Where Are the Feminists in the Palin-Letterman War?

how convenient your selective memory is. How about the consiracy bs about bristol really being trig's mother while governor palin "hid" her preganancy from the public by wearing fake pregnancy gear...or the one about governor palin causing trig's down syndrome by riding in an airplane...yadda yadda yadda.

Bristol did not open herself up to anything...you wack jobs have been riding her ass since the very beginning.

who the fuck even heard of the palins when she was pregnant with trig? Now you're making shit up. :lol: And who would be stupid enough to say that an airplane ride causes downs syndrome (i had to google that one)? Man, you are so fucking dishonest until it's not even funny anymore. You really have no right to call anyone else a whack job. :cuckoo:
<<<< liar!

Yes, he is..and he is not very good at it either..
how convenient your selective memory is. How about the consiracy bs about bristol really being trig's mother while governor palin "hid" her preganancy from the public by wearing fake pregnancy gear...or the one about governor palin causing trig's down syndrome by riding in an airplane...yadda yadda yadda.

Bristol did not open herself up to anything...you wack jobs have been riding her ass since the very beginning.

who the fuck even heard of the palins when she was pregnant with trig? Now you're making shit up. :lol: And who would be stupid enough to say that an airplane ride causes downs syndrome (i had to google that one)? Man, you are so fucking dishonest until it's not even funny anymore. You really have no right to call anyone else a whack job. :cuckoo:
<<<< liar!

Link one article (outside a local Alaska Newpaper, that most hadn't read) before McCain announced Palin as a running mate, to her being pregnant with Trig. If you can't, you have now just be outed for being a liar.
Who would be stupid enough?? All of you leftist wacko's who spammed the board with this crap all day long every day for months during the election...thats who. Love the denial you are now participating in though...quite amusing actually. Apparently even YOU know how dumb your "side" is and was. Sorry bud ,I know the truth hurts but now you lefties have to own it.

Sorry to disappoint ya sis, but I started posting on this board in late January. And spamming is against the forum rules so are you being dishonest again? Denial, not me. All you have to do is click on my name to view my profile and view all my posts. But I know you would never admit that you're wrong because you're so righteous. Just like you said the KBR workers were ok with you even though they killed US troops. Shit is just oozing from your pores.

Just because you started posting here in January, does not mean you did not see the leftoids spewing Palin hate all over the internet during the elections. Especially at KOS,DU, in the MSM and on all of the lefty blogs (including the messages from the rabid crackpot bots left on all of the blogs) and other message boards. Nice try at denial dipshit,but no one is buying what you are selling.

Spamming may be against the rules,but it didn't keep all of you deranged Obots from doing it either.:cuckoo:

At first it was here and now it's all over the internet on other message boards and blogs. And I just said that I was not posting on here before January and once again you said that I am an Obot and I was posting spam around election time. Are you honest about anything? You should set a better example....
who the fuck even heard of the palins when she was pregnant with trig? Now you're making shit up. :lol: And who would be stupid enough to say that an airplane ride causes downs syndrome (i had to google that one)? Man, you are so fucking dishonest until it's not even funny anymore. You really have no right to call anyone else a whack job. :cuckoo:
<<<< liar!

Link one article (outside a local Alaska Newpaper, that most hadn't read) before McCain announced Palin as a running mate, to her being pregnant with Trig. If you can't, you have now just be outed for being a liar.

They don't have to. They are perfectly fine with the imagery of "leftists" patting Dave Letterman on the back for his efforts to bring down the the greatest conservative since Ronald Reagan. :cuckoo:
<<<< liar!

Link one article (outside a local Alaska Newpaper, that most hadn't read) before McCain announced Palin as a running mate, to her being pregnant with Trig. If you can't, you have now just be outed for being a liar.

They don't have to. They are perfectly fine with the imagery of "leftists" patting Dave Letterman on the back for his efforts to bring down the the greatest conservative since Ronald Reagan. :cuckoo:

How frightening is that?
Link one article (outside a local Alaska Newpaper, that most hadn't read) before McCain announced Palin as a running mate, to her being pregnant with Trig. If you can't, you have now just be outed for being a liar.

They don't have to. They are perfectly fine with the imagery of "leftists" patting Dave Letterman on the back for his efforts to bring down the the greatest conservative since Ronald Reagan. :cuckoo:

How frightening is that?

Actually, not at all. It would be frightening to be in a relationship with folks like that. They never waiver in their beliefs. They follow strict conservative principles. Anyone that thinks differently than they do are idiots.
who the fuck even heard of the palins when she was pregnant with trig? Now you're making shit up. :lol: And who would be stupid enough to say that an airplane ride causes downs syndrome (i had to google that one)? Man, you are so fucking dishonest until it's not even funny anymore. You really have no right to call anyone else a whack job. :cuckoo:
<<<< liar!

Link one article (outside a local Alaska Newpaper, that most hadn't read) before McCain announced Palin as a running mate, to her being pregnant with Trig. If you can't, you have now just be outed for being a liar.

Are you actually going with the bizare farce created by Huffington post that Sarah Palin is not Trig's mother...really? Geeze you nut burgers are easy to lure out from under your rocks.:lol::lol::cuckoo:
Sorry to disappoint ya sis, but I started posting on this board in late January. And spamming is against the forum rules so are you being dishonest again? Denial, not me. All you have to do is click on my name to view my profile and view all my posts. But I know you would never admit that you're wrong because you're so righteous. Just like you said the KBR workers were ok with you even though they killed US troops. Shit is just oozing from your pores.

Just because you started posting here in January, does not mean you did not see the leftoids spewing Palin hate all over the internet during the elections. Especially at KOS,DU, in the MSM and on all of the lefty blogs (including the messages from the rabid crackpot bots left on all of the blogs) and other message boards. Nice try at denial dipshit,but no one is buying what you are selling.

Spamming may be against the rules,but it didn't keep all of you deranged Obots from doing it either.:cuckoo:

At first it was here and now it's all over the internet on other message boards and blogs. And I just said that I was not posting on here before January and once again you said that I am an Obot and I was posting spam around election time. Are you honest about anything? You should set a better example....

No, you bone headed boob. I said you are lying if you are going to try and deny the rumors spammed all over the internet by the Obots and pretend you are now shockingly not aware of such rumors. Hell your little butt buddy Tink Tink just confirmed one of them for ya.
Just because you started posting here in January, does not mean you did not see the leftoids spewing Palin hate all over the internet during the elections. Especially at KOS,DU, in the MSM and on all of the lefty blogs (including the messages from the rabid crackpot bots left on all of the blogs) and other message boards. Nice try at denial dipshit,but no one is buying what you are selling.

Spamming may be against the rules,but it didn't keep all of you deranged Obots from doing it either.:cuckoo:

At first it was here and now it's all over the internet on other message boards and blogs. And I just said that I was not posting on here before January and once again you said that I am an Obot and I was posting spam around election time. Are you honest about anything? You should set a better example....

No, you bone headed boob. I said you are lying if you are going to try and deny the rumors spammed all over the internet by the Obots and pretend you are now shockingly not aware of such rumors. Hell your little butt buddy Tink Tink just confirmed one of them for ya.

Whoa just whoa. Did you not realize that you mentioned Trig before TinkTink said it? :eusa_liar: Lemme refresh your memory....

How convenient your selective memory is. How about the consiracy BS about Bristol really being Trig's mother while Governor Palin "hid" her preganancy from the public by wearing fake pregnancy gear...Or the one about Governor Palin causing Trig's down syndrome by riding in an airplane...yadda yadda yadda.

Maybe you need to get some sleep. Your dishonesty is really showing right now. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::doubt::eusa_eh::confused:
At first it was here and now it's all over the internet on other message boards and blogs. And I just said that I was not posting on here before January and once again you said that I am an Obot and I was posting spam around election time. Are you honest about anything? You should set a better example....

No, you bone headed boob. I said you are lying if you are going to try and deny the rumors spammed all over the internet by the Obots and pretend you are now shockingly not aware of such rumors. Hell your little butt buddy Tink Tink just confirmed one of them for ya.

Whoa just whoa. Did you not realize that you mentioned Trig before TinkTink said it? :eusa_liar: Lemme refresh your memory....

How convenient your selective memory is. How about the consiracy BS about Bristol really being Trig's mother while Governor Palin "hid" her preganancy from the public by wearing fake pregnancy gear...Or the one about Governor Palin causing Trig's down syndrome by riding in an airplane...yadda yadda yadda.

Maybe you need to get some sleep. Your dishonesty is really showing right now. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::doubt::eusa_eh::confused:

You are now just talking nonsense (even more than usual).....are you drunk or just high?
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No, you bone headed boob. I said you are lying if you are going to try and deny the rumors spammed all over the internet by the Obots and pretend you are now shockingly not aware of such rumors. Hell your little butt buddy Tink Tink just confirmed one of them for ya.

Whoa just whoa. Did you not realize that you mentioned Trig before TinkTink said it? :eusa_liar: Lemme refresh your memory....

How convenient your selective memory is. How about the consiracy BS about Bristol really being Trig's mother while Governor Palin "hid" her preganancy from the public by wearing fake pregnancy gear...Or the one about Governor Palin causing Trig's down syndrome by riding in an airplane...yadda yadda yadda.

Maybe you need to get some sleep. Your dishonesty is really showing right now. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::doubt::eusa_eh::confused:

You are now justtalking nonsense 9even more than usual).....are you drunk or just high?

You've insulted me by calling me names and now you're saying that I am doing drugs or alcohol because YOU can't justify YOUR bullshit. Yep, that's usually how it goes. Just a hint, justtalking, 9even, and usual) are signs that you may be indulging in the intoxicants.
Let me say this Nik, and I'm only speaking for myself here, Rush, Hannity, Letterman Olberman, whoever, making comments about kids like that shows poor taste and is dishonorable regardless whos mouth its comming out of.

Some right-wingers spoke out about it. Just as some left-wingers spoke out against Letterman. If Letterman was referring to Willow, its objectionable...but to Bristol? Really? She willingly made herself a public figure.

how did Bristol make herself a public figure?
because her MOM chose to run for political office and isnt a liberal?
Whoa just whoa. Did you not realize that you mentioned Trig before TinkTink said it? :eusa_liar: Lemme refresh your memory....

Maybe you need to get some sleep. Your dishonesty is really showing right now. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::doubt::eusa_eh::confused:

You are now justtalking nonsense 9even more than usual).....are you drunk or just high?

You've insulted me by calling me names and now you're saying that I am doing drugs or alcohol because YOU can't justify YOUR bullshit. Yep, that's usually how it goes. Just a hint, justtalking, 9even, and usual) are signs that you may be indulging in the intoxicants.

You mean that you are lying about never ever hearing the hate rumors about Governor Palin that the Obama camp spammed the internet with? Yes, I think you are a liar. Especially since paid bloggers and PR firms were hired to saturate all the political message boards. And I really find it hard to believe that a KBR conspiracy clown such as yourself ,does not keep up to date with all of the left wing crackpot talking points either.
Where Are the Feminists in the Palin-Letterman War?

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Does Dave get it? Was that an apology or really a lame excuse? Now, everyone is talking about the sex joke David Letterman made about Governor Sarah Palin, and worse, about her 14-year-old daughter. Last weekend, while she was in New York, Governor Palin took her 14-year- old to a Yankee game. And this week, in his monologue, David Letterman made a raunchy sexual joke about the governor's daughter being knocked up by a Yankee baseball player.

Letterman now claims he was talking about the governor's 18-year-old daughter, Bristol, not her 14-year-old. Really, Dave? You think your remarks about sex and getting knocked up are OK if they are directed at an 18-year-old woman and not a 14-year-old? That makes it OK?

Well, here's what Letterman said. You decide if this is dripping with sarcasm, like I just was, or whether it is genuinely sorry and that he gets it.


Where Are the Feminists in the Palin-Letterman War?

Well folks ....they don't have the balls...(fortitude) to say anything. There's a double standard, ..... people with common sense know this.
Yes, if it was a conservative who said this the NAGS ..FEMINISTS would be fit to be tied! It would be on the news day and night for weeks.

Ahhh..those FEMINISTS...they will be on you side if you're a liberal and If you support abortion on demand.

Feminists, They Are Fierce!​

Those feminists, they are fierce and in your face! You can't live with them and you can't shoot em!!

For two generations feminists have wanted equality. They have wanted to live like men and created the metro sexual man.

They have attempted to castrate men. …Make them more sensitive to gender equality. In the process, they lost their identity; they lost how to be themselves. They lost 'how to be a woman'.

Now, researchers have found that men and women who are equal…are more likely to suffer illness. Man becomes sick because he can't be a man.

You can't fool Mother Nature…and so many times Mother Nature calls…it's time to bare children. Then the feminists hang it up to play mom. Yes folks, so many women lost opportunities…. They may have let Mr. Right slip through their fingers. Now that Mother nature is calling…they will do with Mr. OK for the time being.

To you feminist, what has feminism done for you besides make you Angry? They have told you that men were predators and you couldn't be a sub-servant to them. They told you couldn't be feminine because it looks weak. You couldn't be what nature indented you to be, a sensitive, perceptive and a beautiful woman.

Those feminists, they are fierce and in your face!

Actually a lot of them have addressed it. You just don't know where to find them.

Jezebel - Why Is It So Difficult To Defend Sarah Palin? - Sarah palin david letterman

Yes,and several groups such as PUMA,HillBuzz,conservatives for Palin,The New Aganda and a few others are setting up a protest outside David Letterman's studio. And have been writing to the companies who advertise during Late Night. Maybe that smarmy,gap toothed ,cocky Jackass will finally get the message that he has gone too far.
Where Are the Feminists in the Palin-Letterman War?

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Does Dave get it? Was that an apology or really a lame excuse? Now, everyone is talking about the sex joke David Letterman made about Governor Sarah Palin, and worse, about her 14-year-old daughter. Last weekend, while she was in New York, Governor Palin took her 14-year- old to a Yankee game. And this week, in his monologue, David Letterman made a raunchy sexual joke about the governor's daughter being knocked up by a Yankee baseball player.

Letterman now claims he was talking about the governor's 18-year-old daughter, Bristol, not her 14-year-old. Really, Dave? You think your remarks about sex and getting knocked up are OK if they are directed at an 18-year-old woman and not a 14-year-old? That makes it OK?

Well, here's what Letterman said. You decide if this is dripping with sarcasm, like I just was, or whether it is genuinely sorry and that he gets it.


Where Are the Feminists in the Palin-Letterman War?

Well folks ....they don't have the balls...(fortitude) to say anything. There's a double standard, ..... people with common sense know this.
Yes, if it was a conservative who said this the NAGS ..FEMINISTS would be fit to be tied! It would be on the news day and night for weeks.

Ahhh..those FEMINISTS...they will be on you side if you're a liberal and If you support abortion on demand.

Feminists, They Are Fierce!​

Those feminists, they are fierce and in your face! You can't live with them and you can't shoot em!!

For two generations feminists have wanted equality. They have wanted to live like men and created the metro sexual man.

They have attempted to castrate men. …Make them more sensitive to gender equality. In the process, they lost their identity; they lost how to be themselves. They lost 'how to be a woman'.

Now, researchers have found that men and women who are equal…are more likely to suffer illness. Man becomes sick because he can't be a man.

You can't fool Mother Nature…and so many times Mother Nature calls…it's time to bare children. Then the feminists hang it up to play mom. Yes folks, so many women lost opportunities…. They may have let Mr. Right slip through their fingers. Now that Mother nature is calling…they will do with Mr. OK for the time being.

To you feminist, what has feminism done for you besides make you Angry? They have told you that men were predators and you couldn't be a sub-servant to them. They told you couldn't be feminine because it looks weak. You couldn't be what nature indented you to be, a sensitive, perceptive and a beautiful woman.

Those feminists, they are fierce and in your face!

Actually a lot of them have addressed it. You just don't know where to find them.

Jezebel - Why Is It So Difficult To Defend Sarah Palin? - Sarah palin david letterman

Yes,and several groups such as PUMA,HillBuzz,conservatives for Palin,The New Aganda and a few others are setting up a protest outside David Letterman's studio. And have been writing to the companies who advertise during Late Night. Maybe that smarmy,gap toothed ,cocky Jackass will finally get the message that he has gone too far.
Nik the fool thinks another hit piece on Palin is some how defending her?
Actually a lot of them have addressed it. You just don't know where to find them.

Jezebel - Why Is It So Difficult To Defend Sarah Palin? - Sarah palin david letterman

Yes,and several groups such as PUMA,HillBuzz,conservatives for Palin,The New Aganda and a few others are setting up a protest outside David Letterman's studio. And have been writing to the companies who advertise during Late Night. Maybe that smarmy,gap toothed ,cocky Jackass will finally get the message that he has gone too far.
Nik the fool thinks another hit piece on Palin is some how defending her?

Yes, well in upside down land "slut" is also a compliment...so I was told.:eusa_shhh:
You are now justtalking nonsense 9even more than usual).....are you drunk or just high?

You've insulted me by calling me names and now you're saying that I am doing drugs or alcohol because YOU can't justify YOUR bullshit. Yep, that's usually how it goes. Just a hint, justtalking, 9even, and usual) are signs that you may be indulging in the intoxicants.

You mean that you are lying about never ever hearing the hate rumors about Governor Palin that the Obama camp spammed the internet with? Yes, I think you are a liar. Especially since paid bloggers and PR firms were hired to saturate all the political message boards. And I really find it hard to believe that a KBR conspiracy clown such as yourself ,does not keep up to date with all of the left wing crackpot talking points either.

Because you know my life and what I was doing around that time...riiiight. You think that I'm a liar so you are intentionally being dishonest. And WTF is a KBR conspiracy? The company was responsible for the faulty wiring that killed US troops. So you mean that it was the troops at fault? You are a piece of fucking work.
Women are to be women,Feminist believe all women are to be Liberal and do not give any women that is conservative a chance.
Men are to be men and today many are not,feminists love this as they control there man,unless of course they prefer the female sex.

This is a major cause of the USA being a mess. As with all things there will be a swing in the other direction and maybe the divide in women and feminists is the start. (the 60's are over)
I see a couple of major issues at play here:

1. David Letterman's right to freedom of expression.

2. Sarah Palin's right to be protected against sexism.

If feminists truly advocate fair treatment of women, then they should have stepped forward to condemn Letterman's remarks. It seems, however, that certain left-leaning feminists are choosy about when to express outrage and when to remain silent. Had the butt of Letterman's joke been Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton or Barbara Walters, perhaps there might be some outrage at Letterman's insensitivity to the accomplishments of these women and their contributions to society.

Letterman's joke was dumb and in poor taste. However, he did not violate any law or FCC regulations. I think he's vindictive and crossed the line between political satire and vicious personal attacks; however, he was well within the boundaries of what passes today as comedy.

Palin allowed herself to get suckered into a losing battle. Never argue with the court jester! Palin should have stayed out of it and let public opinion take its course. While her passion as a mother took over her judgment as a politician, in the end, she ends up looking just as foolish and gives validity to a loser who is desperate for TV ratings.

I like Governor Palin and hope she learns a lesson from this episode in the rough and tumble world of politics.
Watch the "PROGRE$$IVE$" twist and turn in the wind while they spew utter nonsense.If a 64 year old man said essentially " How'd you like to get knocked up?" to a 14 year old girl, any man or woman worth their salt would've knocked him on his ass. He can claim "comedy" in the hospital.

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