When you see the Sword come upon the Land

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
Ezekiel 33:3

The duty of the watchman on the wall is to sound the alarm and warn the people when he sees the sword come upon the land. The sword has come upon America and we are facing dark and perilous times. We are, in this hour, in need of watchman who will sound the alarm and warn others that the enemy is inside the gates. We have news reports that ISIS is now inside America, that they are training and have set up camps within the United States. The news reports keep rolling in and the increase in violence is accelerating. Granted ISIS is not our only enemy. ISIS is most likely being funded by even greater enemies and we should not forget that Putin is also becoming more and more emboldened in his speech against the United States. This is no time for Americans to be arguing with each other. It is as foolish as shipmates arguing in the midst of a great storm while the enemy is below deck drilling a hole in the bottom of the boat!

You're right!!! Time to abandon the constitution mothafuckas and go apeshit!

It's time to pray. Your interpretation of this thread is most likely coming from your own thought process. It certainly is not coming from mine.
If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
Ezekiel 33:3

The duty of the watchman on the wall is to sound the alarm and warn the people when he sees the sword come upon the land. The sword has come upon America and we are facing dark and perilous times. We are, in this hour, in need of watchman who will sound the alarm and warn others that the enemy is inside the gates.
I think it your duty to run screaming through the streets with this warning. How could you not? Your fellow citizens are depending on you, faithful watchman.
You're right!!! Time to abandon the constitution mothafuckas and go apeshit!

It's time to pray. Your interpretation of this thread is most likely coming from your own thought process. It certainly is not coming from mine.

God helps those who help themselves. Instead of begging God for help, which He will deliver only when it suits His plans (or when we get enough prayers to shift the needle from "No" to "Yes"), how about we use the big brains we got to figure out a solution to our problems.
How about if we did both? I agree that there needs to be practical steps taken to protect ourselves. Americans need to learn to be vigilant. What is coming to your mind, Steven?
If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
Ezekiel 33:3

The duty of the watchman on the wall is to sound the alarm and warn the people when he sees the sword come upon the land. The sword has come upon America and we are facing dark and perilous times. We are, in this hour, in need of watchman who will sound the alarm and warn others that the enemy is inside the gates.
I think it your duty to run screaming through the streets with this warning. How could you not? Your fellow citizens are depending on you, faithful watchman.

The internet is a highway - not a street - and warning others of what is happening is part of being watchful. It is watch and pray. We are to do both.
Umm, no warning is necessary.

The end times thing has been the subject of much delusion, an even more psychobabble.

I'm a man of faith, a Presbyterian t be exact, and we don't go in for that Satan/End of Days-Hollywood Style

Umm, no warning is necessary.

The end times thing has been the subject of much delusion, an even more psychobabble.

I'm a man of faith, a Presbyterian t be exact, and we don't go in for that Satan/End of Days-Hollywood Style

That is an unusual point of view coming from someone who was military. I'm taking it you are retired military?
This is an informational video created by one American who is concerned about ISIS in America. He shares his ideas for what type of training, preparedness Americans should be considering. All ideas are welcome. This is his:

In this video a woman evangelist sounds the alarm on reports given by five intelligence officials concerning ISIS and it's strategy and plans inside the United States.

BREAKING AND PLEASE FORWARD! "Five intelligence officials told Bloomberg News some worrying things about ISIS and its strategy.
They alleged that the fanatical Islamist terrorist group, is planning to carry out major terror attacks against targets in the United States, and possibly in Europe.

According to the intelligence officials, ISIS has sleeper cells around the world, including in Europe and America, whose goal is to gain a greater foothold in the Islamic world, politically and militarily.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1416679/isis...
ISIS Sleeper Cells Allegedly Planning Large-Scale Terror Attacks On Mainland America


However, according to intelligence reports on Saturday, ISIS is not just going to let the U.S. strikes against them go unnoticed or unpunished. Five intelligence officials toldBloomberg News some worrying things about ISIS and its strategy.

They alleged that the fanatical Islamist terrorist group is planning to carry out major terror attacks against targets in the United States, and possibly in Europe.

According to the intelligence officials, ISIS has sleeper cells around the world, including in Europe and America, whose goal is to gain a greater foothold in the Islamic world, politically and militarily.

U.S. Army Colonel Derek Harvey said that due to Obama’s failed policy in leaving Iraq, the country is now gripped in a “competition for jihadi leadership” between ISIS and Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, following the falling out between the two groups last year.

The Colonel also claimed that President Obama has seriously underestimated ISIS’ hold in Syria in Iraq, as well as what they are capable of in terms of 9/11 type atrocity on mainland America.
One report from JVIM said that there has been more threats in the last 3 weeks than in the last thirty years. The subject was ISIS and terror threats against America - against Israel - against Jews, Christians and non Muslims throughout the world.

That is quite a statement!
The internet is a highway - not a street - and warning others of what is happening is part of being watchful. It is watch and pray. We are to do both.
So you watch and pray? Who does the dirty work, god, other people, both of the preceeding?

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