When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Nice. You could be a Gnostic Christian.

I agree that indoctrination of a child's mind, more like brainwashing at that age, can be called murder of a mind.


Thank you but no, I am not a Gnostic Christian. I do not believe or think that the human body or the material universe is inherently or even slightly evil. Believe it or not I am not and do not pretend to be a religious person of any variety at all.. Gnostics speak of hidden wisdom but never reveal it. I suspect that wisdom had been lost to time even to them, the ones who know its there hidden between the lines.

I do believe in the esoteric teachings of Jesus because I have found them, buried like hidden treasure, and have revealed them openly.

Anyone who hears that teaching, and acts on it, will never know what it is to die.
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To focus on religion as THE cause of war, is just your bigotry.

Reduced to childish name calling now are you. Better a hate against evil religions than a love for them. What would you name call those like you who respect evil?

Religion is a force of social cohesion in societies and offers comfort to billions of people.

What a foolish remark.

Christianity is fractured in to thousands and Islam into 69 or so.

How can you call religion cohesive when they have fractured into so many differing sects and denominations?

Religions, I agree, offers comfort to billions of people, while giving discomfort to billions of gays and women, as an oppressed group, thanks to their homophobic and misogynous ways. Right?

Your bias against it is, ironically, UNREASONABLE.

You say without proving your lie to be true.

There have been few atheist nations for comparison purposes.

Let me help you do your own research.

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



Do you deny the role that Faith plays in many people's and communities?

Faith closes the mind. It is pure idol worship.

Faith is a way to quit using, "God given" power of Reason and Logic, and cause the faithful to embrace doctrines that moral people reject.

The God of the OT says, “Come now, and let us reason together,” [Isaiah 1:18]

How can literalists reason on God when they must ignore reason and logic and discard them when turning into literalist?

Those who are literalists can only reply somewhat in the fashion that Martin Luther did.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”

This attitude effectively kills all worthy communication that non-theists can have with theist. Faith closes the mind as it is pure idol worship.

Literalism is an evil practice that hides the true messages of myths. We cannot show our faith based friends that they are wrong through their faith colored glasses. Their faith also plugs their ears.


There have been few atheist nations for comparison purposes.

But the Soviet Union is one big one, that strongly implies that being "non-theists" are less violent or warlike than the Faithful.

“Everything has been a cause for war in history.”

I agree, but the majority has always been believers and that says that the majority of wars have been cause by religious people. For the religious to blame the minorities for the majority of wars would be quite hypocritical.

“To focus on religion as THE cause of war, is just your bigotry.”

To focus on the minority is just your bigotry, and hipocrasy.

“ Your bias against it is, ironically, UNREASONABLE.”

My bias against both Christianity and Islam is quite reasonable. They have both basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I.

“There have been few atheist nations for comparison purposes.”

True, but there have been many religion ruled nations that are war like and immoral. 5,000 years of war is what they have gifted us with.

“ But the Soviet Union is one big one, that strongly implies that being "non-theists" are less violent or warlike than the Faithful.”

You make my case. Thanks.

Nice. You could be a Gnostic Christian.

I agree that indoctrination of a child's mind, more like brainwashing at that age, can be called murder of a mind.


Thank you but no, I am not a Gnostic Christian. I do not believe or think that the human body or the material universe is inherently or even slightly evil. Believe it or not I am not and do not pretend to be a religious person of any variety at all.. Gnostics speak of hidden wisdom but never reveal it. I suspect that wisdom had been lost to time even to them, the ones who know its there hidden between the lines.

I do believe in the esoteric teachings of Jesus because I have found them, buried like hidden treasure, and have revealed them openly.

Anyone who hears that teaching, and acts on it, will never know what it is to die.

Unfortunately, the winners of the God wars have written the history and have done a lot of lying as to what Gnostic Christians believe.

On the notion of evil matter and your ----- " I do not believe or think that the human body or the material universe is inherently or even slightly evil." --- please read the following and know that Gnostic Christians agree with you and then some.

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

So you see that we venerate our matter as that is what houses God.

Gnostics speak of hidden wisdom but never reveal it.

I will reveal it here and now.

In a nut shell, the hidden secret is that one can never reach full human potential by kowtowing to either our government social manipulators nor our religious manipulators.

We preach that the Gnosis that we find within ourselves and that spark of God in us is and should be our guide and not the dictates of other people. That does not mean that we discard any good information, rules and laws that they might give, but that we are not to sheepishly follow. We are to be goats, if I can use that term. As esoteric ecumenists, that attitude leaves us to be free thinkers and able to embrace good rules and laws wherever we might find them.

"I do believe in the esoteric teachings of Jesus because I have found them, buried like hidden treasure, and have revealed them openly."

I too believe I have found some and they are epitomized with these quotes.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

You have me curious.

Please share some of what you found. Even with the net, few writers get into those much.

To focus on religion as THE cause of war, is just your bigotry.

Reduced to childish name calling now are you. Better a hate against evil religions than a love for them. What would you name call those like you who respect evil?

Religion is a force of social cohesion in societies and offers comfort to billions of people.

What a foolish remark.

Christianity is fractured in to thousands and Islam into 69 or so.

How can you call religion cohesive when they have fractured into so many differing sects and denominations?

Religions, I agree, offers comfort to billions of people, while giving discomfort to billions of gays and women, as an oppressed group, thanks to their homophobic and misogynous ways. Right?

Your bias against it is, ironically, UNREASONABLE.

You say without proving your lie to be true.

There have been few atheist nations for comparison purposes.

Let me help you do your own research.

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



Do you deny the role that Faith plays in many people's and communities?

Faith closes the mind. It is pure idol worship.

Faith is a way to quit using, "God given" power of Reason and Logic, and cause the faithful to embrace doctrines that moral people reject.

The God of the OT says, “Come now, and let us reason together,” [Isaiah 1:18]

How can literalists reason on God when they must ignore reason and logic and discard them when turning into literalist?

Those who are literalists can only reply somewhat in the fashion that Martin Luther did.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”

This attitude effectively kills all worthy communication that non-theists can have with theist. Faith closes the mind as it is pure idol worship.

Literalism is an evil practice that hides the true messages of myths. We cannot show our faith based friends that they are wrong through their faith colored glasses. Their faith also plugs their ears.


There have been few atheist nations for comparison purposes.

But the Soviet Union is one big one, that strongly implies that being "non-theists" are less violent or warlike than the Faithful.

“Everything has been a cause for war in history.”

I agree, but the majority has always been believers and that says that the majority of wars have been cause by religious people. For the religious to blame the minorities for the majority of wars would be quite hypocritical.

“To focus on religion as THE cause of war, is just your bigotry.”

To focus on the minority is just your bigotry, and hipocrasy.

“ Your bias against it is, ironically, UNREASONABLE.”

My bias against both Christianity and Islam is quite reasonable. They have both basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I.

“There have been few atheist nations for comparison purposes.”

True, but there have been many religion ruled nations that are war like and immoral. 5,000 years of war is what they have gifted us with.

“ But the Soviet Union is one big one, that strongly implies that being "non-theists" are less violent or warlike than the Faithful.”

You make my case. Thanks.


1. When groups grow beyond Tribe size, and the people in them have no blood relationship, social forces are required to get them to cooperate. Religion is one of them

2. No video links. If you have a point to make, make it with your own words, or a link to a concise article, with the prime point excerpted.

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.
Unfortunately, the winners of the God wars have written the history and have done a lot of lying as to what Gnostic Christians believe.

I'm sure that you are right....

In a nut shell, the hidden secret is that one can never reach full human potential by kowtowing to either our government social manipulators nor our religious manipulators.

We preach that the Gnosis that we find within ourselves and that spark of God in us is and should be our guide and not the dictates of other people. That does not mean that we discard any good information, rules and laws that they might give, but that we are not to sheepishly follow. We are to be goats, if I can use that term. As esoteric ecumenists, that attitude leaves us to be free thinkers and able to embrace good rules and laws wherever we might find them.

Thanks for a clear explanation. Still I think the very idea of esoteric knowledge for the few is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus , re. no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

I too believe I have found some and they are epitomized with these quotes.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

You have me curious.

Please share some of what you found. Even with the net, few writers get into those much.


I also found things of great importance in those quotes. Still, I noticed that you did not identify exactly what you found hidden therein.

In a similar way the gospels themselves often quote Jesus saying something strange and the disciples failing to comprehend what he meant while the author leaves the question of what Jesus meant unanswered just saying the meaning of what Jesus said was hidden from them.

I saw that as a challenge to the reader from the very first time I read the story.

With that in mind I found the command of Jesus to eat his flesh to be very vague yet very specific like a riddle.

What I found through studying OT language, the only books available to Jesus, was that Jesus coded his meaning though the use of hebrew expressions that are found in scripture from the very first book to the very last. An example is Isaiah 55:1 where words are compared to bread and teaching from God is clearly identified as good food to eat.

The command to eat my flesh is a reference to kosher law which reveals many mysteries and clears up much confusion as to what the subject of the wisdom of God conveyed through his law is all about.

Each creature described whether clean or unclean has direct human implications and human counterparts just like people of every nation and language have compared other people to lower beasts to either praise or ridicule ever since people could talk.

The flesh of each creature whether clean or unclean is a reference to their teaching, beliefs etc.

The wisdom of God in the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is revealed by understanding that the subject of the command is to refrain from the teachings of people who do not think very deeply.

If you set aside this command and blindly swallow the teachings of people who do not think very deeply your mind will be contaminated and defiled and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot think very deeply.

This is the hidden wisdom of God and the very flesh of Jesus.

This is the only way to interpret and comply with the divine commands that leads to the promise of eternal life for complying with the divine commands fulfilled.

This is what Jesus meant by saying, " unless you eat my flesh( receive this teaching) and drink my blood (do it) you can have no life in you."

Life is in the blood, in the doing.
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[QUOTE="Correll, post: 17517693, member: 53993

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.[/QUOTE]

What do you have against Hitler?

I though he was your second favorite genocidal maniac, second only to your God.

There is that Christian double moral standard again, where you condemn a man for dong what you praise God for doing.

Some think that quite hypocritical.

Thanks for a clear explanation. Still I think the very idea of esoteric knowledge for the few is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus , re. no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

You show some insight on what Jesus said about his body and blood. Nice.

As to hidden wisdom, the church hid that and not Jesus.

Jesus said that many were called but few would respond.

Neither Jesus nor I can force people to look within and Jesus indicates they do not because of organized religions that are hiding the way. Gnostic Christians preach for that way. Lawyers were the ones writing the scriptures.

Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

Mark 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

You will likely know that the following are never quoted in churches. Let me repeat these here as they are quite important. I will also give a link.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


I hope I did not duplicate too much. I am having a hard time with the program at this site plus the fact that I am quite absent minded.

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I also found things of great importance in those quotes. Still, I noticed that you did not identify exactly what you found hidden therein.

What the sages call oneness.

The best analogy I can give is that I, as a P C, uploaded into a mainframe populated by many consciousness'.

I could feel the oneness that is spoken of but at the same time retained the integrity of my own consciousness.

There was two way communication that I could only maintain for about 6 seconds. In that time, my paradigm was confirmed as on the right path. I was also advised, which I felt as chastisement, for not thinking demographically enough.

Do not think of that cosmic consciousness, mainframe computer, as supernatural as it is not. I see it as just the next evolutionary step of our consciousness. Perhaps our last one.

I wish there was proof of apotheosis but there isn't any.

[QUOTE="Correll, post: 17517693, member: 53993

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.

What do you have against Hitler?

I though he was your second favorite genocidal maniac, second only to your God.

There is that Christian double moral standard again, where you condemn a man for dong what you praise God for doing.

Some think that quite hypocritical.


YOur bat shit crazy godwin laced rant is dismissed.

I understand that my pointing out that the single biggest example of an atheist state was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER,

is a huge problem for your position.

ie, it disproves it completely.

But, barking at the moon, and a Godwin was not an answer.
As to hidden wisdom, the church hid that and not Jesus.

I see it another way. Jesus had his teaching hidden. When all those who held the secrets to the kingdom of heaven were killed all that was left were fantastical stories that superstitious people could never comprehend. This is where the Church came in and came up with dogma and doctrines according to their own limited pagan understanding without any knowledge of Jewish thought, belief and literary expression.

This verse shows that Jesus buried what he had found hidden in the OT.

The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again..." Mathew 13:44

Neither Jesus nor I can force people to look within and Jesus indicates they do not because of organized religions that are hiding the way. Gnostic Christians preach for that way.

What is the right way to interpret and conform to the law that inspired the use of tefillin ?

What is the hidden wisdom in the command to keep meat separate from dairy?

What is the right way to conform to the law that requires the slaughter of a he-goat without blemish for the expiation of sin?

What is the "sanctuary of God"?
I also found things of great importance in those quotes. Still, I noticed that you did not identify exactly what you found hidden therein.

What the sages call oneness.

Like when Jesus said "may they all be perfectly one"?

Me in you and you in me and we in them and them in us and all that?

I always took that to mean that they were all one, of the same accord, like when Jesus said, The Father and I are one," sharing one mind and one purpose according to the one true light from the one teaching that came from God into the world like bread from heaven and became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, in the person of Jesus Christ..

in other words, Manna, the preexisting metaphor for the Word of God, became flesh"

( the man who found it, buried it again....Matthew 13:44)
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[QUOTE="Correll, post: 17517693, member: 53993

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.

What do you have against Hitler?

I though he was your second favorite genocidal maniac, second only to your God.

There is that Christian double moral standard again, where you condemn a man for dong what you praise God for doing.

Some think that quite hypocritical.


YOur bat shit crazy godwin laced rant is dismissed.

I understand that my pointing out that the single biggest example of an atheist state was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER,

is a huge problem for your position.

ie, it disproves it completely.

But, barking at the moon, and a Godwin was not an answer.[/QUOTE]

Luke 19:27 - “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”

Rant all you want my friend, but do not think It strange that I would think it strange to see you following a genocidal son murdering God.

[QUOTE="Correll, post: 17517693, member: 53993

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.

What do you have against Hitler?

I though he was your second favorite genocidal maniac, second only to your God.

There is that Christian double moral standard again, where you condemn a man for dong what you praise God for doing.

Some think that quite hypocritical.


YOur bat shit crazy godwin laced rant is dismissed.

I understand that my pointing out that the single biggest example of an atheist state was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER,

is a huge problem for your position.

ie, it disproves it completely.

But, barking at the moon, and a Godwin was not an answer.

Luke 19:27 - “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”

Rant all you want my friend, but do not think It strange that I would think it strange to see you following a genocidal son murdering God.


A lot of stuff in the bible. TO the point that what a person pulls from it, says more about him, then it does about the bible.

You have yet to address my point about the Soviet Union.

Here we see Nazis and Soviets meeting as friends in the middle of Poland.


I wonder what they are saying...

"Hey, buddy, isn't it great to have a war when you massively outnumber the enemy and can crush him like a little bug"?
As to hidden wisdom, the church hid that and not Jesus.

I see it another way. Jesus had his teaching hidden. When all those who held the secrets to the kingdom of heaven were killed all that was left were fantastical stories that superstitious people could never comprehend. This is where the Church came in and came up with dogma and doctrines according to their own limited pagan understanding without any knowledge of Jewish thought, belief and literary expression.

This verse shows that Jesus buried what he had found hidden in the OT.

The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again..." Mathew 13:44

Neither Jesus nor I can force people to look within and Jesus indicates they do not because of organized religions that are hiding the way. Gnostic Christians preach for that way.

What is the right way to interpret and conform to the law that inspired the use of tefillin ?

What is the hidden wisdom in the command to keep meat separate from dairy?

What is the right way to conform to the law that requires the slaughter of a he-goat without blemish for the expiation of sin?

What is the "sanctuary of God"?

Each individual when using analogies for esoteric wisdom will use them in different ways.

The answer to What is the "sanctuary of God? --- is answered by the Jesus I am brethren to with the only possible answer in the Gospel of Mary if you think of God as the treasure you seek.

Gnostic Jesus was questioned as to what sees the vision?


The Saviour answered and said, 'He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind which [is] between the two - that is [what] sees the vision...'

For where the mind is, there is the treasure.

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

I also found things of great importance in those quotes. Still, I noticed that you did not identify exactly what you found hidden therein.

What the sages call oneness.

Like when Jesus said "may they all be perfectly one"?

Me in you and you in me and we in them and them in us and all that?

I always took that to mean that they were all one, of the same accord, like when Jesus said, The Father and I are one," sharing one mind and one purpose according to the one true light from the one teaching that came from God into the world like bread from heaven and became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, in the person of Jesus Christ..

in other words, Manna, the preexisting metaphor for the Word of God, became flesh"

( the man who found it, buried it again....Matthew 13:44)

If I recall, you used this fist quote

"1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest"

The Gospel of Thomas Collection - Translations and Resources

I would not use the word bury. I the term set aside. When one suffers an apotheosis, one recognizes the perfection of what he found or learned. Learning never stops so what one needs do is go to a term like evolving perfection. That means moving your bar of excellence to the next step up of what some call Jacob’s ladder. The world is always the best of all possible worlds at all given points in times, given the conditions that got it there. This is irrefutable. Once that is recognized, the only thing you can do is try to imagine how you might improve it and get to it.

[QUOTE="Correll, post: 17517693, member: 53993

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.

What do you have against Hitler?

I though he was your second favorite genocidal maniac, second only to your God.

There is that Christian double moral standard again, where you condemn a man for dong what you praise God for doing.

Some think that quite hypocritical.


YOur bat shit crazy godwin laced rant is dismissed.

I understand that my pointing out that the single biggest example of an atheist state was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER,

is a huge problem for your position.

ie, it disproves it completely.

But, barking at the moon, and a Godwin was not an answer.

Luke 19:27 - “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”

Rant all you want my friend, but do not think It strange that I would think it strange to see you following a genocidal son murdering God.


A lot of stuff in the bible. TO the point that what a person pulls from it, says more about him, then it does about the bible.

You have yet to address my point about the Soviet Union.

Here we see Nazis and Soviets meeting as friends in the middle of Poland.


I wonder what they are saying...

"Hey, buddy, isn't it great to have a war when you massively outnumber the enemy and can crush him like a little bug"?[/QUOTE]

I ignored getting into that with you because I try to his quote.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

You are trying to go average while I am shooting for great.

The question at hand is, --- which control group, politics or religion, --- is more responsible for the 5,000 years of war we have suffered?

I say that it is religion because the religious have been the great majority for he last 5,000 years.

[QUOTE="Correll, post: 17517693, member: 53993

3. The Soviet Union is the biggest example of an atheist nation, and it was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER.

What do you have against Hitler?

I though he was your second favorite genocidal maniac, second only to your God.

There is that Christian double moral standard again, where you condemn a man for dong what you praise God for doing.

Some think that quite hypocritical.


YOur bat shit crazy godwin laced rant is dismissed.

I understand that my pointing out that the single biggest example of an atheist state was a totalitarian hellhole that engaged in many wars, including being an ally of fucking HITLER,

is a huge problem for your position.

ie, it disproves it completely.

But, barking at the moon, and a Godwin was not an answer.

Luke 19:27 - “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.”

Rant all you want my friend, but do not think It strange that I would think it strange to see you following a genocidal son murdering God.


A lot of stuff in the bible. TO the point that what a person pulls from it, says more about him, then it does about the bible.

You have yet to address my point about the Soviet Union.

Here we see Nazis and Soviets meeting as friends in the middle of Poland.


I wonder what they are saying...

"Hey, buddy, isn't it great to have a war when you massively outnumber the enemy and can crush him like a little bug"?

I ignored getting into that with you because I try to his quote.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

You are trying to go average while I am shooting for great.

The question at hand is, --- which control group, politics or religion, --- is more responsible for the 5,000 years of war we have suffered?

I say that it is religion because the religious have been the great majority for he last 5,000 years.


All you did was restate your assumption.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, if your believe that religion is the cause of all of history's wars, then looking at atheist states would show that be them being more peaceful.

The Soviet Union proves that that is not true.

Your analysis of religion as the cause of wars, is disproved.

Here more nazis and soviets just happy to see each other, in the middle of Poland.

I do not recall saying religions cause all the wars.

I think I used the words majority of wars.

I do not recall saying religions cause all the wars.

I think I used the words majority of wars.


So, lets discuss atheists states to see if they are, by and large, far more peaceful than the normal religious states.

I've pointed out that the Soviet Union certainly demonstrates the OPPOSITE of what one would expect to find if your assumption was true.

You have failed to address my point at all.

Would you like to offer an example of a different atheist state that might support your theory's expectation of RELATIVE peacefulness?
I do not recall saying religions cause all the wars.

I think I used the words majority of wars.


So, lets discuss atheists states to see if they are, by and large, far more peaceful than the normal religious states.

I've pointed out that the Soviet Union certainly demonstrates the OPPOSITE of what one would expect to find if your assumption was true.

You have failed to address my point at all.

Would you like to offer an example of a different atheist state that might support your theory's expectation of RELATIVE peacefulness?

Let's look at U K and others.

I also a Global peace index.


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