Where do you stand on Palestine Israel?

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  • Pro Palestine

  • Pro Israel

  • Neutral

  • Anti-Israel and anti-Palestine

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This issue seems to be the number one concern of American politicians and our media. And I don’t see any other threads that are polling people on this issue. So I would be interested to see what the US message board thinks about it.

That this is a monumental issue in America is questionable. It is a humanitarian crisis, but not the only one in our world. Not many people know that right now there is a catastrophe going on in Armenia. The Azerbaijan Armenia conflict . Which is threatening hundreds of thousands of Christians.

You had hundreds of people killed in that conflict in September alone. So if people claim to support humanity, why aren’t we hearing about this conflict from the US media? Why isn’t Fox News or CNN talking about that?

As for the Israelpalestine conflict, I am neutral because I know that there are so many conflicts going on around the world. Where innocent people are put into danger.

We constantly get bombarded with news from Israel and Palestine in our media. And so some people consume so much of it that it drives their daily habits. But they should know that there are similar conflicts occurring all over the world. And of course right here in America there are 50 people killed every weekend in Chicago mostly young Black people… what about their lives? What about the 100,000 Americans killed every year from drugs brought over the border illegally? For these reasons I am hesitant to trust the media in America.

The same media and the same American politicians, who claimed that Israel” is an existential crisis” don’t talk about the issues facing we Americans. The border issue, the homelessness issue, the suicide and depression rates out of control in America.

Israel is not in an existential crisis. Israel has some of the finest weapons in the world. None of their opponents have the types of weapons that they have. And now there are many Muslim majority countries that recognize and work with Israel.

Common sense shows all of us that there are good people in both Israel and Palestine…. And there are criminals on both sides. There are prisons in both Israel and Palestine. Israel is recognized by 165 countries of the world. Palestine is recognized by 135 countries of the world.
Why would I swear my allegiacne to any person or country other than God himself?

Makes no sense.

I take it as it comes, thanks, but I refuse to join either cult.
They don't want them. Their closest relatives, Egypt, will shoot them on sight. Jordan hates them, Iraq won't take them and Persian Iran for damned sure won't take them.

They brought this on themselves by being scumbags. Nobody wants them.

Carthage, aka; Punica, got their asses in trouble for somewhat different reasons but Rome got tired of their shit and erased them from the Earth. ALL of them. Then salted it so nothing would grow there for thousands of years, if ever.

Israel would salt Gaza but it's already worthless.

To me my view is a Clauswitzian solution to the problem, i.e. it eliminates the conflict eventually, but I know it's a pipe dream right now.

The Versailles treaty was a 20 year armistice over the question of German Nationalism and Expansionism, WWII was the end solution that removed the conflict. And that took pounding germany back to the stone age, moving all germans out of eastern europe and into the new german borders, and 50 years of cold war.
This issue seems to be the number one concern of American politicians and our media. And I don’t see any other threads that are polling people on this issue. So I would be interested to see what the US message board thinks about it.

That this is a monumental issue in America is questionable. It is a humanitarian crisis, but not the only one in our world. Not many people know that right now there is a catastrophe going on in Armenia. The Azerbaijan Armenia conflict . Which is threatening hundreds of thousands of Christians.

You had hundreds of people killed in that conflict in September alone. So if people claim to support humanity, why aren’t we hearing about this conflict from the US media? Why isn’t Fox News or CNN talking about that?

As for the Israelpalestine conflict, I am neutral because I know that there are so many conflicts going on around the world. Where innocent people are put into danger.

We constantly get bombarded with news from Israel and Palestine in our media. And so some people consume so much of it that it drives their daily habits. But they should know that there are similar conflicts occurring all over the world. And of course right here in America there are 50 people killed every weekend in Chicago mostly young Black people… what about their lives? What about the 100,000 Americans killed every year from drugs brought over the border illegally? For these reasons I am hesitant to trust the media in America.

The same media and the same American politicians, who claimed that Israel” is an existential crisis” don’t talk about the issues facing we Americans. The border issue, the homelessness issue, the suicide and depression rates out of control in America.

Israel is not in an existential crisis. Israel has some of the finest weapons in the world. None of their opponents have the types of weapons that they have. And now there are many Muslim majority countries that recognize and work with Israel.

Common sense shows all of us that there are good people in both Israel and Palestine…. And there are criminals on both sides. There are prisons in both Israel and Palestine. Israel is recognized by 165 countries of the world. Palestine is recognized by 135 countries of the world.

This is the hate that hamas teaches their children. To murder them, to kill them, to run them over, to burn them. This is hamas' palestine.

There was a time when Israel was surrounded by enemies. It’s not the case anymore. They have alliances with Egypt and Jordan, and a growing number of other Muslim majority countries. And Israel has more recognition in the world compared to Palestine.

It sounds to me like you lean toward neutral. Perhaps maybe more so side with Israel?
Which is EXACTLY why Hamas attacked. Saudi Arabia was about to join the list so they thought it would be in their best interest to throw a monkey wrench into that and rally the Arab world to their cause. And, most Arab countries have issued statements backing Hamas. In any event, Israel is getting damn sick and tired of the Palestinians letting Hamas use their homes and schools to store and use Hamas weaponry, which would get far worse if Israel let them have a Palestinian state.
To me my view is a Clauswitzian solution to the problem, i.e. it eliminates the conflict eventually, but I know it's a pipe dream right now.

The Versailles treaty was a 20 year armistice over the question of German Nationalism and Expansionism, WWII was the end solution that removed the conflict. And that took pounding germany back to the stone age, moving all germans out of eastern europe and into the new german borders, and 50 years of cold war.
We never went to War with the communists - Soviet Russia. The down side to that is that they were free to start all this trouble all over the world. And they did.

If you (not you personally, but others) read about the history, most of these problems were caused by or exacerbated by Soviet Russia.

They armed them, they taught them terrorist tactics (virtually ALL modern terrorism has Soviet roots) and they even lead them in battle.

It is not a coincidence that Hamas uses Russian weapons. Just as it wasn't a coincidence that Egypt, Syria, Libya, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and all the rest used Soviet/Russian weapons.

The Rapist (Clinton) shit all over Russia back in 93 - 94. Russia wanted to join the West and we stood in their way. They forced Russia to endure a 'Hard Landing'. IOW, old ladies and widows who were expecting a pension from the USSR got -- Nothing. People with small savings ended up broke.

The Rapist could have and should have helped the Russians to a 'soft' landing. But he didn't. Because he was a dimocrap and a scumbag. Which is redundant.

He was the recipient of BILLIONS of dollars that we would have normally spent on the Dept of Defense but no longer had to because -- Ronaldo Magnus ended the cold War.

But because Bush was such a weak-kneed pile of shit, and a sincerely mentally disturbed Perot peeled votes off of him, a scumbag and a Rapist got into office.

This set the stage for what's going on now.

Sorry for the novella but it's important to remember that dimocrap scum not only fukk up the here and now, they also ruin your children's and grandchildren's futures.

And Bill The Rapist was the grandfather of today's D party. Hillary, akshally
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The fix is for the neighboring States to absorb the Palestinians, Gaza to become an Egyptian province (demilitarized) and Jordan and Israel to figure out a way to split up the west bank, and then move the people to the "right" side of the line.
That is the fix but easier said than done.
Which is EXACTLY why Hamas attacked. Saudi Arabia was about to join the list so they thought it would be in their best interest to throw a monkey wrench into that and rally the Arab world to their cause. And, most Arab countries have issued statements backing Hamas.
I believe that Jordan and Egypt have talked about their opposition to civilians dying on both sides. They’re not backing Hamas. Jordan has a massive Palestinian refugee population. They’re in kind of a tough spot. The queen of Jordan is a Palestinian.

There is a large population of Christians in Palestine.

Iran is the main player here and they are opposed by most Arabs going back to the Arab Persian divide.

Of course common sense shows everyone of us that they are good people in Palestine and Israel. No way as an American and Christian can I take a side and that conflict. We were not attacked by either side.

Donald Trump brought us the historical Abraham accords. And that should be worthy of a Nobel peace prize. And so there has been tons of unity between Israeli Jews and Arab Muslims. They’re meeting each other at airports shaking hands with each other. People from Israel are now flying to the united Arab Emirati‘s taking vacations.

At the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, there was tons of examples of Iranians and Israeli shaking hands with each other. When Iran was a monarchy, it was Allied to Israel.

You look at the government and leaders of Iran and Israel and Palestine there’s bad people in all sides.

“Lior has stated that the killing of non-Jewsduring wartime is sanctioned by halakha.[21] He asserted that Jewish women should not use sperm donated by a non-Jewish man, and that a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews", and that, "If the father is not Jewish, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism."[22]

There is no way as a Christian I can support ideology like the above. There are those in Iran and Palestine, who are leaders and think just the way he does.
We never went to War with the communists - Soviet Russia. The down side to that is that they were free to start all this trouble all over the world. And they did.

If you (not you personally, but others) read about the history, most of these problems were caused by or exacerbated by Soviet Russia.

They armed them, they taught them terrorist tactics (virtually ALL modern terrorism has Soviet roots) and they even lead them in battle.

It is not a coincidence that Hamas uses Russian weapons. Just as it wasn't a coincidence that Egypt, Syria, Libya, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and all the rest used Soviet/Russian weapons.

The Rapist (Clinton) shit all over Russia back in 93 - 94. Russia wanted to join the West and we stood in their way. They forced Russia to endure a 'Hard Landing'. IOW, old ladies and widows who were expecting a pension from the USSR got -- Nothing. People with small savings ended up broke.

The Rapist could have and should have helped the Russians to a 'soft' landing. But he didn't. Because he was a dimocrap and a scumbag. Which is redundant.

He was the recipient of BILLIONS of dollars that we would have normally spent on the Dept of Defense but no longer had to because -- Ronaldo Magnus ended the cold War.

But because Bush was such a weak-kneed pile of shit, and a sincerely mentally disturbed Perot peeled votes off of him, a scumbag and a Rapist got into office.

This set the stage for what's going on now.

Sorry for the novella but it's important to remember that dimocrap scum not only fukk up the here and now, they also ruin your children's and grandchildren's futures.

And Bill The Rapist was the grandfather of today's D party. Hillary, akshally

The Cold war was a proxy war, and we won. Russia could have had a soft landing, just not their empire back, which as we can see now they have always wanted, Communists or not.
The Cold war was a proxy war, and we won. Russia could have had a soft landing, just not their empire back, which as we can see now they have always wanted, Communists or not.
In 1993, Russians really just wanted something to eat. The USSR was dissolved, gonzo. Kaput, fini.

Putin saw what was going on and, like any other commie/democrat/fascist scumbag did not let a crisis go to waste.

He got things done. He fed people, he got them their money, he got them a place to live.

Putin wanted the empire back. Nobody else outside the military gave a shit.

Nature hates a vacuum and Bill The Rapist Clinton created ONE HELL of a vacuum when he figuratively 'washed his hands' of Russia.
Where do we stand? FDR must be rolling in his grave. Americans were killed and raped and mutilated and are presumably being held hostage by Hamas monsters who claim to represent Palestine.
FDR hates Jews. It is evident by all his threads on this issue.

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