Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer​

20 Apr 2023 ~~ By James Varney

In New York City, if the newcomers aren't put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses.
The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls.
No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.
Under President Biden, the U.S. smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the U.S. averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.
But flares have been sent up – especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.
“None of these sanctuary mayors or governors have ever asked for a secure border. It was always just, ‘Feds, give us money!’” said Ries.

The Biden administration is more intersected in securing other countries borders than America's borders. Unfortunately, the Quisling Media stopped covering the border crisis the day Biden won the presidential election except for some independent news media.
Today American citizens receive more scrutiny at airports by the TSA than illegal aliens crossing our borders.
Remember also that many, if not most of those migrants are indentured to the Cartels that ferried them to and across the border. Biden is the best friend the Cartels ever had, making them richer and more powerful than ever. A paramilitary operation, they now pretty much run Mexico, as well as the border.
One has to wonder if the Big guy gets his 10% of te profits or more/
The Cartels are expanding operations north into the US growing pot and buying legitimate businesses especially in California . I wouldn't be surprised if they are laundering money to the Dem Party by way of 'dark money' operations. The Cartels can't believe their good fortune. All one criminal cabal degrading our nation.
Then there's the matter of exploitation of child labor laws and the increase of prostitution of young children. r


Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer​

20 Apr 2023 ~~ By James Varney

In New York City, if the newcomers aren't put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses.
The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls.
No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.
Under President Biden, the U.S. smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the U.S. averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.
But flares have been sent up – especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.
“None of these sanctuary mayors or governors have ever asked for a secure border. It was always just, ‘Feds, give us money!’” said Ries.

The Biden administration is more intersected in securing other countries borders than America's borders. Unfortunately, the Quisling Media stopped covering the border crisis the day Biden won the presidential election except for some independent news media.
Today American citizens receive more scrutiny at airports by the TSA than illegal aliens crossing our borders.
Remember also that many, if not most of those migrants are indentured to the Cartels that ferried them to and across the border. Biden is the best friend the Cartels ever had, making them richer and more powerful than ever. A paramilitary operation, they now pretty much run Mexico, as well as the border.
One has to wonder if the Big guy gets his 10% of te profits or more/
The Cartels are expanding operations north into the US growing pot and buying legitimate businesses especially in California . I wouldn't be surprised if they are laundering money to the Dem Party by way of 'dark money' operations. The Cartels can't believe their good fortune. All one criminal cabal degrading our nation.
Then there's the matter of exploitation of child labor laws and the increase of prostitution of young children. r

Wow, could you imagine if any of that was true?

Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer​

20 Apr 2023 ~~ By James Varney

In New York City, if the newcomers aren't put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses.
The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls.
No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.
Under President Biden, the U.S. smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the U.S. averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.
But flares have been sent up – especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.
“None of these sanctuary mayors or governors have ever asked for a secure border. It was always just, ‘Feds, give us money!’” said Ries.

The Biden administration is more intersected in securing other countries borders than America's borders. Unfortunately, the Quisling Media stopped covering the border crisis the day Biden won the presidential election except for some independent news media.
Today American citizens receive more scrutiny at airports by the TSA than illegal aliens crossing our borders.
Remember also that many, if not most of those migrants are indentured to the Cartels that ferried them to and across the border. Biden is the best friend the Cartels ever had, making them richer and more powerful than ever. A paramilitary operation, they now pretty much run Mexico, as well as the border.
One has to wonder if the Big guy gets his 10% of te profits or more/
The Cartels are expanding operations north into the US growing pot and buying legitimate businesses especially in California . I wouldn't be surprised if they are laundering money to the Dem Party by way of 'dark money' operations. The Cartels can't believe their good fortune. All one criminal cabal degrading our nation.
Then there's the matter of exploitation of child labor laws and the increase of prostitution of young children. r


Notice that candycorn gave your NY Times link a
Fake News

Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer​

20 Apr 2023 ~~ By James Varney

In New York City, if the newcomers aren't put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses.
The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls.
No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.
Under President Biden, the U.S. smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the U.S. averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.
But flares have been sent up – especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.
“None of these sanctuary mayors or governors have ever asked for a secure border. It was always just, ‘Feds, give us money!’” said Ries.

The Biden administration is more intersected in securing other countries borders than America's borders. Unfortunately, the Quisling Media stopped covering the border crisis the day Biden won the presidential election except for some independent news media.
Today American citizens receive more scrutiny at airports by the TSA than illegal aliens crossing our borders.
Remember also that many, if not most of those migrants are indentured to the Cartels that ferried them to and across the border. Biden is the best friend the Cartels ever had, making them richer and more powerful than ever. A paramilitary operation, they now pretty much run Mexico, as well as the border.
One has to wonder if the Big guy gets his 10% of te profits or more/
The Cartels are expanding operations north into the US growing pot and buying legitimate businesses especially in California . I wouldn't be surprised if they are laundering money to the Dem Party by way of 'dark money' operations. The Cartels can't believe their good fortune. All one criminal cabal degrading our nation.
Then there's the matter of exploitation of child labor laws and the increase of prostitution of young children. r

I also hear the migrant children have been marketed to pedophiles.

While I can't speak to them all the ones that Mr. Cruz (my general contractor) uses when I have him do stuff around the house work like dogs and do a fine job. He came up from Honduras as a teen sponsored by a local church and is a US citizen now. He claims his workers are all H2Bs. The oldest one might be 40.

Mr. Cruz lives about a half mile away from me with his young family in a older but well kept home of about 3K square feet.......I'd much rather have him as a neighbor than blacks or white trash.....In fact I'd welcome more just like him.

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