When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

I do not recall saying religions cause all the wars.

I think I used the words majority of wars.


So, lets discuss atheists states to see if they are, by and large, far more peaceful than the normal religious states.

I've pointed out that the Soviet Union certainly demonstrates the OPPOSITE of what one would expect to find if your assumption was true.

You have failed to address my point at all.

Would you like to offer an example of a different atheist state that might support your theory's expectation of RELATIVE peacefulness?

Let's look at U K and others.

I also a Global peace index.


You claim that religion is the major cause of wars, but refuse to examine atheist nations to see if their actions support your conclusion.

You lose.
The answer to What is the "sanctuary of God? --- is answered by the Jesus I am brethren to with the only possible answer in the Gospel of Mary if you think of God as the treasure you seek.

I see the sanctuary of God being a place of sorts, an invisible realm of being existing within the boundaries established by divine Law having a meaning more like divine providence, the promise for complying with the will of God.

God is a jealous God, meaning that God is passionately devoted to those who are devoted to him.

The only way to enter the sanctuary of God is by mastering the law, discerning the meaning and intent of the figurative words and hidden subjects and then conforming to his will.

This is how Jesus led people to the sanctuary of God, in fulfillment of scripture, not by constructing a temple but by teaching, according to divine revelation, the only right way to understand and conform to the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life with God on earth.
I also found things of great importance in those quotes. Still, I noticed that you did not identify exactly what you found hidden therein.

What the sages call oneness.

Like when Jesus said "may they all be perfectly one"?

Me in you and you in me and we in them and them in us and all that?

I always took that to mean that they were all one, of the same accord, like when Jesus said, The Father and I are one," sharing one mind and one purpose according to the one true light from the one teaching that came from God into the world like bread from heaven and became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, in the person of Jesus Christ..

in other words, Manna, the preexisting metaphor for the Word of God, became flesh"

( the man who found it, buried it again....Matthew 13:44)

If I recall, you used this fist quote

"1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest"

The Gospel of Thomas Collection - Translations and Resources

I would not use the word bury. I the term set aside. When one suffers an apotheosis, one recognizes the perfection of what he found or learned. Learning never stops so what one needs do is go to a term like evolving perfection. That means moving your bar of excellence to the next step up of what some call Jacob’s ladder. The world is always the best of all possible worlds at all given points in times, given the conditions that got it there. This is irrefutable. Once that is recognized, the only thing you can do is try to imagine how you might improve it and get to it.


The the prophets of the OT including Moses who gave the law, spoke for God though metaphors and allegories, a figurative language based on the vernacular of bronze age nomads.

After Moses died the people turned aside from the way he taught to follow the law. Deuteronomy 31:29. The talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, developed over the next thousand years which details how to conform to a strict literal interpretation of the law. Kosher law was about what you could or could not eat for dinner, etc., until Jesus came and restored the way that Moses originally taught to follow the law encapsulated by the command to eat his flesh.

The preexisting metaphor for teaching from God was manna or bread from heaven.

Jesus took what was buried, the meaning of manna, and buried it again by changing the existing metaphor for the word of God, bread, into his "flesh."

Hence, "The Word became flesh",.

This teaching and even the metaphor itself illuminates the right way to conform to kosher law.

Do it and you will never know what it is to die..
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When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.
When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”


I did it at 15..
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?

If the universe is bounded in three dimensions, there must be something beyond the cusps. Prove that it's bounded.
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?

If the universe is bounded in three dimensions, there must be something beyond the cusps. Prove that it's bounded.
Science hasn't proven that the universe is either bounded or not. You're jumping too far ahead on your own. Without anything solid to go on.
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Science can only measure the physical. The spiritual realm cannot be measured by science.
Either one believes that a super intelligent being created everything or one believes everything came from nothing.
When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



Is the belief that a more intelligent being created everything the same as believing in a super natural being?
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?

If the universe is bounded in three dimensions, there must be something beyond the cusps. Prove that it's bounded.
Science hasn't proven that the universe is either bounded or not. You're jumping too far ahead on your own. Without anything solid to go on.

Feel free to let me know when you can disprove my beliefs. Until then, I would only have to prove my beliefs if I wanted you to accept them yourself, which I assuredly do not.
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Science can only measure the physical. The spiritual realm cannot be measured by science.

Science hasn't even begun to measure the extent of the physical realm.
When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”


"There are no atheists in foxholes."
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Science can only measure the physical. The spiritual realm cannot be measured by science.

Science hasn't even begun to measure the extent of the physical realm.

They can't because they don't know what 96% of the physical realm even is.
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Science can only measure the physical. The spiritual realm cannot be measured by science.
So what do I need, a Ghostbuster? :lol:
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?

If the universe is bounded in three dimensions, there must be something beyond the cusps. Prove that it's bounded.
Science hasn't proven that the universe is either bounded or not. You're jumping too far ahead on your own. Without anything solid to go on.

Feel free to let me know when you can disprove my beliefs. Until then, I would only have to prove my beliefs if I wanted you to accept them yourself, which I assuredly do not.
It is up to the person making the supernatural claim to prove it. But you prefer living in a fantasy world, and don't care who knows.
The answer to What is the "sanctuary of God? --- is answered by the Jesus I am brethren to with the only possible answer in the Gospel of Mary if you think of God as the treasure you seek.

I see the sanctuary of God being a place of sorts, an invisible realm of being existing within the boundaries established by divine Law having a meaning more like divine providence, the promise for complying with the will of God.

God is a jealous God, meaning that God is passionately devoted to those who are devoted to him.

The only way to enter the sanctuary of God is by mastering the law, discerning the meaning and intent of the figurative words and hidden subjects and then conforming to his will.

This is how Jesus led people to the sanctuary of God, in fulfillment of scripture, not by constructing a temple but by teaching, according to divine revelation, the only right way to understand and conform to the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life with God on earth.

Divine law??

Whose divine law?

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