When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Of course the Universe is infinite. At least in 3 dimensions. Thr existence of a higher power fits well in my particular hypothesis.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?

If the universe is bounded in three dimensions, there must be something beyond the cusps. Prove that it's bounded.
Science hasn't proven that the universe is either bounded or not. You're jumping too far ahead on your own. Without anything solid to go on.

Feel free to let me know when you can disprove my beliefs. Until then, I would only have to prove my beliefs if I wanted you to accept them yourself, which I assuredly do not.
It is up to the person making the supernatural claim to prove it. But you prefer living in a fantasy world, and don't care who knows.

What's your belief?
I also found things of great importance in those quotes. Still, I noticed that you did not identify exactly what you found hidden therein.

What the sages call oneness.

Like when Jesus said "may they all be perfectly one"?

Me in you and you in me and we in them and them in us and all that?

I always took that to mean that they were all one, of the same accord, like when Jesus said, The Father and I are one," sharing one mind and one purpose according to the one true light from the one teaching that came from God into the world like bread from heaven and became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, in the person of Jesus Christ..

in other words, Manna, the preexisting metaphor for the Word of God, became flesh"

( the man who found it, buried it again....Matthew 13:44)

If I recall, you used this fist quote

"1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest"

The Gospel of Thomas Collection - Translations and Resources

I would not use the word bury. I the term set aside. When one suffers an apotheosis, one recognizes the perfection of what he found or learned. Learning never stops so what one needs do is go to a term like evolving perfection. That means moving your bar of excellence to the next step up of what some call Jacob’s ladder. The world is always the best of all possible worlds at all given points in times, given the conditions that got it there. This is irrefutable. Once that is recognized, the only thing you can do is try to imagine how you might improve it and get to it.


The the prophets of the OT including Moses who gave the law, spoke for God though metaphors and allegories, a figurative language based on the vernacular of bronze age nomads.

After Moses died the people turned aside from the way he taught to follow the law. Deuteronomy 31:29. The talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, developed over the next thousand years which details how to conform to a strict literal interpretation of the law. Kosher law was about what you could or could not eat for dinner, etc., until Jesus came and restored the way that Moses originally taught to follow the law encapsulated by the command to eat his flesh.

The preexisting metaphor for teaching from God was manna or bread from heaven.

Jesus took what was buried, the meaning of manna, and buried it again by changing the existing metaphor for the word of God, bread, into his "flesh."

Hence, "The Word became flesh",.

This teaching and even the metaphor itself illuminates the right way to conform to kosher law.

Do it and you will never know what it is to die..

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus

So if the bible is incorrect, that means everything came from nothing?
When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.

Science does not believe in talking serpents therefore science and religions are not compatible.

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.

Science does not believe in talking serpents therefore science and religions are not compatible.


So a super intellect did NOT create the universe nor us. What or who did?
So if the bible is incorrect, that means everything came from nothing?

I don't know, but nothing, it would seen to me, is better than some tyrannical all powerful God that only wants slaves to serve him.

Why do you restrict yourself to just two possibilities, when in an endless universe, every possibility becomes a probability?

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When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.

Science does not believe in talking serpents therefore science and religions are not compatible.


So a super intellect did NOT create the universe nor us. What or who did?

Look around with your intellect. Is this the best world a super intellect would produce?

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



I'm afraid no one in 2017 is going to reach that without a time machine. Ya got one?

Age of Reason
My particular religious beliefs are perfectly compatible with science and critical analysis. I don't have any problem believing in a higher power in an infinite Universe.
Science hasn't proven a higher power or an infinite universe.

Science can only measure the physical. The spiritual realm cannot be measured by science.

Neither can it be shown to exist by religions.

Spirituality is a feeling and those feelings can only exist in a mind.

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



I'm afraid no one in 2017 is going to reach that without a time machine. Ya got one?

Age of Reason

In a way, Yes.

A view to a more intelligent past.

What is God? - Video

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”


"There are no atheists in foxholes."

How can you know that as a fact?

Just because idol worshipers can make themselves believe lies and go into intellectual and moral dissonance does not mean that non-theists can as well.

Most wars are caused the religious so am not surprised that you would use a saying based on war.

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



I'm afraid no one in 2017 is going to reach that without a time machine. Ya got one?

Age of Reason

In a way, Yes.

A view to a more intelligent past.

What is God? - Video


Time machine fail, unacceptable.
When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”



I'm afraid no one in 2017 is going to reach that without a time machine. Ya got one?

Age of Reason

In a way, Yes.

A view to a more intelligent past.

What is God? - Video


Time machine fail, unacceptable.

Then just don't keep whining. Make an offering of what is acceptableto you.

What's acceptable to me is that God made this world, and everything in it.

It's all wayyy too ordered to be happenstance.

That's where I'm at. You may think you're some enlightened intellectual, but even the man with 190 IQ believes in God.

Believe it or not, I'm not low on that IQ scale myself.

So if the bible is incorrect, that means everything came from nothing?

I don't know, but nothing, it would seen to me, is better than some tyrannical all powerful God that only wants slaves to serve him.

Why do you restrict yourself to just two possibilities, when in an endless universe, every possibility becomes a probability?


You're certainly free to offer up a theory, but you won't. You offer nothing because you have nothing besides mocking, snide, ignorant torts.
What proof do you have that the universe is infinite? Or that a higher power exists?

If the universe is bounded in three dimensions, there must be something beyond the cusps. Prove that it's bounded.
Science hasn't proven that the universe is either bounded or not. You're jumping too far ahead on your own. Without anything solid to go on.

Feel free to let me know when you can disprove my beliefs. Until then, I would only have to prove my beliefs if I wanted you to accept them yourself, which I assuredly do not.
It is up to the person making the supernatural claim to prove it. But you prefer living in a fantasy world, and don't care who knows.

What's your belief?
Right below this in blue.
All you have is a clown act and no honest discussion.
Science does not believe in talking serpents therefore science and religions are not compatible.

When I first read the story of the talking serpent during religious instruction I was in the second grade. Fortunately for my sanity at the same time in public school we were learning about fairy tales and fables and how to understand the metaphors used in order to discover the moral of the story. The boy who cried wolf, the three pigs, goldilocks, the pied piper, etc.,

It seemed to me as obvious then as it still is now that the biblical account of a talking serpent was more sophisticated than a story like like the three pigs but still only a fairy tale with a hidden teaching.

Is the story of the three talking pigs evidence of ancestral superstitions? Would you think that someone who believed that it was a worthless story of supernatural nonsense was very smart?

The problem is not with talking serpents the problem is with adults believing that what amounts to a fairy tale is a historical document arguing with adults who haven't grasped what bronze age children were expected to learn.

That would be a problem of modern ignorance not ancient superstition.

I doubt that any scientist in the world would denounce the story of the three pigs as false because there is no historical or scientific evidence that pigs could ever talk or build houses, unless of course some dingbat was claiming that it is a historical fact.

Even so, why would anyone, scientist or not, let the irrational claims of people who do not think very deeply divert them from ever benefitting from the hard learned lessons of the past and learning the truth of the hidden teachings conveyed by dismissing the story as bullshit simply because everyone knows that serpents can't talk?

Isn't that just as stupid as believing that once upon a time serpents could talk ? To argue at all whether serpents can talk or not is a monumental waste of time since the story is not even about talking serpents anymore than the story of the three pigs is about talking pigs...

Don't both the believer and unbeliever alike miss the point of the story just as completely while bickering about irrelevant absurdities?
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What's acceptable to me is that God made this world, and everything in it.

It's all wayyy too ordered to be happenstance.

That's where I'm at. You may think you're some enlightened intellectual, but even the man with 190 IQ believes in God.

Believe it or not, I'm not low on that IQ scale myself.

So you would rather believe that an immoral genocidal son murdering God created what is instead of nature. Ok.

So much for faith.

So if the bible is incorrect, that means everything came from nothing?

I don't know, but nothing, it would seen to me, is better than some tyrannical all powerful God that only wants slaves to serve him.

Why do you restrict yourself to just two possibilities, when in an endless universe, every possibility becomes a probability?


You're certainly free to offer up a theory, but you won't. You offer nothing because you have nothing besides mocking, snide, ignorant torts.

If I have to offer anything other than the Big Bang, you are already lost to your fantasy thinking.

Seek help or at lest a moral God.


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