When Your Argument Fails, Stifle Dissent: The Dark Underbelly of Climate Alarmism


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
If you're Lennart Bengtsson, that's precisely what happened to you. Bengtsson a well known climatologist at Britain's University of Reading, published a paper downplaying the significance of the impact greenhouse gases have on the planet, suggesting they don't cause as much warming as first thought. For that he was silenced by the so called 'consensus' in the scientific community. When an individual's views of science are driven by politics instead of empirical data, then it might say this person would be bent on stifling any debate or crushing any challenge to his version of science.

Climate Alarmism is precisely that. This also shows why this incident is being dubbed "Climategate II."

A climate change researcher has claimed that scientists are confusing their role as impartial observers with green activism after his paper challenging predictions about the speed of global warming was rejected because it was seen as “less than helpful.”

Professor Lennart Bengtsson says recent McCarthy-style pressure from fellow academics forced him to resign from his post on a climate skeptic think-tank.

The research fellow from the University of Reading believes a paper he co-authored was deliberately suppressed from publication in a leading journal because of an intolerance of dissenting views about climate change by scientists who peer-reviewed the work.

“The problem we have now in the scientific community is that some scientists are mixing up their scientific role with that of climate activist,” he told the Times.

Professor Bengtsson claims a scientist advised that the paper, which challenged findings that global temperature would increase by 4.5C if greenhouse gases were to double, should not be published in a respected journal because it was “less than helpful.”
Scientists accused of suppressing research because of climate skeptic argument - Telegraph
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Confusing... I would think I'd be torn to shreds for posting something like this. So is this true? Are scientists with politically driven agendas trying to silence others when challenged?

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