pout will I? No. I'm a fighter. I've been shot at, beaten up, and broken more bones than the average American. What more can this regime that you call a government take from me? My life? LOL, fine, if that is what it takes I'll gladly sacrifice it.

You live in a turn key police state. Enjoy, because while you cower and run I, and many like me, will bleed on the flag we currently despise to keep the stripes red for real Americans unlike your pathetic self.

You sound like a little bit of a whiner.

Go crack some beers and watch fireworks like the rest of the country, eh?
Only a moron would celebrate independence day in a police state.

Every REAL American should run the stars and stripes upside down.

I don't own a Amuriccan flag. I do own my confederate flag and my gadsden flag and if I can find them would gladly fly them outside my home today...In fact I do believe I know where my gadsden is...just need a flag pole now lol..Maybe I should try attaching it to my suv and driving around with it.
I'll celebrate freedom and independence when we have freedom and independence from liberals.

You planning some type of genocide? Democracy sucks, doesn't it?

Divided we fall.

Red, Divided and Blue Fly This Independence Day - NationalJournal.com

This week we celebrate the moment when the authors of the Declaration of Independence concluded they had no choice but "to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another." It's an excellent opportunity to consider how ominously our own "political bands" are fraying.

I'm looking forward to it.
How funny to be inadvertently caught up in the July 4th mob scene at the Houston Airport this morning. Millions of Americans were traveling today, meeting up with family and friends to celebrate liberty and freedom as symbolized by our Independence Day.

But before they could celebrate our liberty and freedom...they first had to submit to either a radiation bath at the airport cancer scanners or an invasive groping from a flunky TSA agent if they "opted out". The irony of the flag-waving masses slouching along in airport lines toward their inevitable date with the total state so that they could celebrate their liberty and freedom is no doubt lost on most.

One other observation: although no one "opted out" of the cancer screener machines for a pat down when we were within view of the TSA checkpoint, at one point they opened both the metal detectors and the cancer machine and not a single soul at that point opted for the cancer machine. The psychological manipulation is nearly complete. Hail freedom!

Celebrating Independence Day With TSA « LewRockwell.com Blog

Oh, and don't forget to say something nice about the NSA today while you celebrate your freedom, since they're listening in.

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