Where are Trump's college transcripts? Why won't he release them?

Yeah, the same ole NaziCon double standard. Thanks for playing...

Yeah, the same ole NaziCon double standard. Thanks for playing...

Hey dipshit, you regressive sodomite enablers set the standard, a politician can be forgiven anything including compromising national security and lying to congress. Now live with that standard and STFU.
Trump doesn't want us to know that he was let in because of dad's money n connections . His own personal AA program!
Obie got in because he's black, and a foriegner. Still doesn't want us to see how poor his grades were, that's why they are kept secret.

Yeah, the same ole NaziCon double standard. Thanks for playing...

Hey dipshit, you regressive sodomite enablers set the standard, a politician can be forgiven anything including compromising national security and lying to congress. Now live with that standard and STFU.

Regressive sodomite? Damn...

Yeah, the same ole NaziCon double standard. Thanks for playing...

Hey dipshit, you regressive sodomite enablers set the standard, a politician can be forgiven anything including compromising national security and lying to congress. Now live with that standard and STFU.

Regressive sodomite? Damn...

It a posting violation to quote a person out of context. Reported.
Trump doesn't want us to know that he was let in because of dad's money n connections . His own personal AA program!
Obie got in because he's black, and a foriegner. Still doesn't want us to see how poor his grades were, that's why they are kept secret.

Funny. Obama was head of the Harvard Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com
According to who? And where are the records of his accomplishments? Anything he published, anything he supported, anything at all?

Yeah, the same ole NaziCon double standard. Thanks for playing...

Hey dipshit, you regressive sodomite enablers set the standard, a politician can be forgiven anything including compromising national security and lying to congress. Now live with that standard and STFU.

Regressive sodomite? Damn...

It a posting violation to quote a person out of context. Reported.

Duh, it wasn't a quote.
Trump The Chump hijacked the GOP primaries.

Now that everybody across the USA has gotten a whiff of him, pew! Does he ever stink!

Nobody wants to know any more about him.

In November his name will be forever lost, like Steve Forbes -- the last rich guy who tried to buy an election.
Trump doesn't want us to know that he was let in because of dad's money n connections . His own personal AA program!
Obie got in because he's black, and a foriegner. Still doesn't want us to see how poor his grades were, that's why they are kept secret.

Funny. Obama was head of the Harvard Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com
According to who? And where are the records of his accomplishments? Anything he published, anything he supported, anything at all?

Funny. That has all been publicly addressed and widely reported. Didn't your Petticoat Junction newspaper report that?
Trump doesn't want us to know that he was let in because of dad's money n connections . His own personal AA program!
Obie got in because he's black, and a foriegner. Still doesn't want us to see how poor his grades were, that's why they are kept secret.

Funny. Obama was head of the Harvard Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com
According to who? And where are the records of his accomplishments? Anything he published, anything he supported, anything at all?

Funny. That has all been publicly addressed and widely reported. Didn't your Petticoat Junction newspaper report that?
Post me up his grades. Should only take a minute or so to do.
Trump doesn't want us to know that he was let in because of dad's money n connections . His own personal AA program!
Obie got in because he's black, and a foriegner. Still doesn't want us to see how poor his grades were, that's why they are kept secret.

Funny. Obama was head of the Harvard Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com
According to who? And where are the records of his accomplishments? Anything he published, anything he supported, anything at all?

Funny. That has all been publicly addressed and widely reported. Didn't your Petticoat Junction newspaper report that?
Post me up his grades. Should only take a minute or so to do.

Obama doesn't brag about his grades like Trump.

Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.


Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records
Who gives a shit, it's not like he's compromising national security or lying to congress.

Yeah, the same ole NaziCon double standard. Thanks for playing...

Hey dipshit, you regressive sodomite enablers set the standard, a politician can be forgiven anything including compromising national security and lying to congress. Now live with that standard and STFU.

Regressive sodomite? Damn...

It a posting violation to quote a person out of context. Reported.

Duh, it wasn't a quote.

For once you're right, it was two words out of context.
Trump doesn't want us to know that he was let in because of dad's money n connections . His own personal AA program!
Obie got in because he's black, and a foriegner. Still doesn't want us to see how poor his grades were, that's why they are kept secret.
ummm he was MAGNA Cum Laude at Harvard Law... so we know he was at the very top of his class...

This, from the right wing leaning Weekly Standard:

The Real Obama
Missing in action.
11:00 PM, Nov 05, 2007 | By Dean Barnett

IN MY PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL life, I had reason to be in contact with dozens of Barack Obama's classmates at Harvard Law School. When he entered the presidential race, I dusted off my Rolodex and began making some calls to get the off-the-record skinny on the Democrats' potential savior. The results surprised me. Regardless of his classmates' politics, they all said pretty much the same thing. They adored him. The only thing that varied was the intensity with which they adored him. Some spoke like they were eager to bear his children. And those were the guys. Others merely professed a profound fondness and respect for their former classmate.

Even more interesting was what wasn't said. In dozens of conversations, not a single person said anything negative about him, and some were hardly the senator's political fellow travelers. Also noteworthy is that virtually everyone seemed to know Obama. Usually people who have such a high profile on law school campuses have their detractors. Obama apparently didn't.
This general attitude regarding Obama is even more remarkable given how well he performed at Harvard Law School. Obama graduated there in 1991. As many people know, he was president of the Harvard Law Review. This accomplishment, for those who know how such things work, was easy to minimize. Generally, you earned admission to the Law Review because of a distinguished academic performance in your first year. But there were some members who got on the Law Review because they wrote good essays as part of their application process and in spite of mediocre grades. A notable subset of this latter category was minority students; a politically correct institution, the Law Review cared about diversity in its ranks. This was an unacknowledged form of affirmative action, but just because the Law Review didn't acknowledge it didn't mean law firms would follow suit. Membership on the Law Review basically meant that you were one of Harvard's smartest students. Unless you got there for some reason other than your grades. In those cases, hiring authorities would usually dismiss your Law Review membership, although they would never admit to doing so.

The only reason I bring this barely relevant history up is to show what a stud of a law student Barack Obama was. He graduated Harvard magna cum laude. This was one honor you unquestionably had to earn. It's a very impressive feat. Back in Obama's days at Harvard, more than 50 percent of the class graduated cum laude, a fact that made graduating "with honors" a meaningless accomplishment. But graduating magna was a different kettle of fish. Barack Obama graduated right near the top of his law school class.

That fact, along with his presidency of the Law Review, makes his uniform popularity all the more impressive. Law schools are intensely competitive places. People who thrive to an unseemly extent, as Obama did, are usually subject to an array of resentments. After all, the lawyers of tomorrow populate law schools; pettiness and insecurity reign supreme. The people that Obama so thoroughly charmed generally weren't the charm-prone types. I say the following as a well known Republican partisan--the fact that his classmates so universally held him in the highest regard suggests that Barack Obama may truly be a special person.

The Real Obama
Loretta Lynch and Barry Obama look almost exactly the same except the qu33r Obama has premature gray and a crew cut.
Why does any of that matter in the midst of what's going on right now? Stop trying to divert attention Lakhota.

Oh, am I somehow interfering with your NaziCon agenda - whatever that may be at the moment...?

No. I have no agenda. I don't adhere to agendas.

What I find funny though, is the liberal outrage when conservatives wanted Obama to release his college records. Now you're doing it. How does that feel having the shoe on the other foot?

C'est la vie.

Lakhota bailed and abandoned the thread she started when I had her back pinned to the wall last night. She has nothing......

Aw, another racist NaziCon self-declared winner. Ain't that special...
How many jews did your boy Soros send to their death. You know that guy you accept money from

One of Obama's legacies is that releasing college transcripts are not necessary when running for President. Why then is it necessary for Trump to release his?

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