Where does the Clinton Foundation money go?

It's actually listed as giving practically nothing to charity, so it's obvious where it goes.....
Probably to support their rich donors at goldmansacks!!!!

Benie sanders is the only one that gives a fuck about the little guy! Sanders for president!
Let me take another guess ...

Hillary gets half and Bill gives the other half to his girlfriend Charity.......
From the link, hater dupes...you're so brainwashed you're functional MORONS. lol

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says that “so little” of the charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation “actually go to charitable works” — a figure CARLY for America later put at about 6 percent of its annual revenues — but Fiorina is simply wrong.
Fiorina and others are referring only to the amount donated by the Clinton Foundation to outside charities, ignoring the fact that most of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is performed in-house. One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.
Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.
Spent by the foundation to help people duh. It IS the charity. Lying Pubs and hater dupes as always...

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go

Lots of airfare and salaries for Clinton cronies.
Helping the poor, not so much.

Sanders is the only one that isn't owned by the super rich!!! Lets all vote for him!
Unfortunately, unelectable. Everything you know about Hillary is pure Pubcrappe.
Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says that “so little” of the charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation “actually go to charitable works” — a figure CARLY for America later put at about 6 percent of its annual revenues — but Fiorina is simply wrong.
Fiorina and others are referring only to the amount donated by the Clinton Foundation to outside charities, ignoring the fact that most of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is performed in-house. One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.
Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.
It's actually listed as giving practically nothing to charity, so it's obvious where it goes.....
IT IS THE CHARITY, you brainwashed twit.
Spent by the foundation to help people duh. It IS the charity. Lying Pubs and hater dupes as always...

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go
A better question would've been, "where does taxpayers' hard earned dollars go?"
To protect and serve the US public, unless your greedy idiot megarich lying heroes spend it on stupid wars and cheating investors....
Not exactly correct..... I'll spare you the long list showing where your hard earned tax dollars go.
Spent by the foundation to help people duh. It IS the charity. Lying Pubs and hater dupes as always...

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go
A better question would've been, "where does taxpayers' hard earned dollars go?"
To protect and serve the US public, unless your greedy idiot megarich lying heroes spend it on stupid wars and cheating investors....
Not exactly correct..... I'll spare you the long list showing where your hard earned tax dollars go.
In a dem regime, it's all to protect and serve. Just because you're ignorant about it and misinformed...
Spent by the foundation to help people duh. It IS the charity. Lying Pubs and hater dupes as always...

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go
A better question would've been, "where does taxpayers' hard earned dollars go?"
To protect and serve the US public, unless your greedy idiot megarich lying heroes spend it on stupid wars and cheating investors....
Not exactly correct..... I'll spare you the long list showing where your hard earned tax dollars go.
In a dem regime, it's all to protect and serve. Just because you're ignorant about it and misinformed...
Spent by the foundation to help people duh. It IS the charity. Lying Pubs and hater dupes as always...

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go
A better question would've been, "where does taxpayers' hard earned dollars go?"
To protect and serve the US public, unless your greedy idiot megarich lying heroes spend it on stupid wars and cheating investors....
Not exactly correct..... I'll spare you the long list showing where your hard earned tax dollars go.
In a dem regime, it's all to protect and serve. Just because you're ignorant about it and misinformed...

(1) Building mosque on foreign soil
(2) No-bid government contracts
(3) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil
(4) Senseless deadly costly wars
(5) Foreign aid
(6) The care and support of illegal immigrants
(7) Ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress
(8) Exploring the far reaches of the universe
(9) Supplying weapons to terrorists and drug lords
(10) Bribes paid to Iran and North Korea
(11) Stupid projects such as "The Fence"
(12) Bailouts of corporate America, Wall Street, and the financials
(13) Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption
(14) Excessive number of military bases on foreign soil
(15) Interest on the national debt
(16) Pork spending
(17) Subsidies to Brazilian corn crops
(18) Protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan
(19) Lavish vacations for Mrs. Obama and the girls - lavish White House parties
(20) Planes and ships the military doesn't want nor need
(21) Excessive number of government employees
(22) Military equipment and weapons to members of local law enforcement personnel

Interesting. From this link on FactCheck:
Part V Endowment Funds
Contributions by Year:
2011: Zero
2012: Zero
2013: Zero.
2014: $17,491
2015: $59,096,285

Why the huge jump in contributions? Oh yeah, it's an Election Year!

By reading their Tax Exemption Form, you can see they call "flying to locations in first class" as "In house" help.

Also, it seems to me the expenses are more than just 10%. Check it out.
To impose IMF and World Bank policy on suspecting poor countries, that can do nothing about it? And put a manufactured smile on the face of corporate welfare?

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